Sunday, May 15, 2022

A Mid-May Sunday Salon

Mid-May. Hard to believe, but here we are. Thanks to a welcome break from the recent heat and humidity, it's been a perfect week here in southwest Florida. We even had our windows open for a few nights - heavenly!

We had a wonderful visit with my sister and BIL... catching up, sharing great meals, and, of course, taking in the spectacular sunsets. Early in the week we hosted a neighborhood gathering and last night we were invited to another patio party. It's been a few years since we've socialized this much... I've missed it!

My daughter and I also had appointments at a new dental office last week. We were impressed with both the dentist and the hygienist. My husband may even switch to this practice.

It was also a great week for reading...

Finished last week//

Family of Liars by E. Lockhart

This is a prequel to the 2014 YA hit We Were Liars and I devoured it last weekend! A perfect change of pace following The Absolutist  by John Boyne, look for a review post later this week.

This short, epistolary novel was a delight! I'm sure it will be among my favorites this year. More in this week's review post.

Current reading// 

Book Lovers by Emily Henry

A chapter or two in, this is shaping up to be a light, fun read. I've already laughed out loud a couple of times.

by Imani Perry, narrated by the author

I am mostly listening to this book. It reads like combination memoir/travelogue with plenty of history for background and context. I should finish in another day or two.

On the blog//

In the kitchen//

Between the two parties and meals out with my sister and BIL, the only dinner I prepared all week was Balsamic Caprese Chicken on the grill. I think I've shared this one before, but it's so delicious and elegant that it deserves another mention. I add a drizzle of balsamic glaze over the tomato and mozzarella.

The week ahead//

Tonight we'll have my SIL over for dinner, then later we'll watch Stanley Tucci's "Searching for Italy." This week should be relatively quiet... no visitors or parties, just the usual activities. That's fine with me!

How was your week? What are you reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Your chicken recipe looks yummy! Makes me hungry, lol. Have a great week!

    1. Cindy - For some reason, blogger sent your comment from last weekend to spam and I just found it today... so sorry! Note to self: check spam folder more frequently. Hope you had a great week.

  2. That sunset is spectacular! Glad you have had some good opportunities to get together with others. Your Balsamic Chicken sounds great. I love to have chicken recipes for the grill, so I will check it out.

    Love and Saffron is on my TBR - I have heard good things about it. Glad you enjoyed it. Have a great week!

    1. Gretchen - It really is good to be able to socialize again! We gather outdoors to be on the safe side, but that's where I want to be anyway. Hope you get to try the chicken recipe. We love it!

  3. I've just added Love and Saffron to my library list as well! And I already have South to America checked out, thanks to you.

    1. It's good to hear from you, Lisa! Love and Saffron is such a wonderful read. South to America has been a little slow going for me, but every chapter is just so interesting. Hope you're enjoying it, too.

  4. Tucci's Searching for Italy is good watching. Next best thing to being in Italy! Your sunset photo reminds me there's a red moon tonight. I must get out there. It stays light so late here.

    1. Susan - I don't know when we're going to get to Italy, so Stanley it is! Hope you got to enjoy the moon last night.

  5. I am eager to get back to Stanley Tucci's Searching for Italy. We loved the first season.

    Book Lovers is on my list of books I'm awaiting. It seems like I've been waiting for it for months.

    So glad you have been able to get out with others again!

    1. Deb - We loved the first season of Searching for Italy, too. I got distracted by phone calls last night, so will watch it tonight instead. I'm enjoying Book Lovers so far and look forward to picking it up again. My daughter finished it yesterday.

  6. I enjoyed We Were Liars a few years ago, so this one looks like a good sequel. Enjoy! And your get-togethers are so perfect after the past two years we have had. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I think Family of Liars was just as good as We Were Liars. Hope you like it, too!

  7. So nice to have so much going on (well sometimes)LOL That chicken dish sounds lovely. I ate caprese salad the last 2 days (no chicken though). Awesome sunsets, haven't seen one like that since our trips to Aruba.

    1. Diane - The tomatoes have been particularly good here lately, so we've had a few Caprese salads in addition to that chicken dish. It was really nice to have all the social activities last week, but I am looking forward to having more alone time this week, lol!

  8. I see you and I were reading the same author, John Boyne. I'm finding mine to be full of humorous situations. Was yours? Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. Anne - The Absolutist was set during WWI with much of the book taking me right into the trenches. It was pretty intense without much humor, so the lighter books this week were a nic change of pace.

  9. I do enjoy being able to open the windows. There's a limited time when that works for me in So Cal as well.

    1. Mark - I think that was it for open windows around here until fall... sigh.

  10. Sounds like a fun week! Mmm, that chicken looks so good!

    1. Angela - It really was... and we enjoyed the chicken leftovers yesterday!

  11. Vicki - I think you'll love Love and Saffron... it's like 84 Charing Cross Road, but with food and female friendship. So good!

  12. I've been wanting to read Book Lovers since I saw it on NetGalley. it sounds like you are having a wonderful time with all the partying. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I read the first quarter of Book Lovers and it's really good so far!

  13. I have Love & Saffron to read. It looks really good. I hope you have a great week!

  14. Oh JoAnn, it is lovely to hear you had such a wonderful week of weather, socialising, books, dentist and food! My week went by in a bit of a blur, but a nice one, after I returned from a much-needed weekend away.

    Take care and happy reading 🙂

    1. Jessica - It feels like life is trying to get back to normal. We're keeping a close eye on the rising covid cases though and will dial back activities and ramp up precautions as needed. Glad you had a weekend away. Hope the week ahead is a good one.

  15. Thanks for posting the chicken recipe. I was wondering which chicken dish to make this evening, and this looks terrific.

    It has been fun to start socializing again. Definitely missed it.

    I am in the mood for a light, breezy book so I will get on the library wait list for Book Lovers.

    Enjoy your week--hope it's as lovely as last week sounds!

    1. JaneGS - Hope you get a chance to try and enjoy that chicken recipe... it's a favorite grilled meal for company! The socializing has been great, but when we head back to the northeast at the end of the month we'll need to ramp the precautions back up. I'm really enjoying Book Lovers at the 30% mark - such fun!!

  16. I hadn't heard of Love & Saffron. Will order it for the library and add to my TBR on your glowing recommendation!

    1. Laurie - Love and Saffron was a delight! I've seen it referred to as 84, Charing Cross Road for books.

  17. How fun to socialize again! Love and Saffron looks wonderful and just the kind of book I'd love. I need to try the Balsamic Caprese Chicken - it's like all my favorite things in one. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - I think you would really like Love and Saffron!

  18. A good dentist can be challenging to find, glad that is working out. Love and Saffron is now of my long long list of to-be-read books! That Caprese Chicken is definitely going on our table as soon as we are home. I'm in Georgia now for a week,.

    1. Tina - I was really worried about this dental visit, but it went better than I'd even hoped. I think you would really enjoy Love and Saffron, and the caprese chicken is definitely a winner around here. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  19. Socializing has never felt so good! Your May reads so far look really good and Book Lovers seems perfect for the upcoming summer season.

    1. Helen - Last week made me so happy... SO good to hang out with people again! I've had a great reading month so far and am enjoying Book Lovers even more than I'd expected. Hope you are feeling better.

  20. Book Lovers sounds like a breezy summer read. I just might check it out. I'll try to find The Absolutist as well... have you read his Boy in Striped Pajamas? I haven't read it but just watched the movie and found it a bit on the sentimental side. I'm listening right now to White Noise by Don DeLillo (my 2nd attempt as I quit the last time) Reason for my trying to complete it this time is because there's a movie adaptation coming up directed by Noah Baumbach with Greta Gerwig and Adam Driver. Not easy to transpose this book to screen. I'm curious. -- Arti of Ripple Effects

    1. Arti - I finished Book Lovers yesterday and loved it, especially the dialog! Laugh-out-loud funny in parts... perfect beach reading. The Absolutist is the only book by John Boyne I've read, but I'm sure I will be reading more. The writing was excellent.

      I didn't know there was a movie adaptation of White Noise coming. Years ago I gave up on one of DeLillo's novels... might have been that one. Doubt I will try reading him again, but am curious about the film!

  21. I loved 84, Charing Cross Road so I'm going to have to buy Love & Saffron ASAP! It sounds like my kind of perfect book. I downloaded Book Lovers from and will probably start it once I finish The People We Keep. That chicken recipe looks/sounds fabulous. I'll give it a try once we get back home from our road trip. Or... I could buy some balsamic and make it while we're camping... I'm glad you've been having fun with all your social activites. We are enjoying our travels and had fun meeting up with some new-to-us camping friends that we met last year while on the road. We've had great weather, although that may change tomorrow. Temps down to 28 with a possibility of snow showers! Eeek!

    1. Les - Love and Saffron was such a good read. I'm pretty sure you'll love it, too. Finished Book Lovers yesterday... it's a perfect beach read with very funny dialog. Glad you're out and enjoying your RV again, but sure hope you avoided any snow! Most of our social activities are over now and we're laying low for the rest of the month. Definitely don't want to get covid before our drive north. I've read quite a few good books though!

  22. Wow! you have been very social! How exciting. That dish looks scrumptious. It's still been a bit too cold out here to get the grill out. But we're going to get it out for Memorial Day weekend and let the summer grilling begin.

    Love those beautiful beach sunsets you have out there in Florida. Heavenly.

    Love and Saffron looks like a great summer read. I'll have to pick that one up.
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. Heather - Love and Saffron was such an enjoyable read! I was hoping to get a review written today, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. It's pretty quiet here this week. We dialed back the socializing... don't want to chance getting sick before our trip north. Enjoying the sunsets instead... not too hard to take! ;-)

  23. I hope you enjoy Book Lovers as much as I did! I have a Caprese chicken recipe that looks similar to this one - I must try it out on the BBQ! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. thehappyreader - I loved Book Lovers and rated it 5stars! Caprese chicken on the grill is always a big hit around here.


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