Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sanibel Sunday: 12/10/17

Good morning from chilly Sanibel, Florida! I had to turn the heat on this morning, but expect no sympathy from family and friends up north. It's been gloriously warm all week and these cooler temps will allow for longer walks and bike rides... and maybe even a little holiday baking.

Finished this week//

A little rain yesterday morning was my excuse to stay indoors and finish this amazing book. A 5-star reading experience and one of my favorite books of 2017, book clubs will have a field day with this novel. I'll be buying a copy or two for gift-giving this season.

Persuasion by Jane Austen

My second Jane Austen novel of the year and my first reread of Persuasion  in nearly 20 years - Jane only improves with age! Juliet Stevenson's narration, as always, was a treat for my ears. I'd forgotten how much I love this novel, and am thankful James' Jane Austen Read All-Along nudged me to pick it up again. It was a joy to come across some old favorite lines, though a "mature" heroine of twenty-eight seems ridiculously young to me these days ;-)

You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope...I have loved none but you.

Men have had every advantage of us in telling their own story... the pen has been in their hands.

Current reading//

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

I've been contemplating a "Rereading High School" project for several years. I'm sure I missed the point of, and certainly did not fully appreciate, many of the books assigned back then. Last night I started reading a sample of this book and was pulled in right away. Looks like project begins now...

Listening to//

by Erik Larson, narrated by Richard Davidson
I started this a day or two ago and am not fully invested yet, but I've enjoyed other Erik Larson books and am interested in weather. It should be a winner.

The week ahead//

I'll finish my Christmas shopping this week, we'll attend a neighborhood holiday gathering, then my BIL and his family fly in on Thursday. We'll overlap a few days before heading back up north for Christmas. It's going to be hard to face the snow and cold again...

How was your week? What are you reading?

This post will link to It's Monday, What Are You Reading? hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. It's downright cold here this morning and I don't like it.

    I loved Little Fires Everywhere until the ending. I listened to it and think I need to go back and read the ending in print.

    1. Kathy - The ending wasn't completely satisfying in print either, but I still loved the book. Hope it's a little warmer there today :)

  2. I loved Little Fires so much! What an interesting thought...rereading high school books...I wish I could reread anything...I always think I need to move ahead! Just a short romp to Florida? Drive safely!

    1. Patty - It's definitely one of the best books I read this year, and I can see why it won the goodreads award. I've been curious about quite a few high school books over the last several years... stared when I reread The Old Man and the Sea. Hated it in high school, couldn't believe it was the same book because I loved it this time!

  3. I loved Little Fires Everywhere...and gave it five stars. It didn't make my favorites list the month I read it...knocked out by Then She Was Gone. Sigh.

    Enjoy your reading, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - If Then She Was Gone beat out Little Fires on your monthly round-up, then I need to check that one out! I can't stop thinking about Ng's book. Hope you have a great week!

  4. I loved Isaac's Storm - it's kind of scary how quickly it all happens!

    1. Angela - I finally feel like I'm settling in to Isaac's Storm.... and it is pretty scary!

  5. I've been wanting to get back to some of the books I read in high school. It would be fun to see them with new eyes. I keep hearing all the good things about Little Fires Everywhere. Looks like I need to add that to the top of my list for next year!

    1. Heather - The first 'high school' book I reread was The Old Man and the Sea. Hated it way back when and could hardly believe it was the same book. It will be interesting to see how it goes with some others.

  6. Sanibel looks pretty good after the snow we got this week! Enjoy... :)

    Nice to see that Little Fires Everywhere was good, I've seen several good reviews for it now.

    1. Greg - People down here are complaining about the cold. It is pretty chilly, but the cold is relative. I'll be back in the great white north soon enough! Have a good week!

  7. You are reading or have read some great books. Persuasion is truly a masterpiece. I have only read it once but it is the kind of book that lends itself to rereading.

    I really would like to read Issac's Storm. I saw a documentary on the destruction of Galveston. It was a terrible tragedy but seems to be a fascinating history.

    1. Brian - Persuasion is excellent and probably a better book than P&P, but the latter is my first Jane Austen novel and will always be my favorite. I've finally settled into Isaac's Storm... an interesting, though scary, story.

  8. Neat you've made it to Sanibel. Such a beautiful spot! I'm reminded we have similar tastes in books by the ones you pick. (you read more classics but otherwise we do...) I'm listening now to Celeste Ng's novel -- only at the beginning but I'm liking the storytelling. Glad you liked it! It's warmer in Canada than Florida, how strange. 55 degrees here today. hmm.

    1. Susan - I almost listened to Little Fires Everywhere... Cassandra Campbell is a favorite narrator and Ng's previous novel was wonderful on audio. Hope you are enjoying it. I'm going to purchase a copy for my daughter for Christmas. She's certain to love it, too. Cannot believe it is warmer in Canada than here in the Sunshine State - crazy weather!!

  9. Oh, I'm so glad you enjoyed Little Fires Everywhere; I absolutely loved it! Safe travels to you at the end of the week and I hope you're having so much fun!

    1. Tara - I can't stop thinking about Little Fires Everywhere... such an amazing story! Ng's earlier novel was also a favorite a couple of years ago. She's definitely an author to watch!

  10. I really like that read high school project. If you continue, I'll be following your thoughts.

    1. Beth F - Can't help but wonder how much I missed in all of those books. Might turn to 1984 next...

  11. I love the idea of rereading high school (or even college). I know a lot of the meaning from books just flew right by me back then!

    Glad you liked Little Fires. It's one of my favorites this year, too.

    1. Susie - One book I won't be rereading is Catcher in the Rye... not sure I could face it as an adult, lol! Little Fires Everywhere was just amazing. My book club won't read it until it's available in paperback, but I'm sure many of them won't want to wait that long to read it on their own.

  12. Vicki - I'm pretty sure I purchased the kindle edition of Flowers for Algernon shortly after your review. They had it as a daily deal. Wow, an 8 year old requesting Isaac's Storm?! He must be one smart kid - going on 18, indeed!!

  13. I'm hearing lots of good feedback on Little Fires Everywhere, but with more than 100 on the library waitlist, it will be a while before I get to it. In the meantime, I always have a little stack in waiting. Will post soon on what I'm currently reading. Another new writer I've never read before.

    When my daughter was very young, we spent some time at Sanibel in January, hoping for some warm winter weather. But a bitter cold wind was blowing out of the northwest across the water. Shelling was not fun. But I know you have another warm winter to look forward to at Sanibel (as least much warmer than CNY), and I, for one, am looking forward to seeing Zelda strolling on the beach.

    1. JudyMac - Sometimes new writers you've never read are the best discoveries of the year! Can't wait to hear what's in your short stack :)

      One of the first times we were in Sanibel (early Feb,early 90s), there was record cold - even colder than now - and I ended up having to buy heavier clothes for our very little girls. Zelda is staying with friends now, but will be very excited to see the beach next month. It's strange to be here without her...

  14. So glad to hear you're safely back on Sanibel. I so enjoy your posts about the lovely weather there, while we're deep in winter (well, not yet, but it's coming). ;-)

    I just finished Little Fires Everywhere yesterday. An amazing book!

    1. Debbie - It's so good to be back... I almost hate to travel north again for the holidays. Christmas has a whole different vibe down here. There's nothing quite like seeing a lighted Christmas tree on the beach!

      Glad you enjoyed Little Fires Everywhere, too. I'll be recommending it to everyone for a very long time... such a great book.

  15. Flowers for Algernon was a great book. I liked the movie too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I'll be sure to watch the movie, too!

  16. I have enjoyed a day off today because of the heavy snow we've had here in my part of the UK!! As for reading, I have just finished reading a non-fiction about Cleopatra by Ernle Bradford. Now I am looking forward to starting Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by Nabeel Qureshi and my re-read of The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman.

    1. Jessica - I've seen photos of all that snow... glad it gave you the chance to stay in and read! Hope you're having a good week.

  17. Replies
    1. Pussreboots - This was the first time I've completely listened to a JA novel. When I read Emma a couple of years ago it was a read/listen combination, but I really enjoyed listening to all of Persuasion.

  18. I envy you your warmth! I'm freezing! Our temps seem to stay in the 50s and I'm not liking them even though I know people are putting up with much colder temps! I've never read Persuasion though I want to. I'm trying to broaden my Austen reading. I got a full cast audio of Northanger Abby and am really excited. I've read the book and didn't love it but I have a feeling it'll be way better in the audio route. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - I couldn't believe the snow photos you posted!!Jane Austen is wonderful on audio and I'll be the full cast version of Northanger Abbey is a good one. I think that's Jane's funniest novel.

  19. Little Fires does sound a treat. Enjoy your weather. Everyone else is complaining.

    1. Mystica - Litte Fires Everywhere is amazing. Hope you get a chance to enjoy it, too.

  20. Oh, I miss Sanibel Island. We were there this summer. I could sit on those beaches forever.

    1. Michelle - I'm starting to regret our decision to head north for the holidays...

  21. What a beautiful photo! So many rave reviews of Little Fires. I need to get it. And, oh Persuasion is fabulous isn't it?

    1. Iliana - Persuasion improves with every reread... such a wonderful book!

  22. Oooo -- I loved Little Fires Everywhere, too! I didn't want it to end.

    1. Unruly Reader - Those characters were the best!! I would happily read another novel about them:)

  23. I've heard such good things about Little Fires Everywhere--that'll probably be a Jan book for me. Yes, Persuasion is such a satisfying book--and Juliet Stevenson is an excellent narrator. I have been rereading high school books myself lately--finding I like them so much better as an adult than I did as a teen. I am a fan of Erik Larson books, but I found Isaac's Storm to be the weakest. I also listened to it.

    Enjoy the warm FL sun while you can, safe travles, and Merry Christmas!

    1. JaneGS - I'm about 40% into Isaac's Storm and finding it a little slow. Some sections are so interesting, then it gets dull for a while...

      I reread The Old Man and the Sea a couple of years ago and couldn't believe it was even the same book I read in high school. Flowers for Algernon was enjoyable way back then and it's still a good read today.

      We'll be leaving the warmth and sunshine this weekend... starting to have second thoughts about that decision! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  24. I agree. Little Fires was a nearly perfect read.

    1. Ti - Ng is now an auto-buy author for me. I've loved both her books!

  25. Glad you loved Little Fires Everywhere. We are getting chilly weather here in VA. It is invigorating - no snow yet though. Have a merry Christmas JoAnn and Happy New Year!

    1. Pat - Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  26. I wasn't a huge fan of Everything I Never Told You, but I'll give Ng's new release a try since you loved it so. And I've never read Persuasion and will have to give it a try on audio. Sounds like a winner! I like your idea for Rereading High School books and remember that I really liked Flowers for Algernon. I'd have The Grapes of Wrath and A Tale of Two Cities on my list!

    My shopping is finished. All packages and cards have been mailed. Now I'm enjoying some time in the kitchen, baking our favorites. I have music playing and spend time working on puzzles while the treats are in the oven. Such a more relaxed Christmas season than in years past!

    Hoping to stay healthy! Hubby and mom are both sick with terrible colds. :(

    1. Les - Maybe Ng isn't an author for you... Everything I Never Told You was a favorite the year I read it, too. Finished my reread of Flowers for Alagernon and loved it. Don't remember it being such an emotional read though. My shopping's finally finished and today is wrapping day. Merry Christmas!

  27. Trying the OpenID comment option... I am so hesitant to try Little Fires Everywhere. I've got enough must-reads in line that I probably won't regret it. I just did not like her other book. I do like her on Twitter, though.

    1. Care - If you didn't like Ng's other book, maybe you can take your time with this one. I loved Everything I Never Told You and it was a favorite the year I read it, too. So glad the OpenID comment option worked for you! Merry Christmas :)


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