Friday, October 28, 2016

This or That Book Tag

Pat at Posting For Now tagged me for This or That Book Tag, a meme created by Ayunda from Tea & Paperbacks that's making the rounds this week.

1.  Reading on the couch or reading in bed?

On the couch if I'm serious about reading, I usually fall asleep after ten or fifteen minutes in bed.

2.  Main character: Male or Female?

Female... easier to relate to, I guess.

3.  Sweet or salty snacks while reading?

I'll reach for a salty snack before dinner. This week it's Nabisco Good Thins rice crackers, sea salt & pepper.

4. Trilogies or quartets?

Neither. I prefer stand alone novels, although I did love all four of Elena Ferrante's Neapolitan Novels.

5.  First Person or Third Person POV?

Either one, but please not second person! That tends to annoy me.

6.  Night or morning reader?

Night (or late afternoon) for physical books or ebooks... audiobooks and a walk in the morning.

7.  Libraries or bookstores?

I'm very picky about the condition of books I read - no stains, funny smells, or badly battered books, please. Ebooks, new books, and digital audios are fine from the library, but I really love bookstores and new books!

8.  Books that make you laugh or books that make you cry?

I don't read many funny books, so I must prefer books that make me cry.

9.  Black or white book covers?

White. Black covers suggest vampires, paranormal, etc... and you know how I feel about that!

10.  Character driven or plot driven stories?

I want it all! If forced to choose, I'd go with character.

Thanks for tagging me, Pat. If anyone else would like to play along, please consider yourself tagged!


  1. I enjoyed reading your answers JoAnn. Thanks for participating and mentioning me in your post.

    1. Pat - This was fun, so thanks for tagging me :)

  2. Haha - I'm a no go on series as well. Standalone books it is!

    1. Sarah - If I know a book is a trilogy, that's pretty much an automatic no go!

  3. I'm picky about the condition of the books I read too. I pass my books on to my mom and she will ask me if I've read them because she says they look like new.

    1. Kathy - LOL! My mom and sister have both said the same thing to me!

  4. My daughter in law once told me she couldn't read a book because it smelled funny (thank goodness it wasn't one of mine--haha). I guess I've never thought too much about it. Now I will notice.

    1. Debbie - I've returned library books unread just because they smell bad... especially if they are smoky or musty.

  5. I realized I don't read a lot of funny books either (though this year may be an exception). And, yup, not a fan of 2nd person - that feels weird to read.

    1. Athira - I think I can count the number of funny books I've read in the last five years on one hand!

  6. Fun! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person who can't read in bed anymore...and I'd been wondering about those Good Thins. :)

    1. Audrey - Sadly, reading in bed longer than 10 minutes has become a thing of the past. The Good Thins were so good, I'm going to try another flavor this week!

  7. I've never really thought about black versus white covers but I guess I'd agree with you. Although I do look over and see a pile of black covered on my self including Charles Dickens in Love and The Blind Side so I guess they're not all vampires and paranormal!

    1. Lisa - That question caught me off guard, too... one I've never been asked. After I typed my answer, I thought of all the black Penguin Classics on my shelf!

  8. I think that I need to try your alternate reading places for different types of books.

    Lately reading in bed just brings me to that sleepy feeing way too quickly.

    1. Brian Joseph - The audiobook and a walk in the morning works out well. Sometimes I'll even set the sleep timer and listen for a few minutes in bed, too.

  9. I loved reading these. It helps me to get a total picture of my blogger friends!

    1. Patty - I like reading this kind of post, too... hint, hint! ;-)

  10. We agree on an awful lot, JoAnn, but I love the smell of old books. ;-)

    1. Debbie - I like old books that have been cared for... it's the mildew and smoke I can do without!

  11. Fun tag! I also reach for salty/saviour snacks when I am reading but different to you, I love reading in bed and I have enjoyed quite a few trilogies :-)

    1. Jessica - I wish I could read in bed without falling asleep, lol!

  12. Vicki - I've had much better luck with our Florida library than the one up here... where I once got a book that looked like it had been chewed by mice! Pointed it out to the librarian and, thankfully, it was removed from circulation.


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