Thursday, October 28, 2021

The RIP Wrap-Up


As Readers Imbibing in Peril winds down for the sixteenth(!) time and my attention turns toward Nonfiction November, it's time for an RIP  reading wrap-up. This year I read three books for the event, instead of the usual one or two. Surprisingly, they are the same three books listed in my introductory post. I've been blogging since 2008 and am pretty sure this is the first time I've composed a reading list for anything  and then proceeded to read everything on it! Here's what I read:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley

As you can see, all three books turned out to be winners. How was your RIP reading this year?


  1. That's great that they all were winners. Mine were mostly winners but some were just so.

    1. Diane - Jane Eyre was even better than I'd remembered. I don't read many mysteries, so I was very happy to have two 4-star reads.

  2. Vicki - I liked An Elderly Lady is Up To No Good more, too, but I enjoyed catching up with Maud again!

  3. I liked the Hunting Party, this is the book that had me follow the author and read her other work.

    1. Tina - I'm pretty sure I read about The Hunting Party on your blog and ended up liking it even more than The Guest List.

  4. Well done on reading everything you proposed! Isn't that a good feeling? Nice that they were all winners, too.

    I was tempted to start another mystery, but with only a few days remaining in the month, I've decided to move on and start reading nonfiction. I'll probably draft my wrap-up in the next day or so, but without too much analysis I can say that I read a few winners, a few duds and gave up on a few. Mostly, I tackled a lot from my stacks, which is always a good thing.

    1. Les - Reading everything on a proposed list is a feeling of accomplishment I've never had before, lol! It was only three books, but still something for me. On to Nonfiction November.

  5. Yay for reading all the books from your RIP intro post! Jane Eyre is one of mine, too -- I'm slightly more than halfway through and hoping to finish this weekend. Bring on Nonfiction November!

    1. Melissa - I enjoy Jane Eyre more every time I read it! I'm more than ready for Nonfiction November.

  6. The Tursten book looks really intriguing.

    1. Mystica - Be sure to read the first book in the series, An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good, ahead of this one. That one is even better!

  7. Great job! Jane Eyre is one of my favorites, and I really liked The Hunting Party, too.

    1. Thanks, Angela. I'd forgotten so much in the middle section of Jane Eyre... what a pleasure it was to reread!

  8. JoAnn, glad you did enjoy your books for RIP. That's nice isn't it? And I hope you have a good time with your November challenge. It has been ages since I read Jane Eyre, though I'm not really tempted right now. I've had a ball with RIP (which as you know is not at all a 'challenge' for me). I think I'll just continue on with my fun reading as November comes. I'm really enjoying exploring my new library and what they have on their shelves.

    1. Kay - I know RIP is no "challenge" for you, but I do seem to save mysteries, etc. for this time of year. This was the first time I aded a classic to my RIP list and am already thinking of choosing another for next year. The other two were enjoyable enough to make me wonder why I don't read books like that all year long! Glad you're enjoying your new library... so many treasures to discover in a new library!

  9. Nicely done, JoAnn. I'm still waiting on the second Elderly Lady collection...lots of RIP in those stories.

    1. Sam - The second Elderly Lady book isn't quite as good as the first... not nearly as funny, anyway. But I appreciated learning Maud's backstory and seeing what she's been up to since the first book. Hope you like it!

  10. Congrats on sticking to your reading plan. That is quite a feat! :)

    I didn't get to The Hunting Party but am definitely looking forward to reading it. Lucy Foley is quite the storyteller.

    Jane Eyre is always good and especially during the spooky, gothic season.

    I had an exceptionally good RIP season, just finishing up my last book, and hope to get my roundup post up this Sunday.

    Now...on to Non-Fiction and blustery (well, in CO anyway) November.

    1. JaneGS - Sticking to the reading plan was such a surprise. That never happens! I enjoyed Jane Eyre so much and have already decide to add a classic to my RIP list again next year. I'll ve reading more Lucy Foley, too. Will look forward to your RIP roundup. Nonfiction November, here we come!

  11. I'm impressed you got everything on the list read! I loved Jane Eyre and really want to read Lucy Foley - especially The Hunting Party.

    1. Katherine - It's unbelievable that I stuck to my original list! I think you'll enjoy Lucy Foley.

  12. A wrap up post means October is over! How the heck did that happen?!

    1. Helen - I know! Seems like I said the same thing at the end of September, too ;-)

  13. Congratulations! I had a successful RIPXVI, too.

    1. Thanks, Joy! I'll stop over and see what you've been up to.

  14. Beautiful photo! I'm hoping to get my second booster in the next week or two, particularly as levels are rising again in the UK. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks, Louise. Hope you can get that second dose... my fingers are crossed!

  15. Sounds like you had a great time with R.I.P! One of these days I need to re-read Jane Eyre.

    1. Iliana - Jane Eyre was even better than I remembered!


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