Monday, January 1, 2018

First Book of the Year: 2018

Happy New Year! For the fifth year, Sheila at Book Journey is hosting the First Book of the Year event. The idea is simple - just share a photo of you and your first book. Sheila says:
Fifth year.  I LOVE First book so much.  This tradition for me goes further back than the 5 years I have opened up to the reading world here on Book Journey.  I am THRILLED to be doing it again and thank you to those who have messaged me to ask.
The answer is…
Of course we are doing it. 
Here is what First Book is.  The first book of the New Year should be:
A.  A coveted book that you have wanted to read but have just not found the time.
B.  A delicious favorite… one you have read before, but crave to read again.
C.  Really whatever you want it to – it is after all YOUR First Book Of the year.
Make it AWESOME.

This year I selected The Heart's Invisible Furies by John Boyne. Like last year, I decided to begin 2018 with the 2017 release I most regret not reading before the year ended... and even treated myself to a new hardcover edition. The book begins:
Long before we discovered that he had fathered two children by two different women, one in Drimoleague and one in Clonakilty, Father James Monroe stood on the altar of the Church of Our Lady, Star of the Sea, in the parish of Goleen, West Cork, and denounced my mother as a whore.
How's that for an opening line?!  I'm hooked already and plan to spend the rest of the day reading.

Have you chosen your First Book of the Year?


  1. This is a really neat concept. Do the books that one is in the middle of at New Year's count?

    1. Brian - This is always a lot of fun and, yes, I think whatever the first book you will finish in 2018 counts... even if you started in 2017.

  2. I haven't! But it's so nice to see you with your book!
    PS ready for Phineas R. whenever you are...let me know when you're settled in Florida.:)

    1. Audrey - Fingers crossed we'll get there on Thursday, so I'll start Phineas R on my Friday morning walk :)

  3. Happy New Year! I am in the middle of three books - two of essays, and one of short stories, switching between the three. I almost never do this, I tend to be a book monogamist :)

    1. Lisa - LOL... I prefer book monogamy, too. Happy New Year!

  4. I love the idea of making your first book a release that you wanted to read in 2017 but didn't get round to... I hope you enjoy this title; I saw it feature in a number of favourite books of the year wrap ups. Happy reading in 2018!

    1. Jade - I've done that the past two years and my first book has been a favorite both times!

  5. It sounds good! I've never read anything by John Boyne!

    1. Laurie - This is my first time reading John Boyne and hopes are high.

  6. I have chosen it...sort of! Yours looks yummy! Have a lovely day of reading!

  7. That's a great idea to read the book you didn't get to read last year. I hope you love it!

  8. oooh .. Sounds like a good one. We have a Star of the Sea church nearby. Happy New Year and enjoy your first book of 2018!

    1. Thank you, Pat. Hope yours is a winner, too :)

  9. Love the photo! I've heard that book is great. Happy New Year!

    1. Kathy - It's been on a lot of favorites lists, so I'm pretty excited to get started.

  10. Great picture, JoAnn! That's some quote from the beginning of the book! Ha! Enjoy!

    1. Kay - Thank you. I laughed at the first line, too... had to share it!

  11. There are so many books I regret not yet reading. I hope this one meets your expectations!

    1. Laura - It's off to a very strong start and my expectations are high.

  12. That is a great opening. So much so that I put it on my BOLO list. Happy New Year.

    1. Nise' - It certainly gets your attention, doesn't it ;-) Happy New Year!

  13. How funny - I almost selected that book, too. We could have kicked off the year with an accidental readalong. But the book I'm reading FIRST was put in my hands and I knew it would be a good one. We'll find SOMETHING to read together this year.

    1. Care - Wouldn't that have been funny! I know we'll find something to read this year :) Happy 2018!

  14. I love John Boyne and read The Heart's Invisible Furies last year. I hope you enjoy it! My own first book of 2018 is one that I had already started before New Year.

    1. Helen - This is my first time reading John Boyne, but I love him already!

  15. I hope you love it so much, JoAnn; one of my favorites of 2017!! Enjoy!

    1. Tara - I'm thinking this is sure to be a winner. It's off to a strong start!

  16. Happy New Year, JoAnn! What a cute picture. Thank you for sharing your first book of the year. I haven't read anything by John Boyne but I do have a couple of his books on my shelf. I also started a new book today. Love it so far.

    1. Iliana - I've got one of Boyne's other books on my shelf, but this is my first time reading him. So far, so good. Happy New Year to you, too!

  17. Vicki - It's great so far. Fingers crossed it continues...

  18. Oh man - you're in for a treat!! I wish I could go back in time and read it for the first time again.

    1. Sarah - It's off to such a good start... have a feeling I'm going to love it!

  19. This book is offered by The Book of the Month Club for January; it also won their best for 2017. I am glad you are enjoying it and making up for what you feel you missed. It's always good when you can fulfill a "need".

    1. Bellezza - Several of my trusted bloggers have loved this book, so my hopes are high. The first couple of chapters are wonderful!

  20. That is quite an eye catching opening line! I want to know so much more now! I hadn't heard of this one before today but it's going on my TBR. Happy New Year!

    1. Katherine - Hard to resist a book that starts like that! Happy 2018 to you and your family :)

  21. That’s a great book to start the new year off with; enjoy

  22. Wow. What a first line.

  23. Nice! That looks like a great book to cozy up to!

  24. Wow - that IS an amazing opening line! This has been on so many "Best of 2017" lists. I'll be interested in your thoughts on it.

    1. Debbie - I've seen it on several "Best of" lists, too, and am starting to understand why.

  25. Holy Moses, I love that opening! I think I'd better make that my second book of the year!

  26. Cute picture, JoAnn! I haven't read this book, but it's on my list of recommendations for my new book group, so hopefully they'll agree to read it. If not, I still plan to.

    My first book of 2018 is Morningstar: Growing Up with Books by Ann Hood. It's wonderful!

    1. Thanks, Les. I'm not familiar with Morningstar: Growing Up with Books, but just looked it up and it sounds excellent!

  27. It seems a great novel to start with -- it was so highly touted last year by various bloggers. I like the first sentence too. I hope to check it out as well in 2018. cheers.

    1. Susan - I didn't make much progress while we are on the road last week, but will be back at it later today.


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