Monday, October 3, 2016

And the Number is...

The Classics Club Spin landed on number one, so I will read Agnes Grey by Ann Bronte. I loved The Tenant of Wildfell Hall  when I read it a few years ago, so am happy with this outcome. I'll get started right after I finish Amsterdam... and Commonwealth. It's a good thing I have until December first!

Which book did the spin select for you?


  1. West With the Night and I'm third in line for it at the library (student project perhaps?) I could be first in line for Circling the Sun but I think I want Beryl's version first.

    1. Care - I wish I'd read West With the Night First, so definitely wait. Does your library offer Hoopla? It's kind of like overdrive, but never a wait... that's how I got a copy of WWtN.

  2. I just joined and I get to read Dr. Zhivago! Yay (I think).

    1. Debbie - Good luck! I think I prefer the movie ;-)

  3. I loved "Agnes Grey." My spin is "The Late George Apley" by John Marquand. It won the Pulitzer Prize in 1938 and is a satire on Boston's upper class. It fits nicely into my project of reading Pulitzer Prize winners.

    1. sunt_lacrimae_rereum - So glad to know you loved Ages Grey! The Late George Apley sounds fascinating, too, though I've never heard of it. Hope you enjoy it.

  4. Glad you're happy with your pick! I've never read Agnes Grey so will be keen to hear what you think of it. I got Passing by Nella Larsen, which sounds great... and is beautifully short!

    1. FictionFan - I'm interested in Passing, too. And, yes, short is a big plus ... especially this time of year!

  5. Can't wait to hear what you think of Agnes Gray; it's one I haven't read yet but hope to someday.

    1. Lark - I remember wanting to start it immediately after finishing Tenant. The time has finally come!

  6. Good luck! I love the way the Classics Club Spin works. I'd love to use this idea for other reads that I keep procrastinating.

    1. I didn't quite mean Good luck, but more Have fun! LOL! That's what happens when something comes up while you are trying to comment.

    2. Athira - LOL! I'm sure you have a little something coming up constantly while you try to comment ;-)

  7. Nice pick! I remember liking Agnes Grey and that it's a quick read. I got "A Dance to the Music of Time (First Movement)." It's long but I'm really looking forward to it. Happy reading!

    1. Karen K. - Can't wait to hear what you think of Dance! You're not a big fan of audio if I remember corrected, but I've had several recommendations for Simon Vance's narration. Will probably make it a read/listen combination when I finally begin.

  8. Glad you enjoyed the pick. (I have Commonwealth and hope to start it soon.)

    1. Pat - My current book is short, so I should be able to start Commonwealth over the weekend. Can't wait!

  9. Thanks, Vicki. It looks like I have some great reads coming up. Hope you join in next time :)

  10. Sadly, I haven't been able to take part this time as I have just been too busy to even make a list. I hope you enjoy Agnes Grey and I look forward to your thoughts on it, as it is also on my list.

  11. I definitely want to read this one--not a big fan of Wildfell Hall (too repetitive) so I want to see what else Anne could do :)

  12. I have come upon your blog (a bit by accident), and I am fascinated with the reading concept you and your followers have embraced. I will follow with interest your future postings and reviews. As for myself, although I am tempted to participate in such a reading concept, I am committed to something else for the foreseeable future. Here is the link:
    Perhaps you and others have an interest in Flannery O'Connor, and I invite you to visit and comment often.
    All the best from the Gulf coast . . .

    1. Hello, Tim! I've been away from the blog for a bit, so just responding to your comment. I enjoy classics, nonfiction, and literary fiction... the element of chance adds occasional excitement to my classics selections. Flannery O'Connor is an author whose work I'm interested in exploring further. Thanks for the link to your blog.

  13. Anne Bronte it is then! How are Commonwealth and Amsterdam going? Have a good week.

    1. Susan - Yes, on to Anne Bronte! I will finish Amsterdam today (under 30 pages left) and begin Commonwealth. I even managed a blog post this morning, lol!

  14. I have a copy of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall on the shelf for years. Still haven't started. Glad to hear that you like it. There are just too many books and too little time. Esp. with so many movie adaptations coming out. ;)

    1. Arti - I was very impressed with The Tenant of Wildfell Hall when I read it a few years ago... made me wonder why Anne is sometimes considered the lesser Bronte. Hope to start Agnes Grey in a day or two... and yes, all those movie adaptations!! ;-)


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