Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Sunday Salon: Just What I Needed!


Hello, friends. We're back from a wonderful four days in NYC. I enjoyed the lovely fall weather, two literary events, time with family, The Great Elephant Migration, a trip to my favorite bookstore, and several delicious meals. Just what I needed! While we were there Twin A and her husband moved to a new apartment and we were able to help with that, too... mostly by keeping the grandpup, Winnie the Whippet, occupied elsewhere. Their new apartment has two bedrooms and an in-unit washer and dryer, which is a real bonus in the city.

Daughter #1 was my companion for the literary events. We walked up to Symphony Space both evenings, then joined the rest of the crew at nearby restaurants afterwards. 

Our first program was Power and Storytelling with Margaret Atwood and Min Jin Lee, moderated by NYTimes journalist Veronica Chambers. The event was described this way: "On the eve of a critical election, literary icons discuss the power of stories to change the world." The conversation quickly became political with a focus on what's at stake in the upcoming election, authoritarian regimes around the world, and the stripping away of human rights. There was little direct reference to literature and storytelling. At times the talk became quite dark and emotional. If you follow Min Jin Lee on social media, you will see she is passionate about these issues. I especially enjoyed Margaret Atwood's acerbic commentary, and would love to hear her speak again when the topic is exclusively literary. This was an interesting event, even if it was not what we were expecting.

The second evening featured Elizabeth Strout in conversation with Meg Wolitzer. The two friends discussed Strout's new novel, Tell Me Everything, and the actress Patricia Kalember performed a dramatic reading. They talked a lot about Strout's writing process, which flows mostly from her subconscious. There was quite a bit of discussion about her characters, too, and Bob Burgess seemed to be the star of the evening!  Strout talked about Maine and how deeply rooted it is in her DNA. Happily, she is currently working on another novel. There was a book signing after the talk.

Recent reading//

The Most by Jessica Anthony

I picked up this novella (144 pages) because it was longlisted for this year's National Book Award, plus I really liked the cover. The story, told from alternating perspectives of a husband and wife, is about their seemly perfect marriage which is actually on the brink of collapse. It takes place on one unseasonably warm day in November 1957, when the wife goes for a swim in their community pool and refuses to get out. This novella is a slow burn and the writing is excellent, but be forewarned that the ending is ambiguous. Read it in a single sitting if at all possible... and then tell me what you make of that ending!  ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Current reading//

The Road to Dalton, Bowring's debut novel, was a favorite last year. In this year's follow-up, five years have passed as we return to Dalton once again. I started this last night and the first 30 pages were a delight!

I also still have bookmarks in The Backyard Bird Chronicles by Amy Tan and A Guest at the Feast by Colm Tóibín, but neither of them moved last week... mostly due to our trip.

The week ahead//

We're at home this week and have been assured that the bathroom remodel will be completed within the next few days. At last! We're also expecting some perfect fall weather, so I really hope I don't spend the entire week waiting around for contractors to show up... I want to get out there and enjoy it!

How was your week? What are you reading today?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.


  1. What a wonderful four days in the city! Family, literature-related events, and more. It sounds like great fun.

    1. Helen - It really was perfect! So glad we're going back again next month for my husband's birthday!

  2. What a great trip to New York City you had. I'm glad you enjoyed the Strout event and the Atwood event (even if it wasn't quite what you'd thought it would be).

    I just put The Most on hold, but with sixty-six people ahead of me for it, it may be a while.

    1. Deb - I'll look forward to hearing what you make of The Most, whenever you get to it!

  3. That sounds like a lovely time! I've been starting to think about a trip to New York City, and all the things I have on my list to see and do there.

    1. Lisa - I really love visiting NYC. We don't spend an awful lot of time in the touristy areas, but always love to visit a couple of sights or museums, events, and even just walk around. So many bookstores, too!!

  4. Your time in NYC sounds great. We're planning on taking another trip there soon. My favorite NYC bookstore is The Strand. I like the sound of The Most so will look for a copy. I hope your bathroom is finished soon.

    1. Vicki - I love Strand, too! They bought Book Culture, which I loved, and turned it into Strand Upper West Side. It's smaller than the one downtown, nicely curated, and much closer to where we usually stay. They made quite a bit of progress on the bathroom today... maybe they really will be done in a couple of days!

  5. Wow! What an amazing, fun week you had! So cool to see Strout and Wolitzer. I just put a hold on "The Most" novella but the wait time is 101 days so...

    1. Jinjer - NYC was great and it really was just what I needed! Must be people are just starting to pay attention to The Most. I'd love to hear what you think when you get it!

  6. Your NYC visit sounds delightful! I Googled Symphony Space and it looks like a great venue for book events. How fun, although maybe not exactly what you were anticipating with the Atwood/Min program. I suspect they were "preaching to the choir," for the most part. It sounds like the Strout event was more focused on Strout's works, and perhaps more enjoyable. I don't mind political discussions, but if I'm attending a literary event, that's what I would expect to hear. Anyhow, I'm glad to hear that Strout is busy writing another novel! I'm also happy to hear that Shannon Bowring's new book is a hit. Can't wait to read it!

    We're home from Wyoming and have been busy catching up around the house, getting our flu & covid boosters, haircuts & mammogram, as well as getting together with friends for meals/coffee and Mah Jong. We head out again next Friday for a couple of week... heading down to Santa Rosa to visit my aunt who was recently diagnosed with cancer. :(

    As far as reading, I'm in the middle of Holly (Stephen King) and loving it! Also reading Bittersweet (Susan Cain), which is good, but somewhat dense. I feel like I'm assigning myself pages in order to finish in time for book club next month. Listening to Say Nothing (Patrick Radden Keefe), which is also slow-going. I feel as if I've been listening forever.

    Enjoy your fall weather! Hope your remodel is finished soon!!

    1. Les - The event with Margaret Atwood and Min Jin Lee was most definitely preaching to the choir, still quite dark and depressing. I think if I'd read the description a little more carefully, I would have realized the primary focus wasn't necessarily literature!

      So much to do in the in this time you're home! Glad you mentioned the flu and covid shots, that's on our agenda this week as well. I'll just get flu now, since it hasn't been 3 months since I had covid. Sorry to hear about your aunt... glad you'll be able to spend some time with her.

      Hmm, interesting about Say Nothing. I've had that on my list for a few years now since one of my FL neighbors recommended it. Not a good omen if you're giving yourself assignments... I'll be curious to hear what your book club thinks of it.

      I expected the bathroom to be done before we went to NYC and felt bad that I shut things down for a week. We got the countertop in today, with the plumber and electrician returning Tuesday and Wednesday. Sure hope that does it!

      Enjoy your time at home!

  7. Great report about the NYC book events. Too bad the Atwood/Min Jin Lee wasn't more literary, sigh. I love Min and hopes she puts out a new book soon (we've been waiting!). The talk with Strout sounds great. Did you get a book signed? And which is your favorite bookstore in NYC? I hope you have a nice outdoorsy week strolling with an audio. Enjoy.

    1. Susan - I didn't get my book signed, mostly because the rest of the gang was waiting for us at the restaurant. We did have a nice surprise when they came to eat at the same restaurant though! We were "NYC cool" though ... locals never bother celebs! I loved Book Culture on Columbus, but Strand bought them a few years ago and now it's Strand Upper West Side. Still nicely curated, but not as overwhelming as the main store. I decided to start Ina Garten's memoir on audio for my walks... good so far!

  8. Your trip to NY sounds great. Somehow I never (or very rarely) seem to get there, though I often go to much more distant destinations. Maybe I’m not a city person.
    best, mae at

    1. Mae - I always said I was not a city person, but since our daughters have lived in NYC I've come to love it. What a surprise!

  9. I saw Margaret Atwood several years ago at a local literary event. It was mostly literary-based. The best part, though, was when she talked about taking home ec in junior high. She wanted to get out of some big project the class had and talked the teacher into letting her write an opera about laundry.

    1. Amy - What a great story!! Thanks so much for sharing it.

  10. Sounds like a wonderful week with time with family and bookish things! I love The Great Elephant Migration. I hope you're having a great week!


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