Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday Intro: Death With an Ocean View

"Charlie, what the hell am I doing in paradise?" Kate glanced up at a cotton ball cloud bouncing along in a cornflower blue sky, not expecting an answer. Charlie Kennedy, her husband, had dropped dead six months ago, still clutching the pen he'd used to close on their beachfront condo. 
Ballou tugged on his leash. Knowing the Westie missed Charlie, too, she picked up speed, splashing surf over her bare feet and sending sand flying. 
Another perfect day in South Florida. A cliche Kate considered pure propaganda, perpetuated by snow birds and retirees who'd left behind change of seasons, grandchildren, and decent public transportation, and now felt obliged to rave about the weather on a daily basis.
Death With an Ocean View
A Kate Kennedy Mystery, #1
by Noreen Wald

Although not clearly noted on the NetGalley page, this book appears to be an upcoming (March 8) reissue of the 2004 book by Nora Charles, another pen name used by the author. After my long haul with City on Fire and my current Henry James reading, this cozy mystery is a welcome change of pace... especially in the evenings when my brain is too tired for Henry's prose. The south Florida setting and pretty cover are very appealing, too.

NetGalley description:
Nestled between fast track Ft. Lauderdale and nouveau riche Boca Raton, the once sleepy beach town of Palmetto is plagued by progress. The latest news has Ocean Vista condo board president Stella Sajak and other residents in an uproar. Developers plan to raze the property and put up a glitzy resort. But when Stella says she’ll go to City Hall and fight this to the death, no one thinks to take her statement literally. 
And when Kate begins to investigate the murder, she discovers that this little corner of the sunshine state is cursed with corruption, unsavory characters, and a very dark cloud overhead.
What do you think? Would you keep reading?

Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.


  1. I think this one sounds fun. And perfect for you to read as you bask down in Florida. I love these covers.

    1. Kay - I thought it would be a good choice while I'm here, too! Looking forward to starting.

  2. This sounds like it could be fun and, definitely the type of book I'd pick for a warm weather vacation LOL

  3. This sounds like a fun read. This one tempted me on NetGalley so I'll be curious to know what you think of the book. I like the sound of the intro!

    1. Katherine - Those first few paragraphs made me laugh. I have high hopes for this one.

  4. I love cozy mysteries! I hope you enjoy! Thanks for stopping by :)


    1. Colletta - It should be a nice change of pace.

  5. I definitely enjoyed the splashing walk along the beach. Here's Mine

  6. Cozies are definitely a nice change of pace, and I "cleansed my palate" on a couple of them last month. Now I need more!

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - After City on Fire and alongside Henry James, a palate cleanser is definitely in order ;-)

  7. Given the recent weather here, being at the beach isn't such a bad idea. :-) This sounds like a fun read. I definitely want to know more.

    1. Literary Feline - LOL! Hope your weather improves and also hope this is as much fun as I'm anticipating.

  8. I've been kind of anti-mystery lately as I got burned by a few recently, so I'd skip this one.

  9. I like the opening line of the third paragraph. It made me think of you and hope you too are having a perfect day in Florida - minus any murders, other than in books.

    1. Margot - It was a little chilly again today, but just perfect for a long bike ride... and no murders that I'm aware of ;-)

  10. Yes, ideally I would want to read this while sitting in a deckchair somewhere warm like South Florida not at home in cold and windy Britain! Quite a change from James, who requires close attention.

    1. Share my Garden - I have a deck chair handy and am poised to begin this evening!

  11. I love that cover and the description! Certainly very cozy sounding!

    1. Athira - The cover is what initially attracted my eye.

  12. Glad you're enjoying the change of pace and I can see why from the opener - thanks for sharing

    1. Cleo - I can't read James in large doses, so this is perfect!

  13. So the character isn't enamored with perpetual sunshine. Sounds like someone I'd like.

  14. This looks like a winner. I like the strong writing in this intro, so I'd keep reading!

  15. I lived in South Florida for many years so this book automatically appeals to me. I like the way the author established the setting and gave a little information about the main character in the first sentences. I'd keep reading to find out more.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog today.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

    1. Sandy - She has done all of those things... and made me want to keep reading. Hope the rest is as good.

  16. Looks like a great beach read.

  17. Vicki -It's fun reading a book set where I am right now! Isn't the cover great?

  18. I think I would keep reading. The setting appeals and I love the cover too. Looks fun!

    1. Greg - The first few chapters are pretty good. We'll see how the rest of it goes.

  19. That cover art (minus all the text) would make a great poster! The book sounds like fun, but I'm not big on cozies. Hope you enjoy it!

    1. Les - Funny how cozies are appealing to me lately... they never used to be my thing either.

  20. Ha! I like the last line. And yes, I'd keep reading. Looks like a fun cozy.

    1. Beth F - That last line made me laugh, too. It's pretty good so far.

  21. I would definitely keep reading!

  22. Sounds like the start of another solid cozy series. Glad you enjoyed it.


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