Thursday, August 31, 2023

Rereading Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri

by Jhumpa Lahiri, narrated by Matilda Novak
Highbridge Audio, 2007
6 hours and 15 minutes

I tend not to be a big rereader, but this is my second (of three) rereads just this summer. A podcast episode prompted this one. I was listening to From the Front Porch's last installment of their Backlist Book Club, now rebranded Bookmarked with Annie & Hunter. Interpreter of Maladies was the title they discussed... and I was surprised to find a few of the stories had stayed with me all these years. That made me curious about the others.

Interpreter of Maladies, originally published in 1999, won the Pulitzer Prize 2000. I listened to it in 2009. At the time, I was a new to short stories, but a frequent participant in the old "Short Story Monday" weekly blogging linkup where I primarily posted about classic short stories. This was likely one of the first contemporary collections I'd ever read. 

The stories that stayed with me were "A Temporary Matter,"  "Interpreter of Maladies," and "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine." 

I've gone on to read Lahiri's other story collection, Unaccustomed Earth, and a couple of her novels. Rereading an early work, even a Pulitzer Prize winning early work, emphasized just how much Lahiri has grown as a writer over the years. Looking over her backlist, I never read The Lowland  novel. Maybe I'll pick it up while waiting for her new collection, Roman Stories, coming in October. 

Have you read Jhumpa Lahiri?


  1. I haven't read this book, but I did read The Namesake (back in 2008!). Just read my review for that one. It was fun seeing comments from people who are no longer blogging. Here's the link: As you'll note, it wasn't a favorite of mine.

    1. Les - The Namesake was a good novel, but far from a favorite for me, too. It's nice to see comments from former bloggers... so many have moved on and I miss them. I remember thinking Unaccustomed Earth was even better than this collection.

  2. It's been a few years now, but I've read Lahiri's "In Other Words" and "The Clothing of Books," and I liked both. How are the re-reads working out for you? Did your initial opinion of the books change much, and were you disappointed? Fear of disappointment and ruining good memories sometimes makes me reluctant to reread books at all, but I've been pleasantly surprised to still love them more times than not.

    1. Sam - I'm enjoying the rereads quite a bit, though admit to worrying if they'll stand the test of time. Pride and Prejudice is always a treat and I seem to find something new each time. Lahiri's was a 4-star read back in 2009 and this time I mostly marveled at how far she has come. The collection was not quite as good as I remembered, but I still loved those three stories. So my experience was an overall plus. Now I'm relistening to Anna Quindlen's Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake and loving it all over again.

  3. I can't remember which Lahiri I've read, but I liked it/them. I am not a huge short story reader, but these sound good.

    1. Helen - I still try to read one or two story collections each year and have high hopes for her latest.

  4. Vicki - I preferred Unaccustomed Earth back then, and am now hoping her new Roman Stories are the best yet!

  5. I have not heard of this author. One of the things I enjoy about connecting with bloggers is being introduced to new authors and books.

    1. Tina - I agree, learning about new authors is the best! The tree stories I mentioned were probably the best in this collection, but I think she just kept getting better and better with her later books.

  6. I have started one or two but not finished her books, sorry to say. But I'd look at her short story collections and I've recently been reading this genre.

    Harvee at

    1. Harvee - Her novel The Namesake was a good read, but not great for me. I think she is much better at short stories.

  7. Yes!! As part of my ongoing challenge to read all the Pulitzer Prize for fiction winners. I don't know WHEN I read it and it was before my Goodreads days so I don't have my review of it. I just remember I loved it.

    1. Jinjer - Have you read any of her other books? I thought Unaccustomed Earth was even better than this one. She's come so far in her career.

  8. I do like to reread. This isn't an author I've read before but I'm adding this and Unaccustomed Earth to my TBR.

    1. Katherine - These last two rereads have been on audio and that has worked out really well. I think I need to start a dedicated 'books to reread' list!

  9. I read this ages ago and did enjoy it although I can't remember much. I think what surprised me most was the fact that I enjoyed it so much given that I don't read a lot of short stories. I have read a couple of her other books and have been hearing about her upcoming book so I'm interested in that.

    1. Iliana - I'm not sure how soon I'll get to Lahiri's new collection, but do intend to read it. She is so talented!

  10. Yes. I am a fan of hers. I have read her short story collections and The Namesake ... all good! So I think I've read 3 or 4. But I have not read the Lowland or her recent ones about Italy and the language: Whereabouts and In other words ... I'm really looking forward to her new one Roman: stories due out Oct. 10. Yay!!

    1. Susan - I thought Whereabouts was very good, but have not read In Other Words. Hope to make time for Roman Stories this year!


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