Sunday, May 8, 2022

The Sunday Salon: Mother's Day Edition

Hello, friends and Happy Mother's Day! The end-of-season push is on here in SWFL... lots of routine appointments and friends gatherings before we wrap things up for the summer. A few neighbors have already made their way north, while others leave around Memorial Day. Our local farmers market ends in a few weeks and other businesses and attractions are shifting to summer hours. It's funny how the seasonal rhythm here is the opposite of what I've been used to for my entire life!

Recent reading//

The Absolutist by John Boyne

I don't generally read "war books" but Les's review convinced me to give this one a try... and it was excellent! Look for a review post later this week.

Current reading//

by Imani Perry, narrated by the author 

In this book, the author "shows that the meaning of American is inextricably linked with the South, and that our understanding of its history and culture is the key to understanding the nation as a whole." 
It's a read/listen combination for me (mostly listening) and, at the 20% mark, I'm finding it very interesting... and have been sharing all sort of interesting tidbits and facts with my husband.

Family of Liars by E. Lockhart

This is a prequel to the the popular YA novel We Were Liars, which I tore through back in 2014. It wasn't even on my radar, but I happened to be in the library as it hit the shelves. I read the first 75 pages last night...

On the blog//

In the kitchen// 

After being away for weeks, it feels good to have a fully-equipped kitchen again! Last week we had this Napa Chicken Salad with Sesame Dressing from Pinch of Yum for a few lunches. The dressing was delicious and I loved the combination of flavors and textures. I used Veggie Slaw instead of Napa cabbage.

We had my sister-in-law over for dinner last night and I made a dessert for the first time in a months. Mixed Berry Crisp was a huge hit. I used a combination of fresh raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries - yum!

The week ahead//

Tonight the second episode of Stanley Tucci's new season of Searching for Italy is on CNN - we love it!  

Later this week we're hosting an end-of-season neighborhood gathering, I'll be getting my teeth cleaned, and my sister and BIL will spend a couple nights with us. And, hopefully, it won't get too hot!

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. The Absolutist was a favorite read of mine. I can't believe I put it off for so long. John Boyne is and excellent author IMO.

    1. Diane - I can't stop thinking about The Absolutist. What a great book!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Angela... and I hope you had a very happy Mother's Day, too!

  3. The Napa chicken salad looks really good! I hope you have a great week!

    1. Cindy - I'll have that chicken salad in our regular lunch rotation all summer!

  4. I enjoy Tucci's Italy too. Wish I could go again.

    1. Harvee - I've never been to Italy, but it's pretty close to the top of my travel wish list!

  5. I have the Absolutist on my TBR list; it looks really good. We Were Liars was so good, I didn't know there is a prequel. I'll have to check it out.

    1. Helen - The Absolutist was my first time reading John Boyne, but now I want to add his other books to my list. I didn't know there was a prequel to We Were Liars coming either! Was shocked when I saw it on the new fiction shelf.

  6. I just have to get with the program and watch Tucci's Italy!

    best... mae at

  7. Happy Mother's Day! I am curious about Family of Liars.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I spent several hours yesterday afternoon reading Family of Liars... a perfect Mother's Day!

  8. Happy Mother's Day! I hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. It was the perfect day... reading, relaxing, dinner out, and sunset on the beach.

  9. Thank you for sharing Les' review of The Absolutist by John Boyne. I will definitely look for this book.

    I bet the rhythms of the seasons are different. I never appreciated a coat rack or a scarf and gloves until I spent a month in Paris in the winter!

    Thanks for the heads up on the second season of the Stanley Tucci series.

    1. Deb - I don't usually read war books, but The Absolutist was very good! Loving the new season of Tucci, too!

  10. I just pinned that Napa Chicken Sald recipe, I’ve been looking for new recipes my fussy husband can take for lunch and I think he’d like it, thank you.
    I find the US winter/summer migration so fascinating since it’s not a thing here.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - I hope your husband likes the chicken salad. We'll keep it in the regular rotation. I never though we'd end up doing the seasonal migration thing, but here we are... and I actually like it!

  11. I find the seasonal migrations to follow good weather intriguing. I've never lived anywhere except Minnesota which definitely has a lot of "not very nice" weather. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - Like I just mentioned above, I never though we would end up doing the migration thing, but central NY winters finally wore me down. 120" of snow is a normal season and it seemed like the sun never shined... plus we were luck enough to have my FIL give us the condo when he moved to a senior living community!

  12. Vicki - I'm hoping May will be the opposite of April... looking forward to fun and relaxing for a few weeks!

  13. John Boyne's books have always appeared daunting to me, and I've never even tried one! I'll have to add this one to my PTBR (Possibly To Be Read) list. And, yes, so nice to have your full kitchen back, I'm sure!

    1. Laurie - I've felt that way about Boyne, too, but Les's review convinced me to give him a try. It was heavy at times, but so well-written.

  14. Thanks for the shout-out. I'm so glad you enjoyed The Absolutist. Rod just finished it and enjoyed it, too. I'm looking forward to diving into The House of Special Purpose (also by Boyne) and will eventually reread The Heart's Invisible Furies and A Ladder to the Sky. He's such a great writer!

    Your Mixed Berry Crisp sounds delicious. We had our first set of family visiting last week and I baked a chocolate cake (we celebrated Rod's 70th birthday) and my sister-in-law made two delicious apple pies. We rarely ever have dessert, so this was a nice treat. Unfortunately, three of those five family members came down with the stomach flu, which they passed along to me and my mom. We are just now beginning to feel almost normal after 48 hours... blergh.

    Oh, how I wish it were getting to hot here. 48 and drizzly. Not the nicest weather for visitors.

    1. Les - I just posted a review for The Absolutist today and know I will be reading more Boyne. Glad Rod enjoyed it, too. Thank you again for the push!

      This was one of the first desserts I've made since my FIL passed away. We try to keep them to a minimum, but he always needed the calories. It was a huge hit!

      Sorry to hear you were down with a stomach flu... that's the worst! Hope both you and your Mom are completely better now. My sister and BIL will be here shortly (they've been on the east coast visiting his mother) . We're still being cautious about Covid and all tested negative today, but there's no way to predict that stomach flu - yuck!

      Hope you get some good weather soon!


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