Saturday, May 28, 2022

Three Mini-Reviews: South to America by Imani Perry, Book Lovers by Emily Henry, The Promise by Damon Galgut

by Imani Perry, narrated by the author
Ecco, January 2022
410 pages
source: library ebook, audible audiobook

This is a hard book to categorize, rate, and review. It reads like a combination memoir/travelogue with plenty of history for background and context. Perry, a black woman raised in Alabama, travels around the south to re-experience its culture, food, and arts. Along the way, she meets with people from a wide variety of backgrounds. Perry examines each area's history in an attempt to help the reader better understand the region as a whole and how it has shaped the American identity. 

Perry's writing is beautiful, the histories are informative, and and several of the deep dives were fascinating. However, it just didn't come together as I'd hoped and I had a hard time following through to the big picture.

My rating:


by Emily Henry
Berkley, May 2022
398 pages
source: ebook borrowed from the library

I loved this book! I rarely read romance, but was immediately engaged and even laughing out loud by the end of the first chapter. 

The plot follows an enemies-to-lovers trope and involves a cutthroat NYC literary agent, a handsome brooding editor, a struggling bookstore in a bucolic small town, and a lovely relationship between sisters. I don't want to say much more, but this story is fun, cozy, and very funny. I think it's Henry's best book yet, so be sure to tuck it into your beach bag this summer!

My rating:

The Promise by Damon Galgut
Europa Editions, 2021
269 pages

audiobook narrated by Peter Noble
9 hours and 37 minutes
source: purchased hardcover, audio borrowed from library via hoopla

The Promise, set in post-Apartheid South Africa, documents the downfall of a white family living on a farm outside of Pretoria. The promise in question was allegedly made by the father to the mother on her deathbed and is overheard by their youngest daughter. The dying woman wanted her black servant, who has been with the family for years, to be given the small house on the farm property in which she resides. This promise is not immediately kept. There are three subsequent chapters, each occurring at roughly ten year intervals and chronicling another family death and funeral.

The Promise  won the 2021 Booker Prize and is the most literary novel I've read in a while. Though the overall mood is depressing, the structure is effective and engaging, and the writing is excellent. The story offers an interesting look at race relations in South Africa during this turbulent period, as well as the relationships within one specific family. If you're up for a more sobering read, I definitely recommend this book. I'd like to read more by Damon Galgut.

My rating: 


  1. I'm cutting South to America from my list, and now I'm even more eager to read Book Lovers. Thank you for the reviews.

    1. Deb - Book Lovers is so much fun... loved everything about it!

  2. Oh, and I can't wait to read The Promise, too.

    1. Deb - The Promise is pretty depressing, but I enjoyed it anyway. Galgut has written several other novels... this is the first one that crossed my radar.

  3. I think I'll move The Promise up on my TBR list. Glad you had some good reads last week.

    1. Diane - As long as you're prepared for the sobering subject matter, it's a great read!

  4. Vicki - All three are definitely worth reading, but Book Lovers is the most entertaining!

  5. Oh, I can't wait to listen to Book Lovers if it's going to make me laugh out loud! The Promise sounds interesting. I love a good literary novel. Audio or print? I rarely ever do combos.

    1. Les - It's been a while since I laughed out loud while reading. Tough call whether to read or listen to The Promise... don't think you'll go wrong either way. I enjoyed listening to the South African accent, but liked seeing how some of the names were spelled and appreciated the ability to linger on several beautiful passages.

  6. I need to catch up on Emily Henry's books! Book Lovers sounds so good, I haven't seen a bad review yet.

    1. Angela - I think Book Lovers is definitely Henry's best novel yet!

  7. Book Lovers has my interest. I'm not a big fan of romance but the book angle in NYC appeals. I just had a library digital loan on a Beth O'Leary book. She's an author who writes uplifting stories with a dash of romance. Nice change from my mysteries.

    1. Tina - I rarely read romance... in fact, the last one I read was also by Henry. Haven't read Beth O'Leary yet, but I do have The Flatshare on my kindle. Maybe I'll try that soon. You've been on quite a streak with mysteries lately!

  8. It's been great catching up with your books. I don't read much historical but I played this historical card similar to Villianous where you compare historical figures in order to arrive at the last mysterious historical figure.

  9. Yeah you have me interested in The Promise. I'm curious if her servant eventually gets the property. And I'd like to read this author, who's gained much attention lately. He has quite a few novels ....

    1. Susan - I had no idea Galgut has such an extensive backlist. Maybe it took the Booker win to raise awareness here? The Promise is shaping up to be one of those novels I appreciate more as I continue to think about it.

  10. I've got The Promise coming up to read in June or July and your review/rating is making me look forward to it.

    1. Helen - I'll look forward to reading your thoughts!

  11. I am so in the mood for a book like Book Lovers! I am on the library list and hope my number comes up soon. The premise of South to America is wonderful although it seems the delivery could have been better. I don't think I have the heart to try The Promise right now--does seem like a tough read although I would like to learn more about the history of modern Africa.

    1. Jane - I hope you get to read Book Lovers soon. It really was the perfect summer read for me! The Promise was excellent, but you really need to be in the right mood to handle a book like that.

  12. All three sound interesting though Book Lovers especially calls to me. I love a light romance this time of year especially.

    1. Katherine - Book Lovers has me thinking I should read rom-coms more often!


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