Sunday, August 6, 2023

A July Reading Wrap-Up and a Look Into August

Hello, friends. August is here and though there is plenty of summer left, I'm already starting to think about fall. July turned out to be an unusual month. It was unbelievably hot, humid, and rainy for the first several weeks, but ended with perfect summer weather. We spent time with both NYC daughters, visited my parents... and had covid. Thankfully, our cases were mild cases and we are now recovered. We quarantined to avoid spreading it to others, and felt well enough to read during all but the first day or two of that period. As a result, July turned out be a very good reading month for me.


The Postcard by Anne Berest 
fiction/historical fiction

Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry 
historical fiction, western, classic

Our Town by Thornton Wilder 
 play, classic

Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano 
 literary fiction

Banyan Moon by Thao Thai 
literary fiction

In other reading news, I got a new kindle for my birthday. I've been happy with my paperwhite for years, but have also wished for page-turning buttons... and now my kindle oasis has them. It also has a slightly larger screen and a lighting control for warmth in addition to brightness. I've been using it for a couple of weeks now and LOVE it! 


(current reading) nonfiction/memoir, interesting follow-up to The Postcard

The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov
(current reading) another classic play to read prior to Tom Lake

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett
a new novel from a favorite author

Fresh Water for Flowers by Valerie Perrin
a possibility for Women in Translation Month

A Girl Returned by Donatella Di Pietrantonio
a shorter possibility for Women in Translation Month

The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese
new novel from a favorite author

True Biz by Sara Nović
 September main selection for MMD book club

 Have you read any of these books? There is no way I will get to them all, but it's nice to have options. What was your favorite July read?


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely summer, except for the covid! I'm glad it was mild though. I love my Kindle Oasis too. The page-turning is so smooth, instantaneous. I'm looking forward to Tom Lake. I think I'll go with the audiobook since Meryl Streep is the narrator. Have a great week!

    1. Diana - I can't believe what a difference the kindle oasis makes! I absolutely love the page-turning buttons and, even though the screen isn't that much larger, it SEEMS so much bigger. I bought a hardcover copy of Tom Lake, but now I'm thinking a read/listen combo may be the way to go.

  2. Happy belated birthday! A new Kindle is a great gift, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I read True Biz and enjoyed it.

    1. Thanks, Helen. Glad to know you enjoyed True Biz, not sure I'd even heard of it before MMD announced it as their September pick.

  3. We're dealing with COVID now, but our symptoms haven't been too bad, either. I'm reading, playing a video game, and even writing a little. I'm glad to know that you came out the other side feeling fully recovered.

    1. Joy - I'm sorry you've been dealing with covid, too, but glad it's a mild case. I had a lingering cough, but even that is mostly gone now. Hope you're over it soon!

  4. I’m glad you’ve recovered well.
    Happy belated Birthday, though I’m a little envious you have the Oasis, my old kindle has stopped charging.

    Wishing you a happy reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - Thank you.The oasis is amazing. My parents usually give me money for my birthday and I always put it toward something I really want, but don't exactly need. This is perfect!

  5. Lonesome Dove was a surprise read for me last year. I found it engrossing. A couple of your others from this month are high on my TBR. Glad to hear your covid was mild; we had the same experience....a day or two of misery and then pretty easy sailing. Have a terrific week.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. Terrie - That was our experience, a day or two of feeling pretty rotten, but then we were both well enough to read, watch movies, etc. So glad we avoided a bad case. We're hoping to start the Lonesome Dove miniseries this week.

  6. All the books on your list are wonderful -- they are either ones I've read or that I want to read. And as you say, not enough time! I especially remember "Our Town" from high school (a million years ago). Ever since then I have been meaning to read "The Cherry Orchard."
    best, mae at

    1. Mae - I must have read Our Town in high school, but didn't remember any of it. Almost done with The Cherry Orchard now, so I'm ready for Tom Lake. Can't wait to get started!

  7. I got my copy of Tom Lake, but plan to first read Our Town. I've heard such good things about Verghese's new book, too. Gah! So many books... :)

    I will eventually get a Kindle, but I still have so many print copies of books that I want to read. I would love the ability to increase the font size, especially as my vision seems to be getting worse. Time for a new prescription or simply new readers.

    My favorite read (of just three books!) in July was Thank You for Listening by Julia Whelan. I'm currently reading The Windsor Knot by SJ Bennett and loving it! Also loving The Anthropocene by John Green (on audio).

    Happy belated birthday!

    1. Les - There are just SO many books I want to read right now... it's getting ridiculous! We downsized our library when we sold our house in NY, and I regret some of that now. As much as I love reading on my kindle, sometimes I still want to hold a real book. The indie bookstores in CT are great, so have given myself permission to support them once in a while! ;-)

      Julia Whelan is a favorite narrator, so I'd like to sample her writing skills, too. I loved The Anthropocene Reviewed on audio!

  8. You really had an eventful month...glad to see that things are back to normal and that you still managed to get so much reading done during July. I love that you read and enjoyed Lonesome Dove and that you might be reading Tom Lake and Covenant of Water in August. I haven't read Tom Lake yet either because I'm still mired deep inside a long waiting list for that one, but I did enjoy Covenant of Water a lot. Happy Reading month to you...

    1. Sam - After less than stellar reading months in May and June, I'm happy with the books I read in July. Now I'm looking forward to The Lonesome Dove miniseries and can't wait to read both Tom Lake and The Covenant of Water. August is shaping up to be another good month!

  9. Happy Birthday! Congrats on the new Kindle. Enjoy it. I used to only use a Paperwhite, but then I got an Oasis and love it. I love the page turning buttons. It's a great feature. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. Now that I'm using the oasis, I can't believe it took me so long to upgrade! I just love it!!

  10. It looks like you had a good reading month! Have a great week.

    1. Thanks, Cindy. July was the best reading month I've had in a while.

  11. I'm reading Tom Lake right now and loving it. And if you just read Our Town, the timing for Tom Lake couldn't be better, as it's a big part of the plot.

    1. Amy - I'm so glad to know you're loving Tom Lake! Ann Patchett (on her instagram videos) suggested her followers read or reread Our Town to be "ready" for Tom Lake. I'll be starting it right after the Chekhov play.

    2. And… there’s the Sam Shepard play - I watched some clips of it on YouTube starring Sam Rockwell and Nina Arianda.

    3. Thanks, just watched the clips. I'm loving Tom Lake!!

  12. I’ll be listening to Tom Lake soon (love that Meryl Streep is narrating) as I love this author too. So glad you’re over COVID. Have a great week!

    1. Jodie - Now that I know Meryl Streep is the narrator, I'll have to make Tom Lake a read/listen combo! Can't wait to get started.

  13. Thanks, Vicki... we were lucky to have very mild covid cases. Guess all those vaccinations paid off! I'm sorry to tempt you with the oasis, lol! Sounds like you have a nice array of kindles, so I won't mention it again. ;-) Hope you have a good week.

  14. I like the sound of your July...well, except for the Covid.

    I have a copy of Tom Lake, and I hope to read it in August. I liked The Covenant of Water, but I didn't love it as much as I'd anticipated I would when I heard the author speak (if that makes any sense).

    1. Deb - I'm trying to temper my expectations for both Tom Lake and The Covenant of Water... I've learned that lesson before with highly anticipated novels!

  15. Happy belated birthday! I'm glad you are loving your Oasis! I'm still reading along on the 1st generation Fire I inherited from my cousin who died from leukemia in 2017. I'm thinking the newer Kindles have GOT to be so much lighter to hold and have more user friendly buttons than this ol' dinosaur. BUT, I got it for free and I'm grateful to have it and because it was my cousin Lindy-Loo's I will use it until the day it stops waking up when I press the button.

    Glad that bout of COVID is behind you!

    1. Jinjer - With a sentimental attachment like that, I hope your old kindle lasts forever! We were just talking about how tired we've been lately... wondering if it's a lingering effect of the covid. Or maybe we're just trying to do too many things this summer - ha!

  16. I am so glad that you had a mild case! And this summer has just been weird - everyone has been saying that. Ours was weird too.

    I have Tom Lake waiting on my shelf already so I will have to read Our Town after. Lol. I'm planning on reading it while we are up north (in Northern Michigan!) in two weeks. :)

    1. Erin - Yeah, what is it about this summer?? Guess I'm ready for it to be fall. Hope we both love Tom Lake... you'll be reading it in the perfect location!

  17. It's hard not to start thinking of autumn here with school starting up already. I am not sure I am ready to say goodbye to the summer, as much as I love autumn. I am sorry to hear you had COVID in July, but am glad it was just a mild case. I am so glad you like your Oasis. I have one too and just love it. I hope you enjoy your August reading! I haven't read any of your listed books, but they all sound so good! Have a great week, JoAnn!

    1. Wendy - I always forget how early school starts in some parts of the country! Summers seem to pass so quickly, but I'm a big fan of fall, too. My kindle oasis has been a huge improvement... more than I ever expected it to be. I love it!!

  18. I'm so glad you case of covid was mild! I really think the vaccine takes the edge off. Everyone I know who has had it after the vaccine has had a fairly mild case. I have The Postcard on my TBR and Tom Lake. I picked up a book by Ann Patchett from the library the other day and am really looking forward to reading it and hope to pick up Tom Lake next. Happy August!

    1. Katherine - I think all those vaccines kept us from getting really sick, and I', very thankful! My sister just started The Postcard last night and texted me today to say she already loves it. Hope you enjoy the Ann Patchett novel you picked up. I've read them all and there's not a bad one in the bunch! Hope you have a great week.

  19. Happy August! I'm glad you were able to read with COVID. I had it last year, and it gave me the worst headache of my life. I know it could have been a lot worse, though. :)

    1. Aj - My SIL had a really bad headache for 2 weeks when she had covid, too... so glad we didn't have to deal with that. At least I could hang out and read.

  20. JoAnn, I am #10 in line at the libray for the Ann Patchett book. Also, I have the book Fresh Water for Flowers on my Kindle.

    The Oasis sounds like a nice Kindle, in the last few months my Kindle was failing and I got another Paperwhite. It's full of books and I am trying to divide my reading time between physical books we own and the Kindle books. Then the library tosses me a loop with a book available from my holds list.

    Glad to hear you all are feeling better. I'm glad you are in CT instead of here right now - yesterday's heat index showed 113 F and we barely walked outside all day. Today is more of the same. I am very much looking forward to October when we visit Nebraska and have a taste of autumn temps.

    1. Tina - I used a birthday gift card to get a copy of Tom Lake, and now I've learned that Meryl Streep is the audio narrator. May need to make it a read/listen combo!

      I have been perfectly happy with my paperwhite, but recently started craving that page-turning button. My parents give me money for my bday and I always put it toward something I really want, but don't necessarily need. My mom is also a reader, so this purchase made her happy, too! I like your plan for reading both physical and ebooks.

      Whenever I think it's getting humid here in CT, I take a look at Florida weather! I'm sorry you're in that now... Nebraska in October will be such a nice change of pace!! It's gotten so hot in Sanibel over the last 5 years that it's been November when we can finally open the windows!

    2. I just wanted to pop back in and tell you Tom Lake is waiting for me at the library - excited! As we are under heat advisory again today I imagine I will be doing lots more reading. Indexes have been around 110 F lately.
      Finally I posted, I have been a slug.

    3. Tina - I just started Tom Lake yesterday and love it already! I'm sorry those heat advisories just keep coming... sure hope there's some relief soon, but glad you've got some great books to read while indoors. Will be by later today or tomorrow... hooray for a post!

  21. I'm glad that Hoopla had the On Hitler's Mountain book. I read the paperback which had a lot of photos that sort of brought it home to me. It's a sobering account for sure. And it's great that you are done with Covid now, woohoo. I heard that the new Ann Patchett novel includes talk of the Thornton Wilder play within it so that's interesting. I hope to read Tom Lake sometime soon. You had a great reading month in July. And August is shaping up too ... but it's flying by already.

    1. Susan - I'm so glad you mentioned that book on your blog. It's the first book I've read from that perspective. My library has the ebook, so I just downloaded it to look at the photos... thanks for the suggestion! It looks like August is shaping up to be another good reading month. I'll be starting Tom Lake within the next day or two!

  22. Happy birthday! I'm glad you like your new Kindle!

    Tom Lake has been on my radar but I forgot that Abraham Verghese released a new book too.

    I can't believe it's August already! You've reminded me that I need to post about Women in Translation month. I host the Books in Translation challenge so it's a perfect tie-in.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Jen - There are so many new novels I want to read right now, and far too many backlist titles waiting on my shelves and kindle! Saw a post a couple weeks ago about WIT month and will try to fit at least one into the mix... it's definitely the perfect for your challenge. Hope you're having a good week.

  23. I've read True Biz and it is a good one.

    1. Care - Oh, good... glad to know that. It's the main September selection at Modern Mrs. Darcy. I joined a few months ago and have been having fun there.


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