Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Sunday Salon: Fall is here!

Hello, friends, it's good to be back here on the blog. The past few week have been both amazing and exhausting! We were in central NY for a week prior to our daughter's wedding and returned to CT on Tuesday. It took several more days to catch up and recover, but I think we're finally there. The wedding itself was just about perfect - the setting idyllic, the weather couldn't have been better, plus a spectacular sunset and nearly full moon. The photographer's "teaser" photos were stunning... I can't wait to see the rest of them!

Recent Reading//

September by Rosamunde Pilcher

I can always count on Rosamunde Pilcher for a wonderfully cozy reading experience, and this was just the right book to balance the pre-wedding stress and craziness. Reading with Tina and Les added even more to my enjoyment! 

The Safekeep by Yael van her Wouden

I requested this book from the library when it appeared on the Booker Prize long list and by the the time my hold arrived, it had advanced to the short list. This character-driven story, set in The Netherlands in the early 1960s, is a tension-filled, sometimes shocking slow burn of a novel. It centers around three siblings, their childhood home, and the eldest brother's girlfriend. I loved the gradual reveal of both the characters and their situations. It's probably best to go into this novel without knowing much about the plot, but it does deserve a warning for sexual content.

A Great Marriage by Frances Mayes

I've enjoyed several novels by this author over the years and this was another good one. Days before Dara and Austin's wedding, something happens which causes Dara to call it off... but she gives no explanation to family and friends. The story continues as everyone deals with the situation in their own way, before gradually forging a new path forward. This wasn't my favorite Mayes novel, but the premise was unique and I enjoyed the characters. It was an easy, undemanding post-wedding diversion and I'm glad I read it.

About to start//

Tell Me Everything by Elizabeth Strout

Elizabeth Strout is a favorite author, and I can't wait to begin her latest novel. My daughter and I have tickets to see her in conversation with Meg Wolitzer at Symphony Space NYC next month.

This is my next slow nonfiction read. The book consists of a series of journal entries with drawings by the author. I read the introduction today and plan to read an entry or two each morning.

In the kitchen//

After over a week away, it felt good to plan and prepare our own meals again. I tried a pretty basic chicken marinade from the New York Times -  Dijonnaise Grilled Chicken Breasts. It's basically equal portions of mayonnaise and dijon mustard, with garlic and thyme. I let it marinade for about 8 hours, wiped off the excess, and placed the chicken pieces directly on the grill rack. It was delicious! I'm glad I made extra to use in a salad for another meal.

The week ahead//

Now that the wedding is over, our next project is a master bathroom remodel... demolition begins tomorrow! It's a small space and is supposed to be completed in about two weeks. We shall see!

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.



  1. I'm so glad everything went beautifully for the wedding!

    I hope you enjoy Backyard Bird Chronicles. I wished I'd bought a copy. I'd love to share it with my naturalist group friends.

    A buddy read of September sounds delightful.

    1. Deb - After the first couple of essays, I already love The Backyard Bird Chronicles.

  2. There is no end to the action in your life; straight from a wedding to a remodel! I hope it goes smoothly. Looks like you've done some great reading.

    1. Helen - We start the bathroom remodel with a delay, lol! They moved it to tomorrow...

  3. Our temperatures are supposed to drop at least a few degrees over this week, so it may start to feel like "not summer," if not quite fall. I'm glad the wedding went so well!
    I'm reading a book about real life Regency matches, promoted of course to Bridgerton fans - but as someone who read Regency stories long before that came out, I roll my eyes just a little. It's fascinating learning stories about real people in the Ton, and the illustrations are gorgeous.

    1. Lisa - Oh, that sounds like a good one! I know you've been reading Regency stories for a very long time. My confession is that I have not watched Bridgerton!

    2. I haven't watched it either, despite all the hype! (Lisa)

  4. Yay, glad you're back and that the wedding went off so well. The whole setting and weather sounded idyllic. So pleased for your daughter and you all. How wonderful. I'm sure it will take weeks of rest to recover ... from the last several weeks. And you're amazing to get thru that & these books! I'm eyeing The Safekeep ... despite the dicey or spicy? content. Enjoy the Strout and get out for some walks while the remodel is going on. ha.

    1. Susan - I'm actually thinking about rereading The Safekeep. Put it aside for about a week around the wedding and I'd like to read it all the way though in a single go. Hope you decided to give it a try!

  5. I am so glad the wedding went well! And what a beautiful photo of the sunset! After a week of pleasant 80 degree weather, it's back in the 90's today, just in time for the start of fall. It looks like your reading so far this month has been good. My own reading seems to have slowed down some this month. Not being much of a cook, I tend to skip over recipes, but your mention of Dijonnaise Grilled Chicken Breasts caught my attention. I'll have to share the recipe with my husband. I think we'd both enjoy that. I hope the remodel of the bathroom goes well. Have a great week, JoAnn!

    1. Wendy - I doubt we'll see 80 again but still hope to make it into the 70s for a couple more weeks. Fall is really gorgeous in New England! The bathroom remodel got moved back a day but they'll be here for demo tomorrow morning.

  6. Glad to hear that you daughter's wedding went so well. I have Tell Me Everything on my list to read soon.

    1. Vicki - I've loved all of Elizabeth Strout's books... understand Olive Kitteridge and Lucy Barton meet each other in this one! Thinking of you as the next potential hurricane nears. Stay safe!

  7. It sounds like your daughter's wedding was wonderful! I remember the week of events leading up to my daughter's, which was 5 years ago today! Where have the years gone? They're off celebrating their anniversary in London. Fun times!

    Yes, reading September together was a lot of fun. While I didn't love it as much as Coming Home or Winter's Solstice, it will remain on my keeper shelf for maybe a third reading.

    Hmm, the Safekeep sounds promising. I'll see if my library has it. The new Strout book is getting so much attention. I plan to buy a copy and spend a month re-reading all of her novels. I think it will be interesting/fun to read them back-to-back since there are so many overlapping characters. How fun that you and your daughter are going to go listen to her speak next month!

    I've been thinking about buying Amy Tan's book for my mom for Christmas. It would be a fun one to read slowly over the course of a few months.

    Good luck with your bathroom remodel. We had new flooring put in ours last week. My mom was able to oversee the project, and we were happy to not be home for it. ;) Enjoying our time on the road. Yellowstone and the Tetons have exceeded my expectations!

    1. Les - Happy anniversary to your daughter and her husband. Hard to believe it's been 5 years!

      What a great idea to reread all .the Olive and Lucy books. I have most of them on my shelf and was recently thinking about filling in the gaps. I listened to Olive Kitteridge years ago and never purchased a hard copy, then borrowed another from the library.

      The Amy Tan book is gorgeous! I borrowed it from the library shortly after it was released but decided I wanted a copy of my own to read slowly and savor. The first two journal entries convinced me that it was the right decision!

      Glad you're enjoying your travels. I've caught a few of your instagram posts but haven't been there regularly the past couple of weeks. It's been too long since our last western road trip. Happy travels!

  8. Congratulations to the newlyweds … great to hear that after your long time planning, the wedding went exactly as it should.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks, Mae. It was a beautiful weekend... we're all still on cloud 9!

  9. I'm also reading the Amy Tan book a day at a time, and loving it so far! I loved the Strout. I was fortunate enough to get an advance copy because I interviewed her for this story:

    1. Amy - I just read the first two entries in Tan's book and already love it! Thanks for sending the link to your article... thrilled to hear that she is working on another book. I'm already curious about her new character!

  10. JoAnn, so happy to hear your daughter's wedding went well. I know that you guys had a great time and, yes, coming back to a bathroom remodel - ha! Been there, done that. I'm hoping to be done with remodels of any kind for a few years. Our weather people have been going on and on about the hot weather here in September. I appreciate the fact that they keep up with the 'average', etc., but honestly, it's been this hot before. We'll be getting some cooler weather in the next week or so. We've been quite busy this month and I do want to update my blog, but just haven't settled down to do so as yet. Hopefully soon. Have a good week!!

    1. Kay - We're still on a post wedding high, but I think the remodel should bring us back to reality! Would have preferred to find a place here that did not need any work, but housing stock is older here and we were on a time deadline. I'm glad to say goodbye to that 80s bathroom! Hope your cooler weather arrives soon and I'll keep an eye out for your eventual blog update.

  11. I enjoyed September very much. It was fun to immerse myself in the Scottish countryside and her stories are always excellent. On the list for the Backyard Bird Chronicles once I saw it on Readerbuzz, can't wait to get it.

    Just added The Safekeep to my Goodreads. Once I am done with Trust I will move on to Long Island.
    Happy for your daughter and perfect weather and all of it for the wedding!

    1. Tina - I was so glad to read September when we did... it was settling in with old friends. Think you're going to love The Backyard Bird Chronicles. I'll have my fall list up here at the end of the week.

  12. That sounds like a good welcome home week!

    1. Joy - It sure was! It was great catching up with family and old friends.

  13. I’m glad the wedding went off well - it sounds like the perfect day. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  14. I'm glad the wedding went well. Will we get to see any pictures? That chicken sounds delicious!!!!! Bookmarking it.

    1. Jinjer - I was surprised anything that easy could be so good lol! The teaser photos the photographer took were not sharable. I never took my phone out, but I'm hoping my siblings will send some photos they took.

  15. I listened to Amy Tan read Backyard Bird Chronicles, so I missed out on her drawings, but I will be getting the book to thumb through and add to my birding shelf. It is a lovely book and has inspired me to pay closer attention to the visitors to our backyard.


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