Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Sunday Salon: Halloween Edition

A rainbow over Fort Myers Beach 

Hello, friends. It's been a wild week in southwest Florida with strong storms, covid boosters, real estate happenings, and our continuing lower-level renovation project. We had two brief storms last week that packed a lot of lightning, high winds, and rain. The second one managed to knock out the cable box and take down a dying gumbo limbo tree in our backyard. Thankfully it fell away from the house and the landscaper can remove it this week. The cable company will come tomorrow to see about the box.

In good news, I was able to get a covid booster early in the week - a Pfizer, following my two Moderna doses. I had a reaction similar to my second Moderna (fever, chills, etc.) but was fine within 24 hours. We also listed out condo last week and have had quite a few showings already. Fingers crossed...

On the reading front, I finished a book earlier in the week and am loving my current audiobook. I'll choose a new print book today.

Recent reading//

Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wang

I've read several immigrant stories, both fiction and nonfiction, this year. It's such a timely topic. This memoir was a read/listen combination, with the audio version read by author. Qian Julie Wang, along with her mother, left China for NYC in the early 1990s when she was seven years old. They were joining her father, who had arrived a few years earlier. 

It is a sad story about an undocumented child coming of age in a big city, while facing hunger, poverty, and racism. However, compared to other books about immigrants I've read in 2021, this is on the gentler side... especially when compared to Infinite Country.  

Books, reading, and libraries played an important role in Wang's life. Her love of the written word added an uplifting aspect to an otherwise bleak existence and certainly increased my enjoyment of this memoir. Wang, now in her 30s, went on to attend Swarthmore College and Yale Law School. She had considered writing a memoir for years and finally tackled the project during the pandemic.

Current Listening//

narrated by the author

I am loving this audiobook and will likely finish later today. For now,  just let me say this is pretty much perfection!

On the blog//        The RIP Wrap-Up

The week ahead//

Are you ready? Nonfiction November kicks off tomorrow! I probably won't have a post up until midweek, but am already into my nonfiction reading. Find all the details here.

For the rest of this week, we'll be dealing with the issues from last week - storm damage, real estate, and renovations. We'll have a break from all that today as we bring a Halloween pizza party to my FIL. Do you have special Halloween plans?

How was your week? What are you reading today?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Nice rainbow shot! I spotted one the other day, but didn't stop to take a picture since I was driving. :) Your storms sound like what blew through here last weekend. Crazy wind and rain and huge surf. I'm glad that tree branch didn't hit your house. I was worried about all the trees on our property, watching them sway in the wind. Ugh. Winter is coming.

    I took a peek on Zillow to check out condo sales and there are several that I would love to buy! I hope yours goes quickly.

    Beautiful Country sounds like a memoir I might enjoy, but Stanley Tucci's is one that I know I'd love and I can't wait to start listening. It'll be a while, though. I've paused two Stephen King novels (not because I don't like them, but I started one out of order and paused that for the other) in order to start listening to a book club selection so I can finish it in time for our discussion (The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue). Once I finish that one, I'll want to get back to the King books, so Tucci may have to wait until after the holidays. I'm hoping to get the print edition of the book to go with my audio!

    In addition to Addie LaRue, I'm reading (and LOVING!) The Splendid and the Vile. I'm also reading a collection of Anna Quindlen's columns from the 80s, which is good, but not great.

    No special Halloween plans since we don't have any children in our neighborhood. Our social committee used to host a Halloween party, but not this year due to Covid. Maybe by 2022, we'll get back to all of those social events.

    Have a good week, JoAnn. Enjoy your beautiful weather!

    1. Les - You know, I think those storms were all part of that same front. The beach erosion across the street was pretty significant, too. Our neighbor says that happens frequently around this time of year, but that the beach will fill back in soon. I sure hope she's right!

      I finished Tucci's book and just loved it. Audio is definitely the way to go! I'll be curious to hear what you think of Adie LaRue. It's been recommended to me several times, but just doesn't sound like my kind of book.

      So glad you're enjoying The Splendid and the Vile. It's one of my favorite nonfiction selections this year... so, so interesting. Many familiar scenes from The Rose Code played out there, too. So interesting to read them close together.

      We enjoyed the Halloween pizza party with my FIL. We saw a couple of trick-or-treaters out on our drive over, but overall it seemed very quiet this year. Hope we're all back to "normal" next time it rolls around. Have a good week!

  2. It sounds like everything is going beautifully for you right now, JoAnn. I'm glad you were able to get your booster. We will get ours this week.

    I just finished Stanley Tucci's Taste, and I'm completely envious that you are listening to the book. A narration by Stanley Tucci himself sounds fantastic.

    I think I will start my nonfiction reading today. I started the new Jonathan Franzen book yesterday, but it's such a long book that I know I need to set it aside for November during the nonfiction event.

    Good luck with your condo showings.

    1. Deb - Tucci's narration really made the book for me, but I know I would have still enjoyed it in print. I did get a hard copy from the library so I can take a closer look at the recipes.

      The Franzen book really is long(and some character's sections are more compelling than others), so I completely understand setting aside for NFNov. Bring on the nonfiction!

  3. Love all the shades of blue in your rainbow picture. That's a real eye-catcher. It sounds as if you had quite an eventful week even though a good bit of it must have unpleasant to experience. Here's to a better week this time around.

    Nonfiction November is tempting, particularly since my nonfiction selections are down this year from last year...and last year was down from the previous year. Don't know why that trend is still going so strong, but I suspect it's all the good fiction titles that keep turning up on the blogs I visit. I need to see what titles I have around the house for a little catch-up reading of nonfiction.

    1. Sam - Thanks. I took the picture from a moving car, so I was surprised it came out as well as it did. There is so much good fiction coming out lately. And I'm sure that's one of the reasons my nonfiction numbers are a little lower than normal. I'll be interested to see what nonfiction titles you discover on your shelf!

  4. Soooo ready for Nonfiction November! I've had my Week 1 post ready for over a week now!!!

    That rainbow photo is so beautiful.

    No Halloween plans this year. I'm up to my eyeballs in work and fleas and can't be bothered to put up any decorations. My 80-yo email-pal mentioned her annual donuts and apple cider but I was so stressed out at the grocery store I couldn't deal with looking for cider or trying to choose a donut. LOL Yes I am pathetic.

    1. Jinjer - Can't wait to start reading all the Nonfiction November week 1 posts... probably tomorrow after I post mine. Our Halloween turned out to be very quiet, too. We took pizza over to my FIL's, and there wasn't much happening there either. Maybe next year we'll make more of an effort..

  5. I am interested in the Stanley Tucci book. It made me think of the movie in which he starred as Julia Childs' husband (portrayed by Meryl Streep). A foodie movie.

    I am participating in a Nonfiction Reading Challenge for the year, so if I happen to read some nonfiction during November, I'll see if I can work it in.

    I may be caught up in some lengthy fiction, however (Crossroads among them), so we'll see how it goes.


    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - After listening to Tucci's book I want to rewatch Julie & Julia and Big Night!You've got your work cut out for you with Crossroads. Some character's sections read a little slower than others for me, but the book was great overall.

  6. Love that picture! Good luck with your condo sale and, happy no serious damage from the storms. Congrats on the booster - I got my 3rd Moderna on Friday as well - just a stiff neck for a day.

    I am loving those combo reads especially with hefty books like Crossroads (in progress) - I really love it. I'm trying to stick with just (2) books at a time now unless it's a kids book. I'm not reading only NF in November as I read about 5-6 NF last month. I do have one going right now, Red Roulette but I'm not loving it thus far.

    Have a great week.

    1. Diane - I just love read/listen combos, too. It seems like I finish books so much more quickly that way. I've had a two book at a time limit for a couple of years now and it works really well for me. When I have too many going (it used to get up to 4 or 5) it seems like I never finish anything! Hope your week is off to a good start.

  7. Beautiful picture! I have to see if my library has the Stanley Tucci book. I think I'd like the audiobook.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - Audio is definitely the way to go with the Tucci book. Hope you can get a copy!

  8. I hope to get my booster early this coming week. I think it will be Pfizer like my first two.

    1. Helen - I would have preferred to get the Moderna again, but couldn't find one this time. I'm still happy to be boosted :)

  9. The Stanley Tucci book looks interesting - can't wait to hear all your thoughts!

    1. Angela - It was great! Loved listening to his narration.

  10. Sounds like you have had a wild and crazy week! But look at that rainbow. The calm after the storm.

    Have a great week!

    1. Gretchen - It was pretty symbolic to see that rainbow after the crazy week... made my day!

  11. Sounds like you had a busy week. I hope things get fixed and your condo sells quickly. I don't read nonfiction and will continue with my fiction ways in November. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I used to read nonfiction only rarely, but things started changing 10-15 years ago. Now I end up at 30-40%!

  12. TASTE was very good. It was so enjoyable to read, too.

    I hope the condo sells quickly. I bet it will.

    Our weather was weird over the weekend. Warm. 88 degrees and then last night a cool 66. Nice for the trick or treaters though. We had hundreds!

    1. Ti - I hope to condo sells quickly, too. It will be a relief to have just one place to worry about. The market is pretty crazy here, so my fingers are crossed. Hundreds of trick or treaters!? Wow!

  13. Beautiful Country sounds like an interesting book! I'm participating in Nonfiction November too, so I'm looking forward to getting some good recommendations.

    1. Lisa notes - Beautiful Country was a fascinating read... her story is quite inspiring. I look forward to reading your Nonfiction November posts. I should have my week #1 post up tomorrow.

  14. Vicki - Thanks, I took the photo from a moving car and am surprised it turned out so well. We don't get any trick-or-treaters here :(

  15. I'm glad the tree fell away from your house! It's always such a hassle to deal with fallout after a storm like that.

    You're the first person I've heard of who's mixed the boosters. They didn't approve that plan until after my husband got his third one. I'm ineligible but I'll probably mix them up too if I get the chance.

    Good luck with the condo listing! My in-laws' good friend listed her house recently. I haven't heard if it's sold yet but if the Florida market is anything like the market in NC, it probably sold within a day or two and above the asking price.

    I hope you had fun at the Halloween pizza party!

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Jen - My husband (retired MD) was behind us mixing. I probably would have preferred sticking with Moderna, but he thinks the data will eventually show mixing as beneficial.

      The real estate market in FL is hot right now. We had to give other residents of our complex a 10 day window for first refusal, so showing in earnest should start this upcoming weekend. Fingers crossed!

  16. It sounds like you are busy! Hope your condo sells quickly & smoothly. It seems like you liked the Wang memoir but perhaps liked Infinite Country more? It's an amazing story though how she rises out of poverty and eventually graduates from Yale Law School, wow. I think I plan to read it. Have a great week.

    1. Susan - Infinite Country will likely be one of my favorite novels of the year - so slim, but it sure does pack a punch! I did like it more than Beautiful Country, but it's hard to compare a novel with a memoir. Beautiful Country is definitely worth a read!

  17. We had heavy rains and high winds Tuesday night into Wednesday in Massachusetts. The southeast coastal towns got hit the hardest. We had a small tree (or large branch) come down between our neighbor's fence and our clothesline. Luckily no damage (hopefully not to our raspberries which are what it came down on) and two trees blocking streets on my way to work that morning. Lots of property damage and power outages but I don't think any injuries or deaths, so that's good. My Life Through Food and Beautiful Country both sound great!

    1. Laurie - These short, powerful storms seem to be wreaking havoc all over lately! Our cable box did get burned out, but the technician brought us a new one yesterday. I really enjoyed both of those memoirs... guess I got a head start on Nonfiction November.

  18. Oh I'm glad to see your experience with the booster! I get mine Friday (Pfizer all the way through) and a bit nervous. It sounds like reactions seem to be pretty similar to the second shot. Glad there was no damage from the tree coming down! I love all the interviews I've heard with Stanley Tucci so I think I would love My Life Through Food. Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - It does seem like most people have a booster reaction similar to what was experienced after the second dose. Glad mine was slightly milder... hope yours is, too. I think you'd enjoy Tucci's book.

  19. Yay for your booster!! I am so excited that I can schedule Wyatt's first shot now!

    1. Erin - I think it's great news that they can start vaccinating the kiddos now!

  20. So glad to hear you were able to get your booster. We are due for our booster later this month. Will add Beautiful Country to my wishlist. Like you, I thought Infinite Country was so good. Can't wait to hear what you think of the Stanley Tucci book.

    1. Iliana - Infinite Country will end up being one of my favorite books of the year! Ended up loving the Tucci, too... review up today.


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