Sunday, October 30, 2016

Weekly Update: Eight Years!

Good morning, friends, and Happy Halloween. I was up extra early this morning letting the dogs out (we're still "grey-b-sitting" Angus and he's not quite as patient as Zelda) when it occurred to me that I'd missed an anniversary. Sometime during all of our travel, fall activities, and dog-sitting, Lakeside Musing turned eight! It's hard to believe that this blog, started on a whim, has become such a long-standing and enjoyable part of my life. In addition to the books, I especially value the friendships forged over the years and the opportunities I've had to meet several of you. Thank you so much for reading with me, and I look forward to many more years of bookish fun!

Finished this week//

The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
This audio reread was just the creepy pre-Halloween listening I was craving. It's still far from my favorite Henry James novel, but Simon Vance and Vanessa Benjamin's narration made listening a more enjoyable experience than reading. It all seemed slightly more sinister on audio.

Current reading//

The Emperor's Children by Claire Messud
After avoiding this book for years because of mixed reviews, an upcoming author talk prompted me to finally start reading. I'm approaching 60% now and loving it! The 2006 novel about a group of 30-ish friends in New York City just before 9/11 (which I assume will figure into the story soon) is reminding me of The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer, a favorite from 2013.

On the blog//

This or That Book Tag
Book Review: Amsterdam  by Ian McEwan
My Current Read: The Emperor's Children  by Claire Messud

Nonfiction November//

Yes, it's happening!! More details can be found here. I love this annual event, and it will definitely influence my reading choices next month.

Will your November reading include nonfiction?

This post will link to It's Monday, What Are You Reading? hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Congratulations on the birthday, but I think it's us who've gotten the present! )

  2. Happy blogoversary! I've had eight years in, too, but because my original blog has been merged into some of my other six sites...well, it didn't seem appropriate. But I have loved every minute of blogging (except the first year, I guess, before I really connected with other bloggers).

    I am curious about The Emperor's Children...I enjoyed the author's book The Woman Upstairs. So...I'll be watching for your review. It sounds promising, though.


    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I continue to be amazed at your ability to keep so many blogs! Years ago I tried a second food/cooking blog and it was too much, but can't imagine not blogging at all.

      Unless something changes drastically in the last 40%, The Emperor's Children could turn out to be a favorite this year... just love the writing!

  3. Congratulations on eight wonderful years!!

  4. Congratulations on eight years!

    It is an accomplishment to keep a Blog up that long.

    Your site is also excellent. You have a great writing style and your choice of books and topics is super.

    To the next eight years!

    1. Thank you so much, Brian. I appreciate that.

  5. Happy 8th Year! Glad the book is turning out to be a good read for you.

    1. Nise' - Hard to believe it's been that long. Thank you.

  6. Happy 8th anniversary! That's fantastic!

    And you've got me curious about Emperor's Children - sounds right up my alley - especially the Interestings comparison

    1. Sarah - I've actually been thinking of you as I read The Emperor's Children. We'll see what happens with the last 40%, but so far it's a winner.

  7. So happy you are in my blogging world!!!! I love what Audrey wrote. My words, too.

    1. Aww, thank you, Nan. That is so sweet. Your blog was one of the first few I started reading, and a motivating force to start my own... I wanted to join the conversation!

  8. Thank you, Vicki. I hoping to be blogging for years to come!

  9. Agree they have been wonderful years for your followers! Congratulations!

  10. Happy 8th birthday to Lakeside Musings! Sounds like you've been busy with the Grey-sitting! Did I ever tell you we had a retired racer for awhile? She was such a sweetie and watching her run was amazing though it was a bit like having a deer take up residence in the house with the way she moved. Turn of the Screw is on my TBR. I think audio sounds like the way to go!

    1. Katherine - No, I didn't know that! They are the sweetest dogs... wish I'd started with this breed years ago. Back when we first got Zelda, I pulled in the driveway, saw a deer near the house, and thought it was her - coloring and movements. Audio is the way to go with Turn of the Screw, but I wouldn't be in much of a hurry. There are so many other creepy season reads out there... and this was just okay..

  11. A big happy birthday, JoAnn, to your wonderful blog! I'm so happy you started it and so happy you are still blogging faithfully here.

    1. Thanks, Deb. This seemed like a natural progression from the online book clubs :)

  12. Congrats on 8 years-- that's amazing and well done! I've read your blog for about the last 3 of those years and enjoy your posts, bookish or not.

    The Emperor's Children looks like a good read to me, and glad to hear you are enjoying it.

    1. Thank you, Rita. I'm glad to have discovered your blog, too :)

  13. Happy 8 years!!! Good for you- and here's to many more. Have a wonderful week JoAnn!!

  14. I can hardly believe we've been at this for 8 years. But we 2008-ers are a great, great bunch. So glad I've gotten to meet you here and in real life.

    1. Beth F - The class of 2008 is pretty great! Hope our paths cross again :)

  15. Happy Blogiversary, dear friend. I have so enjoyed all of your wonderful book recommendations, recipes, beautiful photographs (especially of Sanibel!) and general chit-chat. I hope we get a chance to meet f2f someday. Here's to many more years of blogging!

    1. Les - Finally meeting f2f would be the best - maybe in Sanibel?! Your blog was one of the first I discovered and still a favorite after all these years. In fact, it was one of the reasons I started blogging...I wanted to join in the conversation!

  16. Congratulations, JoAnn! I wasn't fortunate enough to have discovered your blog soon enough to have followed for eight years, but I have loved it since I did find it. :-)

    I would never have guessed the subject of The Emperor's Children from the title, and I guess I've missed the reviews - or maybe skipped them because of the title.

    I'm hoping to join in Nonfiction November this month. See you there?

    1. Debbie - Thank you... and yes, you'll definitely see me at Nonfiction November. Putting the finishing touches on my first post tonight :)

  17. Eight years! That's amazing to me. Congratulations! I loved The Emperor's Children. Great choice!

    1. Susie - I never expected to be at it this long... something just clicked! The Emperor's Children is just amazing so far. Quite sure it will end up being one of my favorites this year.

  18. Happy Blogversary, how exciting to be celebrating 8 years.

  19. Happy anniversary, and congratulations on eight years!

    I hope there is more Trolloping in our future :)

    1. Lisa - Thank you! I'm planning to start Can You Forgive Her? after we get to FL in January. We'll see how it goes and decide on the Palliser series later. I know Audrey is thinking about it... hope you'll consider it, too!

  20. Congratulations!! Hope to see you blogging for many more years to come. :-)

    Oh, I have to try listening to horror audiobooks! I don't know why that thought didn't come to me, but I'm going to see what I can pick next.

    1. Athira - The Turn of the Screw was much better on audio, so I can't help but wonder how many other books like it would be, too. I still wouldn't be in a great hurry to read it (or listen)... there are so many other (better) choices out there!

  21. Happy Blogiversary! 8 years strong and hopefully many more to come!

  22. Happy 8th anniversary and long may you continue blogging!

  23. Congratulations on reaching year 8! A big achievement. I have loved your blog from the first time I read it. Love the personal touches and am interested in many of the same books. Keep on blogging and may you go far into the future with it. All the best, TP

    1. Thanks so much, Pam... and I certainly feel the same way about your blog :)

  24. To my mind, The Emperor's Children is a tour de force. It was my #1 book of the year when I read it, which was when it was first published. So smart, so true, so many insights to be found. It made me a fan of hers. I thought The Woman Upstairs was very thought-provoking and intriguing, but so far I think the latter book is Messud's classic work.
    And The Turn of the Screw I read on a very rainy early spring afternoon in my single 20s, lazing about in my first apartment, and luxuriating in this novella. Puzzling over it was purely delicious. I haven't read it since. I do wonder what I'd think of it now?
    So glad you're having time to READ!

    1. Judith - The more I read of The Emperor's Children, the more I agree with you! It is such an intelligent, well-written, and insightful book... and I'm not even 3/4 though. Quite certain it will end up being a favorite this year. As for The Turn of the Screw, it is far from a favorite, but still a worthy read. Age and the audio version have cast a more decidedly sinister slant on the story. It's not a book I'd necessarily recommend, but I'm sure you must be curious to see how your perception might have changed over the year. Hope things are going well for you... maybe an update at the end of the semester :)

  25. Happy blogiversary! I'm glad you still enjoy it. I like following your posts! Ahh I love dog-sitting and dog walks. I too am a dog person, hooray! Enjoy your week.

    1. Thanks, Susan. I think 'dog people' are the best :)

  26. Every time I read/listen to Turn of the Screw, I come away with a different notion of what happened! Happy blogiversary!

    1. Lisa - I've read the book twice and that's been my experience, too. Listening cemented my most recent opinion, but it also gave the book a slightly darker and more sinister feel.

  27. Congratulations on 8 years of blogging - that's such a big milestone. Happy reading!

  28. Happy 8th blogiversary :-D My November will also contain some non-fiction reading - I always have at least one non-fiction on the go alongside my fiction reading. I have the added encouragement now of my church's book club, which we generally read Christian non-fiction for.

    1. Jesssica - Thank you! Hard to believe it's been 8 years. I like the idea of having a fiction and nonfiction title in progress all the time.

  29. congratulations on your long lasting whim, lol, and to many more years! Emma at Words And Peace and France Book Tours

  30. I'm so sorry for being so late to the party - but a happy & wonderful bloggiversary! Wishing you many more years!

    1. Iliana - Thank you... I hope to be here for a long time!


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