Sunday, January 30, 2022

Sanibel Sunday: January 30, 2022

Hello from chilly southwest Florida! No blizzards or nor'easters, but we are experiencing the coldest temperatures we've seen around here in several years. I've even swapped my flip flops for cozy Smartwool socks and warm slippers!

It's been relatively quiet all week. The highlight was having my husband's cousin and his wife over for dinner one night. It's been close to three years since we last last saw them, so it was good to catch up. Other than that, I finished a couple of books, tried some new recipes, walked most mornings, and got a new puzzle to start. 

Finished last week//

A Town Called Solace by Mary Lawson

I loved this book! It was just what I needed last week. Look for my review in a few days.

by John Green, narrated by the author

I haven't read John Green's fiction, but really enjoyed this essay collection! Review coming this week.

Current reading//

The Ten Loves of Nishino by Hiromi Kawakami

Translated from the Japanese, this novel "tells the story of an enigmatic man through the voices of ten remarkable women who have loved him."  I'm  about a third of the way through and finding it strange, but compelling.

by Gilbert King, narrated by Peter Francis James

This is the book I  selected for Black History Month and my library holds (print and audio) arrived right on time. I started listening to the 2013 Pulitzer Prize winner on my walk yesterday morning and can tell it's going to be an intense read!

On the blog//

In the kitchen//

I had a burst of enthusiasm for cooking - new recipes, especially - early in the week, then ran out of steam by Thursday... when we had a couple of nights of leftovers. One of the recipes was Honey-Glazed Mushrooms With Udon from the NYTimes, pictured above, which was a nice change of pace from our usual sides. It could have been a vegetarian meal on its own, too. 

I like tofu and would eat it every week if my husband didn't mind it so much. This savory-glazed baked tofu from was pretty tasty. I made it up to him the following night by serving a favorite stand-by, Ina Garten's Weeknight Bolognese.

We all enjoyed these  Blueberry Baked Oatmeal Bars. I first made them in an 8x8 pan but thought they were too thick, so used a 9x13 pan next... much better.

The week ahead//

Daughter #1 and her boyfriend are flying in on Thursday for a long weekend to celebrate her birthday! We've planned to go kayaking, take a drive down to the Naples Botanical Garden, and eat at a couple of favorite restaurants. I can't wait!

How was your week? Are you shoveling snow today? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Sorry about the need for wool socks but, not too much sympathy as it's 17 here right now. Glad yesterday's weather is behind us and cleanup is complete.

    I downloaded the audio of A Town Called Solace from the library but I can tell the narrator is not going to work so the print version has been requested. Glad you loved it. Hope you have a nice visit with your daughter and that the weather warms up.

    1. Diane - I'm not getting much sympathy from family members in NY either, lol. Someone mentioned that they had trouble with the audio of A Town Called Solace, so I just read the ebook. So good!

  2. I added the Mary Lawson book to my Goodreads list. I am trying new authors but also trying to keep bringing loads of books into the house right now.

    Those socks sound great and I want tonorder some. The warm socks I have are great, because it's cold in north Florida too, but I don't have too many pairs. Usually I am in flip flops or short socks and sneakers.

    Right now I want to move farther south but not sure it's possible. We both need to be on bard with that venture!

    1. Tina - I only have a couple of pairs of my warm socks here (left the rest at my mother's) so I have had to do laundry more frequently than I'd like lately. I mostly wear sandals here and hopefully will be again soon!

      I'm trying a few new authors this year, but mostly want to read more by recent discoveries. I list those favorites every year and it seems to stop there. We'll see if I can do better this year...

    2. I am findng new authors I like and instead of littering the house with MORE books I have been adding them to Goodreads. Then I can get them from the library as I want to get to them.

      I just started the Stanley Tucci book and I love it! Memories of childhood are flowing for me as I grew up in the Italain neighborhoods.

      So, funny mission we went on. We decided we wanted to move south and started looking at homes (online) in St Pete, Cape Coral and the Sarasota area. Everything sells before we can form a thought about inquiring! We are afraid to sell our home and then look in case we can't find anything....did it take you long to find a home you wanted and was it crazy how fast everything went? Just curious, if you don't mind me asking.

    3. Tina - We actually bought our house here in late October 2019, days after closing on our NY house, and months before the pandemic. We did the remodel in 2020 and moved in for Thanksgiving. We kept the condo (used it as a holding tank) for visiting family through the pandemic holidays and into 2021. We finally put the it on the market 11/21 and will close soon. I'll send you an email tonight about the crazy real estate market!

  3. Winter is the time that it feels wonderful to live along the Gulf Coast. It is sunny and almost seventy here today.

    You have reminded me that I need to pick a book for Black History Month. I have Native Son pencilled in my journal, but I'm not sure if I have or can find a copy. I don't think I realized February was so close!

    I have done no baking in 2022. I decided to cut out sweets until Easter, so I haven't been particularly interested.

    1. Deb - That's how it usually is here, too... hope we get back to it soon! I was thinking about Native Son, too, but decided to go with Devil in the Grove. It's very good so far.

  4. I love Smartwool socks! I think that lower temps always feel colder when you're near the water. Mid-50s in Nebraska would feel balmy, but here on the coast, I bundle up!

    You've had a good week of reading. The Ten Loves of Nishino cover is beautiful. I struggle with Japanese novels, though. I don't know if it's the books or the translations, but I always feel like I'm missing something.

    I need to start mixing things up in the kitchen. I haven't tried a new recipe in ages. I may try Stanley Tucci's bolognese, but I do love Ina Garten's so why mess with a good thing?

    Have a good week. Sounds like it will be fun with your daughter and her boyfriend visiting. It's always fun to play tourist in your own community, isn't it?

    1. Les - I remember a day in March years ago when we left FL and flew into Syracuse. It was 55 degrees in both places... Fl folks bundled up in fleece, gloves, etc. and Syracuse folks standing in line for ice cream in shorts! It definitely felt colder in Florida that day! Maybe it is being near the water.

      I forgot about Stanley Tucci's bolognese recipe! My mother has the print copy now, so I'll have to copy the recipes I wanted to try next time we visit.

      It's always fun to play tourist here... we'll get plenty of opportunities over the next few months! Have a great week.

  5. i am in the panhandle and i too miss my flip flops
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Sherry - I'm hopeful we'll need them again before the end of the week! :)

  6. I have been hearing about the cold weather in Florida. That would feel balmy in my neck of the woods, but I imagine it feels rather cold for you.

    I have been feeling the need to mix things up in the kitchen too.

    So great to have your daughter coming. Enjoy your time with her!

    1. Gretchen - We spent so many years in the snow and cold of central NY that I almost hate to mention it when FL gets a little chilly. Seems we're turning into a bunch of wimps ;-)

  7. I've got Devil in the Grove on my TBR list because of you so look forward to hearing what you think of it.

    I've got friends and colleagues in FL who have been talking about the cold snap. I hope it lets up soon!

    1. Helen - Devil in the Grove is off to a strong start! I know very little about Thurgood Marshall and am finding the book very interesting. The "grove" of the title is in Florida, so I'm learning some local history, too.

  8. Ooo, that honey glaze mushroom recipe sounds good. Must try :-) Have a good week.

    1. vvb32 reads - The mushroom with udon was a welcome change from the boring sides I've been serving lately. Hope you like it, too.

  9. Those blueberry oat bars sound delicious and I have everything on hand to make some. Off to the kitchen I go!

    1. Lisa - My daughter, especially, loves the oat bars. I think I only had one of them the last time I made them! Hope you like them, too.

  10. My mom has been reporting cold weather in central Florida too. She lost some plants. The blueberry bars look so good.

    1. Nise' - We brought out pots inside just in case, but it did not freeze her on the island. Whew!

  11. I confess, I am a bit prejudiced against A Town Called Solace because it feels like ripping off A Town Like Alice, which is a personal favorite...but that is my problem. Looking forward to your review, and I'll probably get over myself and read it if you loved it--I trust your judgement!

    Hope the Naples Botanical Gardens is a good visit. I am currently starved for color and it sounds like a perfect way to spend a day.

    Hope the cold leaves FL soon. We are expecting more snow in CO on Tuesday and then frigid weather for the rest of the week, but at least we expect that in Feb!

    1. JaneGS - A Town Like Alice is on my list for this year. Looking forward to it even more knowing it's one of your favorites! I have yet to read Nevil Shute and plan to remedy that soon. I initially thought A Town Called Solace was a gimmicky title, but got over it pretty quickly.

      We visited the Naples Botanical Garden recently over Christmas. It's always a treat to go and we'll probably get a membership this time.

      It's supposed to warm up here again by midweek. A few chilly days is a nice change of pace, but makes me realize how soft I've become in winter weather... it didn't take long, lol! Stay warm in CO.

  12. Florida usually gets cold when we go visit my in-laws in Naples but we're in SC right now so don't blame us. :-D I always joke that we should start asking the citrus growers to pay us to stay away. Cold snaps really do coincide with our visits that predictably. We finally moved our visits out to March and then we started hitting fire season. We just can't win.

    The Ten Lives of Nishino does sound strange. I'll be curious to see what you think.

    The Devil in the Grove sounds good too. I don't always do well with prize-winning books but I do tend to have good luck with Pulitzer winners.

    Enjoy your week and your time with your daughter!

    1. Jen - That's so funny!! But March usually is more reliable for good weather.

      I'm enjoying Ten Loves of Nishino more than I was expecting, but it is one strange book. Devil in the Grove is very good so far!

      Hope you have a good week, too.

  13. Wow, that's really nice that you got to see some family after so long!

  14. I cannot wait until I can wear my sandals again. I am over being cold all the time. I am glad you were able to visit with family you hadn't seen in awhile. I am glad you enjoyed A Town Called Solace. I have heard good things about it. I should check out John Green's essay collection. I have read a couple of his books and really enjoy his humor. I hope your daughter has a wonderful birthday and you all have a great time! Enjoy your week!

    1. Wendy - I'm so glad A Town Called Solace turned out to be a good read... it was feeling like I was falling into a slump. Might have to check out some of John Green's fiction now. Hope you get a little warmth soon!

  15. It really is cold here in Florida but I'm so glad I'm not in New York this weekend. All that snow!

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - That makes two of us, lol! Hope your week is off to a good start.

  16. I decided that I want a print copy of the Anthropocene Reviewed so I can pick it up whenever I need a lift or a thought. I loved the audiobook of it so much. My Sunday Salon

    1. Anne - The audio was such fun to listen to. I can see why you'd want a print copy, too!

  17. Thanks for the gorgeous picture.
    I usually enjoy Japanese fiction, but this one left me a bit disappointed:
    Have a great week

    1. Emma - It's an unusual book for sure. I think I like it, but am not sure what the point of it is yet...

  18. Sorry to hear that you had to dig out the wool socks. It has been cold here too. Interesting variety of books. I haven't read John Green's fiction either but do enjoy his social media presence. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - My feet are always the first thing to get cold... have to keep those socks in my nightstand, lol! John Green's essays were so good, I need to look for him on social media.

  19. Socks and slippers need to have a moment to shine too! At least you still have some great books to read and colder weather and cozy reads does go hand in hand!

    Have a good week!

  20. Vicki - I had never even heard of Groveland before reading about this book. It's really good so far!

  21. Your comment about socks made me remember something I saw on Facebook. It was something like "Dear Florida, no one wants to hear how cold you are. Signed, New England."
    A Town Called Solace looks good! As does all your food!

    1. Laurie - I know, it's crazy talking about cold here with a bomb cyclone in the northeast. I've seen memes with people bundled on the beach captioned "I survived Florida's 3 days of winter!"... made me laugh.

  22. All your food looks delicious and definitely interesting sounding flavours!

  23. Sounds like a lovely week of reading, cooking and catching up with family 😊

    1. Jessica - It was a peaceful week with the highlight of seeing family... my kind of week for sure!

  24. Mary Lawson is a wonderful Canadian author so I'm glad you liked her book! I have just so far read her debut novel from 2002 called Crow Lake ... which was excellent and ever since I need to read her other books. I think I might suggest A Town Called Solace to my book club - so thanks for the reminder. Have a lovely time with your daughter. Fun.

    1. Susan - I just posted a review of A Town Called Solace today and fully expect it to be on my list of favorites come December! Hopefully I can get to Crow Lake within the next few months... I'm going to try to read more backlist and favorite authors this year.

  25. A Town Called Solace looks wonderful. I'm looking forward to reading your review. The baked oatmeal looks fantastic! I will remember to try in a 9x13. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Katherine - The review is up now. My mother read A Town Called Solace and she loved it, too. Hope your week is off to a good start.

  26. I like the look of A Town called Solace. Enjoy your books and your week!

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - It was a wonderful book!


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