Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Death With An Ocean View by Noreen Wald

Death With An Ocean View
(A Kate Kennedy Mystery Book 1)
by Noreen Wald
Henery Press, 2016
224 pages

source: ebook from publisher via NetGalley

Publisher's summary:

Nestled between fast track Ft. Lauderdale and nouveau riche Boca Raton, the once sleepy beach town of Palmetto is plagued by progress. The latest news has Ocean Vista condo board president Stella Sajak and other residents in an uproar. Developers plan to raze the property and put up a glitzy resort. But when Stella says she’ll go to City Hall and fight this to the death, no one thinks to take her statement literally.

And when Kate begins to investigate the murder, she discovers that this little corner of the sunshine state is cursed with corruption, unsavory characters, and a very dark cloud overhead.

My thoughts:

It's always a treat when a book's setting coincides with my current location, and reading Death with an Ocean View while in Florida certainly added to my enjoyment. Perfect for a sunny afternoon at the beach, this novel provided plenty of entertainment, zero mental strain (unlike the Henry James novel I am reading), and an intriguing murder mystery... which I never did manage to figure out.

Our sleuth, Kate Kennedy, is a likable widow whose late husband was a NYC homicide detective. Her Westie, Ballou, adds quite a bit of cozy to this cozy mystery. The cast is rounded out by the colorful residents of Ocean Vista condominiums, a possibly unethical real estate developer, plus a few questionable characters lurking around City Hall.

I would happily read Kate's next adventure when the cozy mood strikes again. You can sample the first paragraph in my Tuesday Intro post here.

Today, Henery Press is reissuing the first book in the Kate Kennedy series with a gorgeous new cover and the author's alternate pen name. (Nora Charles is the author of the original 2004 edition.)

Recommended for cozy mystery fans, or anyone in need of a dose of Florida sunshine.

My rating:


  1. I haven't read this author yet but it does sound fun and I love a good cozy! What fun that the setting of the book matched up to the setting you were reading in!

    1. Katherine - I'm still not a very good judge of cozies, but definitely enjoyed this one a lot more based on its setting!

  2. It's so much fun when you can relate to the setting of the book. This one sounds good!

    1. Kathy - It was a lot of fun... and real estate development is still a hot topic around here.

  3. Both of those things (cozy and sunshine) sound very appealing! I feel the same way about books set in Boston (and about Henry...)

    1. Audrey - I still love Henry, but am afraid he's just too much work for southwest Florida ;-)

  4. I'd read it for when the mood strikes. I picked up The Deep End based on your recommendation, and plan on reading it maybe next week. I know cozies aren't your typical fare so when I see one you enjoy, I jot the name down :)

    1. Rita - When the cosy mood strikes, I just know you'll love The Deep End. I don't read many, but that is an especially good series IMO. I hear the third one will be released in May... can't wait!

  5. Sounds fun and I could use a dose of Florida sunshine. Although it's in the 70's here today- yay. Uh low 70's but still... :)

    1. Greg - It was a lot of fun! Not quite up to The County Club Murders, but still worthwhile.

  6. OK, JoAnn, I have another cozy series set in Florida for you. It's not new, but I read several of the books a few years ago. Rita Lakin's Gladdy Gold series - which begins with GETTING OLD IS MURDER. Gladdy and her friends at the retirement apartments are really funny. Set in Ft. Lauderdale. You might try it.

    1. Kay - Thank you... that sounds like fun! I've just added it to my list and will give it a try - right after Julie Mulhern's next Country Club Murder :)

  7. JoAnn,
    Isn't it powerful--knowing intimately the setting of any novel? I totally resonate with you on that score. Glad you're enjoying your winter!

    1. Judith - I don't miss the snow and cold of upstate New York at all! The sunny Florida setting of this novel exactly what I feel like reading at the moment. Glad to hear about your recent reading weekend... hope spring is coming to upstate NY!

  8. I could definitely use a dose of Florida sunshine! Thanks for the review. :)

    1. Lark - That dose of sunshine sure made me feel better!

  9. We've been lucky to have a lot of Nebraska sunshine this week, so I'm not in need of any from Florida. :) I actually got out on the bike trail THREE times so far this week. Hello, spring!

    I'm not a big fan of cozies, but I sure do love that cover art. It makes me a little homesick for my favorite beach in San Diego...

    1. Les - Sounds like spring has finally come to Nebraska! Pretty soon it will be too hot here for me to want to ride the bike, lol. I have to say that the cover art increased my enjoyment of this book!

  10. I love reading books that match my locale whenever possible especially the beach. Hilderbrand's Nantucket books when visiting there.

    1. Diane - Matching books with locale is always a treat... I's love to do that with Nantucket!

  11. I love reading relaxing mysteries like this one. Probably perfect for where you are right now!

    1. Patty - Definitely the right book at the right time for me :)

  12. Oh that sounds wonderfully cozy! I rarely read mysteries set in the US, I think I need to change that. Also the dog on the cover is so cute :)

    1. Bina - Isn't that cover adorable?! The beach location really appealed to me. I also enjoy cozies set in the English countryside.

  13. I enjoy reading books about places I am visiting or thinking of visiting or have visited--great sense of place! This sounds like a fun read, and sometimes an easy read is so relaxing!

    1. JaneGS - This easy read was essential to combat the effects of Henry James ;-)

  14. Even though I don't read cozy mysteries, I would read this just for the cover. I love it!

    1. Athira - I have to admit it was the cover that initially drew me to this book. I love it, too!

  15. This does sound like a good one. I don't read a lot of cozies anymore but every once in a while they are just the perfect read aren't they?

    1. Iliana - There are times when nothing but a cozy mystery will do :)

  16. Vicki - Sometimes there's nothing better than a cozy mystery :)

  17. Sometimes zero mental strain is just the thing, isn't it?!

    1. Lisa - It sure is! I just finished Missoula by Jon Krakauer and feel like I NEED another cozy to recover.

  18. I haven't read this author but I love cozy mysteries once in a while. I'll have to hero this one in mind. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. Darlene - Every now and then, there is nothing like a good cozy mystery. I'll be looking for the next book in this series.


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