Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A quick hello...

Remember me? It sure has been a long time! Blogging and life just don't seem to be compatible at the moment...

The photo above is from our hotel in Cape Cod. We took a quick road trip last week... the weather and the seashore were glorious! On Friday, drove up to the Adirondack Mountains for a day of nature and leaf-peeping. Foliage was at peak color and we found a new-to-us trail to explore. Tomorrow we are off to NYC to spend a few days with our daughters.

As you might expect, reading time has been hard to come by. I finished Belgravia by Julian Fellowes a couple of weeks ago. The book brief is still in my draft folder... could have sworn I hit 'publish', but evidently not. Anyway, it turned out to be the perfect 'recovery book' after Germinal. I'll bring it to NYC tomorrow and let my Downton-obsessed daughters fight over who reads it next.

Current reading//   
I *should* finish both of these books today.

Amsterdam by Ian McEwan 
For #damalong... with thirty pages to go, I am lagging behind. Ian McEwan's books may be short, but they are never a quick read.

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
I borrowed both the ebook and audiobook (narrated by the author) from the library... it has enraged me and moved me to tears. The author will speak in my area this spring and I may just plan my return from Florida around it! This will surely be on my list of nonfiction favorites in December. Click on the title to read the goodreads summary.

Up next//

Commonwealth by Ann Patchett
The due date on my library book is fast approaching and I haven't even started yet. I'll bring it to NYC, but plan to buy my own copy if I can't finish in time. Ann Patchett  is worth purchasing in hard cover!

Agnes Grey by Ann Bronte
My Classics Club spin book. I'll be listening to this one, but also have the ebook on my kindle.

Life should be back to normal next week... or at least my husband will be back at work, so I'll have time to read and blog again. Hope all is well with you (I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit your blogs for the past week or so) and you're reading some great books!


  1. Replies
    1. Kathy - It's been a lot of fun... makes me wish he'd retire ;-)

  2. You have a great lineup of books. Wish I had thought about #Damalong, that would have been fun. Looking forward to your thoughts on Commonwealth.

    1. Tina - Amsterdam turned out to be a little disappointing for me... don't think you missed much. I'm sure Commonwealth will be much better!

  3. I think you'll really love Commonwealth! And your hotel view is gorgeous! Those Adirondeck chairs are calling for a fabulous book!

    1. Sarah - Commonwealth sounds like my kind of book! I ended up buying a copy... don't think I'll finish the library book in time.

  4. Hello back to you! My blogging life is totally as time allows, so no worries. I went to a wedding in Chatham in the mid-80's and haven't been back since, much as I want to but your photo makes me long to go back. What a beautiful area. I would like to read Belgravia but haven't made room for it yet. Eager to read Commonwealth myself--hopefully in Nov.

    Enjoy NYC--we are going to visit our son in early Nov (my bday weekend) and hoping to finally get to Ellis Island, which we have tried to visit for years now but timing hasn't worked. I'm hoping to go to the Morgan Library for the Charlotte Bronte exhibit.

    Safe travels and happy reading!

    1. JaneGS - We got to see most of Cape Cod on our trip and Chatham was definitely my favorite! I'm already planning another visit next year. Just posted a few thoughts on Belgravia this morning. I think you'd enjoy it. We haven't made it to Ellis Island yet either, and it looks like this won't be the trip either. Saw the Bronte exhibit at the Morgan yesterday... it is excellent!

  5. Good to see you! While things have been busy for you they look like they've been fun. I'm curious about Agnes Grey. The only Bronte I've read is Jane Eyre but I'd really liked to read more. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - Agnes Grey is wonderful so far! I'm not surprised though, because I loved The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Saw the Charlotte Bronte exhibit at the Morgan Library & Museum yesterday... now I want to reread Jane Eyre.

  6. Glad you're having a great time traveling. The pic is beautiful. Have fun in the city, too.

    I read and enjoyed (if that's the proper word for the reading experience of) Just Mercy! I discussed it with my son who doesn't have time to read recently, and even he was surprised by some of the facts in it such as the mixture of boys and adults in general population in some state prisons until not all that long ago... and some poor folks who didn't get represented because there weren't enough public defenders to help them out.. these took place at a time when I was already an adult, believe it or not.

    Regardless of how people feel about prisoners & their incarceration (and I have a close relative who works in one, so I have some inside knowledge) yes-- most are guilty, but some are mentally ill, or young teens bullied into confessing, and a small % are just plain innocent. Off my soapbox...

    1. Rita - Just Mercy was an amazing and memorable read!! I have NO idea how I will write about it yet... it made me so angry and made me cry, too. I'm sure your son would have an interesting perspective on the book.

  7. Life sometimes gets so busy. I myself have been putting up blogs at a snails pace.

    I am curious as to what you think about Agnes Grey. I am reading Wuthering Heights for the first time right now. The Bronte's were such a talented family.

    1. Brian Joseph - The Bronte's were such a talented family! I have Juliet Barker's biography on my shelf... seeing the exhibit at The Morgan Library & Museum yesterday has inspired me to finally read it. Agnes Grey is very good so far. Not surprising, since I loved The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. I read Wuthering Heights for a readalong a few years ago. It was not at all what I had expected. Think it's also time to reread Jane Eyre...

  8. What a gorgeous hotel/location! I want to stay there! Beautiful view. I would sit in those chairs and read and drink cocktails all day long. :)

    Yes, McEwan's shorter novels are not easily rushed through, are they? I'm curious to hear what you thought of Amsterdam. I'm also intrigued by Just Mercy. It's received high praise and is quite popular with book clubs. I'm giving up on Tana French's latest (The Tresspasser) and may give Commonwealth another try. Hope I'm not in another slump, but the election has been quite a distraction. I'm spending far too much time reading & viewing opinion pieces, which is probably silly since they're preaching to the choir.

    Oh, if you haven't read it, I highly recommend Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel. I'm listening to the audio and it's very good!

    1. Les - Amsterdam was a disappointment... beautiful writing, as always, but now my least favorite of his novels. Just Mercy was excellent! I'm sure it must be popular with book clubs, and I'll be recommending it to mine. The author will be in our area next spring, and I'd love it if we could all go and hear him speak. Too bad about Tana French's latest. I just bought a copy of Commonwealth since I doubt I'll finish the library book in time. Is Sleeping Giants fantasy?

    2. Yep, I think Amsterdam is my least favorite of his books.

      I don't think I'd categorize Sleeping Giants as fantasy. Here's part of the blurb: A page-turning debut in the tradition of Michael Crichton, World War Z, and The Martian, Sleeping Giants is a thriller fueled by an earthshaking mystery—and a fight to control a gargantuan power.

      It's definitely sci-fi, but not fantasy. I really liked it and can't wait to read the sequel.

    3. Les - I haven't read any of those books mentioned in the bulb... not big on sci-fi either, but will definitely keep it in mind, especially if you recommend it!!

  9. The mountains must majestic this time of year. Enjoy your NYC trip. I started Commonwealth, but did not get back to it yet.

    1. Pat - The Adirondacks were glorious! Think we hit it at peak fall color! We're in NYC now... loving every moment. Hope all is well with you :)

  10. Replies
    1. Patty - I do love a good road trip! We had no special agenda with Cape Cod and had a wonderful time. Thinking of you...

  11. The colour of that sky! Agnes Grey is one of my favourite novels, hope you enjoy it.

    1. Vintage Reading - I'm only 15-20% into Agnes Grey, but enjoying it very much! Not surprising since I loved The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, too. Glad to know it's one of your favorites :)

  12. Beautiful photo from the hotel. Do they have boats right out front? Hope you have fun in NYC. Look forward to your next report.

    1. Susan - Yes, we were overlooking a working harbor in Chatham. NYC is wonderful, as always!

  13. What a wonderful view! Hope you are enjoying your travels. I'm very curious of Just Mercy and Belgravia. I think I have to add both to my list!

    1. Iliana - It seems like we haven't been home very much in the past couple of weeks, but traveling has been so much fun! Just Mercy was a definite 5-star read, and I just posted thoughts on Belgravia this morning.

  14. Cape Cod looks lovely. Wish I were there! :)

    1. Lark - That was my first trip to Cape Cod, but won't be the last!!

  15. The picture of your hotel looks lovely. Where on the Cape did you stay? We are planning a trip in a few weeks.

    1. Linda - We stayed in Chatham and splurged on The Chatham Bars Inn... cannot recommend it highly enough!

  16. That is such a lovely view. I've never been to the Cape!

    1. Ti - This was my first trip to the Cape... definitely a bucket list item!

  17. *Waving* Hello, what a beautiful view. Enjoy your time with your daughters. Glad Belgravia was a great read. I have it in print and on audio. Looking forward to diving in.

    1. Nise' - You are in for a treat with Belgravia. I enjoyed reading, but Juliet Stevenson's narration is SO wonderful that I have to recommend listening!

  18. Vicki - Sometimes blogging and life just aren't compatible, lol. We're having a great time in NYC... exploring my daughters' new neighborhood , visiting museums, trying new restaurants, and walking in Central Park!

  19. I am in love with that Cape Cod view! Which hotel was that? I gotta stay there the next time I am up there.

    1. Athira - The photo was taken at the Chatham Bars Inn... a bit of a splurge, but an excellent hotel!!

  20. Lovely photo! This time last year I'd just finished my New England road trip with my cousin. This year, we went to London, England. Look forward to your reviews of all your fall reading.

    1. Arti - London must have been lovely!! It's been about five years since my last trip... would love to plan another.

  21. I've taken your word and put myself on the library wait list for this one. I'm getting behind, however, as I have found several good ones at the sales lately and my book stack is growing.
    You'll soon see on IG what I'm reading now.
    Glad you are enjoying your NY visit with your daughters.

    1. JudyMac - Hope you enjoy it! Wish I could have staying in NYC a little longer... love it there in the fall.

  22. You've been a busy lady - what fun ways to keep busy!

    1. Lisa - Life has been busy lately, but all good things!!


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