Monday, September 10, 2018

A Monday Update: Fall is Here!

It feels like fall is here! In central New York, we woke this morning to temperatures in the 40s and it may not hit 60 - again. What a difference a week makes...

Current reading//

The Prime Minister by Anthony Trollope is nearly 700 pages long, but I've passed the halfway mark and continue to happily turn the pages. This is the fifth book in the Palliser series and I'm hoping to read the sixth (and final) book, The Duke's Children  before the end of the year. Once again, Audrey is my intrepid #PalliserParty reading companion :)

Up next//

A little RIP fun ...
Last fall Amy, James, and I discussed a possible read-along for RIP XIII. We wanted to read Ann Radcliffe's classic Gothic novel The Mysteries of Udolpho  and follow up with Northanger Abbey, Jane Austen's spoof of the Gothic novel. RIP XIII is here and we're all still interested. The plan is to begin September 24 and finish by Halloween. You're welcome to join us!

The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe
"With The Mysteries of Udolpho, Ann Radcliffe raised the Gothic romance to a new level and inspired a long line of imitators. Portraying her heroine's inner life, creating a thick atmosphere of fear, and providing a gripping plot that continues to thrill readers today, The Mysteries of Udolpho  is the story of orphan Emily St. Aubert, who finds herself separated from the man she loves and confined within the medieval castle of her aunt's new husband, Montoni. Inside the castle, she must cope with an unwanted suitor, Montoni's threats, and the wild imaginings and terrors that threaten to overwhelm her."

Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
"Jane Austen's first novel, Northanger Abbey—published posthumously in 1818—tells the story of Catherine Morland and her dangerously sweet nature, innocence, and sometime self-delusion. Though Austen's fallible heroine is repeatedly drawn into scrapes while vacationing at Bath and during her subsequent visit to Northanger Abbey, Catherine eventually triumphs, blossoming into a discerning woman who learns truths about love, life, and the heady power of literature. The satirical Northanger Abbey pokes fun at the gothic novel while earnestly emphasizing caution to the female sex."

On the blog//
Rereading High School

In the kitchen//
Over the past couple of weeks I've tried two new desserts, two soups, and a vegetarian main course. All were hits, so look for a separate Weekend Cooking post on Friday or Saturday.

There's not too much planned this week... another dentist's appointment, fall decorating, and lots of outdoor chores. I'm also looking forward to my first pumpkin spice latte of the season!

 How was your week? What are you reading?


  1. So many classics! So that obviously puts me out of my depth - haha!

    1. Sarah - I haven't read very many classics this year. Why do I always feel like September is the time to get serious again? ;-)

  2. It's 50 here this morning but tomorrow a high of 80, so we are not out of the summer temps yet. I'm ready for fall - a long fall, I hope.

    1. Diane - It'll be nicer here by the weekend, but rain and maybe 70 tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a very long fall!

  3. It's still in the 90s during the day and 70s at night with raging humidity here with no end in sight. A 700 page book is quite a commitment.

    1. Kathy - The humidity has been unbelievable this summer! Sure hope you get some relief soon. I've always loved long books, but don't read them quite as often now.

  4. Oh your readalongs sound so good. I could use a reread of Northanger Abbey, but -- alas -- I'm usually a fail a readalongs. Looking forward to your kitchen adventures. And YES on the quick turnaround in temperatures. Despite 4 days of rain, I'm NOT complaining.

    1. Beth F - These cool temperatures are such a relief! I hope fall lasts until well into December though. Hope there will be some recipes to tempt you this weekend ;-)

  5. Replies
    1. Amy - Me, too! I have both the ebook and audio ready to go. Just need to finish Trollope ;-)

  6. When I first put on a shawl or sweater...I love the feeling! I am engrossed in Stephen King’s The Outsider...I cant put it down!

    1. Patty - I'm wearing a warm, comfy sweater today and black yoga pants. Love a cozy, rainy day in the fall!

  7. I just never seem to be drawn to reading the classics. I think I was so into them when I was younger that I more or less burned myself out on them. I admire those of you who are reading/rereading them today!

    1. Susie - And I had so many science courses in college when I really longed for literature! In many ways I still feel like I'm making up for lost time.

  8. I love the cool weather we are having!

    It sounds like you have been cooking up a storm. Now that my son is in preschool three mornings a week, I am hoping to fit a little more baking in. :)

    Have a great week!

    1. Erin - I just love this cool weather, too! It makes me feel like cooking, lol. Hope you enjoy your free mornings... I still remember how liberating it was when my girls finally got to preschool.

  9. Love the snippet of your life, from the books you're reading to the pumpkin spice you're looking forward to. Don't forget a pumpkin scone when you're there! Meant to add how lovely the photo is on top...

    1. Bellezza - Oh, yes! Thanks for reminding me about the pumpkin scones. I just love fall treats :)

  10. I'm also enjoying the taste of fall, although the forecast beyond today is a return to hot & humid conditions. Your current read--and the entire series--sounds delightful. It's one for my wish list.

    I'm currently reading After Nightfall by A.J. Banner. I really enjoyed her last book, The Twilight Wife, and this one is just as good. My next read will be The Gold Pawn, the second book in the Art Deco Mystery series by L.A. Chandlar. I recently finished The Silver Gun, the first book in the series, which is set in 1930's NYC while Fiorello LaGuardia was mayor. If you'd like, you can read my review (today's blog post) here:

    1. Catherine - The Silver Gun sounds very intriguing. I love books set in NYC... thanks for the link.

  11. Those classics all sound intriguing. I hope you enjoy them. I am still trying to hold on to summer, but fall is showing up here in Minnesota too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I'm a little nervous about Udolpho, but am excited to finally give it a try. This summer has been the most humid on record here in central New York, so I'm happy for a little fall weather. Think we'll be back to the 70s by the end of the week.

  12. It still feels like summer here, with upper 90s. I long for fall! Your classics remind me that I've been planning to read more Jane Austen. Sadly, I've only read Pride and Prejudice...about a 100 years ago! LOL

    Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - Old habits die hard, so that's probably why I always feel a pull toward classics in September. I am long overdue for a Pride and Prejudice reread... it's my favorite Austen.

  13. So much fun to be #PalliserParty-ing with you! i'm really enjoying this one.

    1. Audrey - It's getting better with every chapter, isn't it? I took a quick peak at my Trollope companion yesterday to refresh my memory on one of our old friends, but ended up with a huge spoiler. Guess that's a risk every time I open the book :(

  14. It's cooler here too but it might warm up in October for a week or two. My weekly updates

  15. Vicki - I really loved big, long family sagas when I was younger... think these 700 page Trollope novels appeal to my younger self ;-)

  16. Oh, wow, JoAnn, lots to comment on.
    First of all I would like to assure you that I believe we will be wonderfully hot again very soon. And humid! I know, though, what you mean, our house is sitting at 56 degrees indoors tonight and I guess the consensus is we will wear more clothes, thick socks, rather than turn on the heat. We're really not spartan at all, though, I can assure you. We're wimps at heat and humidity and turn off the ac the minute it hits.

    Okay--Northanger Abbey. What a treasure! I read it when I was very sick with the flu in the 1990s. I couldn't sit up even. I read it while lying down, a paperback copy, and couldn't help laughing at Austen's spoof of the gothic novels that were so in vogue then and had been for several decades. I found her poking fun so hilarious, and because of my dedication and love for the gothics, it was all the more funny. It amounted to laughing at myself and my love or my indulgence in gothics. What a wit--how I would have loved to have been Austen's friend or acquaintance!

    I have simply got to read the Anne Radcliffe gothic. Scurry, scurry.
    And I'm so happy you're continuing with Trollope. I keep noting to friends that I must simply get to him and soon!

    Do take care and enjoy the next warm-up! We're finally getting some sorely needed rain here. We have been parched all summer--quite serious. So a couple of inches are welcome.

    Take care, JoAnn!

    1. Judith - You're right about the warm-up... it's coming this weekend and the humidity is already starting to rise. I refuse to turn on the heat before October, but I am becoming more and more of a wimp. The Florida winters might be thinning my blood ;-)

      I'm 85% done with the Trollope novel now and love being back in his world! I'm hoping to read the final book in the Palliser series in December. Plan to throw myself into Nonfiction November after the RIP fun.

      Northanger Abbey is Jane at her funniest... I remember laughing out loud while reading it. So glad to finally read Mysteries of Udolpho. I'm sure it will add to my appreciation of Jane's humor!

  17. I haven't gotten my first PSL yet, but I did get a pumpkin spice donut! I like the cooler weather, but it's definitely quite a change from last week!

    1. Angela - I'm still waiting for a PSL... maybe tomorrow?

  18. Sounds like you are making good reading progress. Must be that cool weather. We are waking up to 40s too -- here in Western Canada. I got to find more long-sleeves! Lately I'm enjoying Charles Frazier's novel Varina .... have a good week!

    1. Susan - I've missed the last couple of Frasier's novels, but I like to tell the story that Cold Mountain was one of the few books that both of my in-laws loved in their 50+ year marriage!

  19. We had one fallish day yesterday and it was so nice! It's back up in the high 80s/early 90s today but it was nice while it lasted! I read Northanger Abbey years ago and wasn't a fan but I suspect it was more mood than book. Have you read Walpole's The Castle of Otranto? I had to read it in high school and I was surprised how much I enjoyed it. I think it was one of the earliest Gothic reads so it might be a fun add in if you haven't read it.

    1. Katherine - I've never read The Castle of Otranto, Maybe if I finish the other two books with time to spare, I'll be able to read it. If not, there's always next year ;-)

  20. Reading the classics! Nice! The Ann Radcliffe book is tempting.

    1. Harvee - It seems like I always want to return to classics in the fall. Back to school habits die hard, lol!

  21. Count me in on your RIP Readalong plans. I haven't read anything by Ann Radcliffe. I read Northanger Abbey years ago but would enjoy a reread of that.

    1. That's great, Monica! I've never read anything by Radcliffe either, but have been curious about Udolpho for years. I'm planning to make it a read/listen combination. We should probably come up with a hashtag to use on twitter, too. I'll let you know. So glad you're joining us!

  22. Last week, I made a great start to my R.I.P reading with the suitably spooky Cauldstane by Linda Gillard. I hope you enjoy your read-a-long of The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe.

    1. Jessica - Glad RIP is off to a strong start for you... another week until I start Udolpho. Very curious about that one.


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