Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Mount Rushmore

I'll be sharing photos from our Great Western Adventure for the next few weeks.
If you follow me on Instagram,you may have seen some of them already.


  1. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

  2. Great photo! I'm hoping to get out there myself one day!

  3. I know it's kind of a "tourist" place but it's still amazing and the facility is so nice.

  4. As a Canadian, I can only look from afar, so I do look forward to your pics on your blog. This Sept./Oct. I'll be making my dream trip out to the Eastern U.S. New England area. ;)

  5. Thanks everyone. Seeing Mount Rushmore has been on my bucket list for ages, but the funny thing is that seeing it was not the highlight of the trip. Fun to see, but pales beside the natural beauty of Custer State Park, The Needles Highway, and The Badlands.

  6. I felt the same way as you, JoAnn! Custer State Park is amazing! Hope you got to see the herd of buffalo. Last time we were out in the Blackhills the pine beetle had des amazed the pines. Creepy all those dead, charred looking trees! Looking forward to your photos.

    1. Peggy Ann - We did!! Actually had to stop and wait for one in the road for 5 minutes or so.. very exciting. I loved the Black Hills :)

  7. Nice photos! This sounds like a wonderful trip!

  8. Vicki - Mount Rushmore was the reason for the trip and it was amazing, but that area was so much more than we were expecting! I already want to go back.

  9. Amazing photos, so happy you posted them here.

  10. We also just returned from the West, though we didn't make it as Far East as Mt. Rushmore. Great shot.


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