Friday, April 2, 2021

March Reading Wrap-Up and A Look Ahead

 Is it just me, or does is seem like March lasted for a very long time?  Highlights here included vaccinations (one for me, one for Twin B, and two for my husband!), a visit from my brother and his fiancé, Twin A arriving for an extended visit, experimenting with my new air fryer, trying several new recipes, and, of course, beautiful sunsets on the beach.

I ended up reading six books in March, including three of the four from my tentative list. I started the month with two impulse reads (always fun), followed by the new Shelf Subscription (Brood didn't work for me at all), and then dove into nonfiction for Women's History Month. I moved on to a backlist title from an author I've previously enjoyed and finished the month with a book I'd hoped to get to last year. 

Books Read in March//

Young  Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin  3.5/5

The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi  3/5

Brood by Jackie Polzin  

Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II by Liza Mundy  5/5

Bitter Orange by Claire Fuller  3.5/5

Writers & Lovers by Lily King (no review yet)  5/5

My favorite books of March//

Tentative Reading for April//

The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson (nonfiction)

April Shelf Subscription selection  (new fiction, ships 4/6)

The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith (T Book Club, American classic - I'm not in the mood for this now. We'll see how I feel in a week or two. Have you read it?)

Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata (translated fiction, 2018)

How did your March reading go? What was your favorite book last month?


  1. I really enjoyed The Splendid and The Vile - hope you do, too!

    1. Angela - The Splendid and the Vile is up next for me... can't wait!

  2. I have not read any of the books you mentioned but my favorite March book was The Rose Code by Kate Quinn about Bletchley Park.

    1. Sharon - After finishing Code Girls, I put a hold on The Rose Code. I doubt it will arrive before the end of the month, but it'll definitely be on my May list. Glad to know you enjoyed it!

  3. March certainly felt long! I was surprised looking at some of the things I did in March - they felt like they happened a long time ago.

    I hope you enjoy Convenience Store Woman - I just finished it last weekend and it was an interesting read.

    1. Athira - The beginning of March does seem like such a long time ago... such a weird feeling! Convenience Store Woman is shaping up to be a great read.

  4. March did seem to go on forever this year. Congrats on your reading. My report on March reading goes up on the blog later today.

    1. Judy - March was a strange month. It didn't feel like it dragged, but things that happened at the beginning of the month seem like ages ago... the reading was really good though. I'll keep an eye out for your report.

  5. That Bitter Orange book sounds pretty good and has been on my Kindle forever. And yes, March seemed long but it did have 31 days. I am okay with days dragging because each day that goes by means we are this much closer to my daughter's college move-in. Gosh, that will be rough.

    BTW, love that beach reading pic. I love to read on the beach but my husband cannot sit still so then he wants me to talk to him or walk or eat or something.

    1. Ti - That's true... March is as long as a month can be, lol! My husband would never sit and read on a beach but, since he retired, I have gotten him to sit with me a few times. Usually I go alone, but my daughters and sisters will always join me when they're here. Hope you enjoy Bitter Orange when you get to it.

  6. I really liked The Talented Mr. Ripley when I read it a few years ago. It was the first thing by Highsmith I'd read, and it opened up a whole new author for me, one whose personal life is almost as strange as some of her stories. I always recommend the Ripley novels to anyone wanting to better understand sociopathic behavior...he was a classic sociopath/psychopath.

    1. Sam - Thanks for your input! I've not read Highsmith and this does seem like a logical place to start. The T Book Club has been highlighting classic American literature and the speakers/presenters have been very good. Edmund White is on tap to discuss Ripley. The sociopath angle should be interesting and I already have the book from the library... will give it a try in a week or so.

    2. I hope you like it. Of the three Ripley novels, my favorite is probably "Ripley Under Ground." Highsmith is quite a good writer, and especially for her times, she lived a life that probably shocked a lot of people. I find her very interesting.

    3. Sam - I ended up starting The Talented Mr. Ripley and was surprised at how quickly I was pulled in.

  7. Vicki - Code Girls is a fascinating story! There are a lot of names to keep straight, and making it a read/listen combo was helpful for me. I'm loving Convenience Store Woman!

  8. My favorite books in March were probably Four Winds by Kristin Hannah and Miss Benson's Beetle by Rachel Joyce.

    1. Helen - I'm planning to read Four Winds, but the library hold list is unbelievable long now. I'll wait a few months...

  9. I decided to pass on Young Jane Young. It sounded promising, but I couldn't get into it. So glad to see how much you enjoyed Writers and Lovers.

    1. And it's funny, but I had the completely opposite reaction to seemed like it flew by in a flash.

      I hope you do get to Splendid and the Vile. I felt so proud of Churchhill and so proud of the English people during their terrible struggles.

    2. Deb - At first I thought March flew, then realized the beginning of the month seemed like ages ago! The beginning was my favorite part of Young Jane Young so, if that didn't appeal, you made the right call! I'm looking forward to The Splendid and the Vile.

  10. I read Convenience Store Woman and really liked it. Quite quirky. I haven't read Mr Ripley but have seen the play which I really enjoyed. 🐧🐇🐇

    1. Pam - I didn't know there was a play about Mr. Ripley! Will search for the movie after I finish reading, then research the play. Convenience Store Woman was great on audio.

  11. Unlike previous months, I felt like March zipped by very quickly!

    I had a good month of reading, too. I'm trying to stick to a list of specific books I want to read each month and so far, that's gone very well. I have Writers & Lovers on my TBR top shelf and will add that to my April list. So glad you enjoyed it so well!

    I also have a copy of The Splendid and the Vile, which I've thought of saving until November (Nonfiction November), but it's such a chunkster that it would probably be the only thing I read that month! Maybe I'll start it this month and read a little bit each month. My husband said it was very good.

    I haven't read The Talented Mr. Ripley, but the movie was very good. Might be a good one to re-watch.

    Just posted my monthly summary and couldn't decide which of my March reads was my favorite. I thought Circe, Beartown and Nineteen Minutes were all outstanding.

    1. Les - Having a planned reading list seems to be making a big difference for me, too. I think Writers & Lovers will be one of the books that you know from the first few pages if it's going to work for you. I loved it!

      I thought about saving The Splendid and the Vile for November, too, but WWII has captured my interest now after Code Girls. I'm also on the library hold list for The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. That may not become available until next month though.

      I started reading The Talented Mr. Ripley yesterday and got into it faster than expected. Will look for the movie after I finish.

      Will be by to check out your summary later today. My daughter was just mentioning again how much she enjoyed Beartown.

  12. March definitely felt long. I had a tough time this month with the pandemicversary and the never-ending "it's been a year since we went into lockdown!" news stories. It was too much. Somehow I managed to read 7 books - go figure.

    1. Melissa - We seemed to be fixated on the pandemic anniversary at the beginning of the month, too... all the stories! Seven books is a great reading month.

  13. Glad you liked the Lily King novel & Code Girls. I guess for March books I liked A Burning which I listened to on audio. A tragic tale well done. Enjoy your Easter plans tomorrow!

    1. Susan - I've got A Burning on my audio list... we'll see how long it takes me to get to it!

  14. You had some nice variety in march. We were on the same page with Brood and I hope you like Convenience Store Woman. Code Girls is one that I'd like to get to at some point but right now (4) of my audio requests came up within days of each other so I needed to delay some. Writers and Lovers was good on audio. Hope your April is a good one in every way.

    1. Diane - Even tough I read all of Brood, I couldn't even rate it. Not sure I've had that experience before. It just wasn't for me at all. I did end up loving Convenience Store Woman though... the audio version was excellent. Thanks for the recommendation!

  15. Completely agree - March felt so long! So glad you guys are getting your vaccines. We just got our first dose. I must go back to Code Girls. I tried that one a year or so ago and just wasn't the right time but seems like I'm missing out on a fantastic read. Hope April will be a great reading month for you!

    1. Iliana - I think the audio helped me get through Code Girls. There were a lot of names at the beginning that were hard to keep track of, but once I got into it, I loved it. Happy April!

  16. I liked Writers and Lovers, too. I listened to the audiobook and then had to ask the library for the print version so I could copy out a few of my favorite quotes. Happy Easter. My Sunday Salon---Easter Edition

    1. Anne - I was fortunate to have both the ebook and the audio from the library. I loved listening to it, but there were so many beautiful quotes to go to and reread. Happy Easter!

  17. I have The Talented Mr Ripley on a shelf somewhere but have never been inspired to read it and have not seen the movie. I think I would enjoy both.

    1. Jinjer - I ended up starting The Talented Mr. Ripley yesterday and got into it very quickly. We'll see how it goes...

  18. Writers and Lovers I had checked out from the library but I didn't get to it in time :( I'll have to check it out again! I have a hard time telling what day it is anymore. I know Jason's birthday is this coming week and I should probably do something about that, lol. Happy Easter :)

    1. Stacy - Writers & Lovers is definitely worth checking out again. Happy Birthday to Jason!


  19. Not just you, but March did last a long time, but not as long as last year, I don't think.
    I really love seeing your sunsets on the beach and all your photos from the beach, which wherever you are doesn't seem to be crowded with frat boys (and sorority girls). So you seem to have that going for you as well as vaccinations. :)

    Myself, I'm still making my way slowly through the Inspector Montalbano mysteries by Andrea Camilleri and enjoying them. That's what I'll be reading later today...after church (at Washington National Cathedral), virtually.

    1. Bryan - Good point. Last March lasted forever! Glad you're enjoying the sunset pictures... we're on a relatively quiet island with minimal nightlife, so the frat boys avoid it like the plague, lol! My second shot is coming up later this week. Two more weeks until full immunity! Enjoy your reading and I hope you had a happy Easter.

  20. I just stumbled across something about the movie version of The Talented Mr Ripley, which made me want to pull it out of the tbr shelf, but there it still sits!

    March was long and pretty cold and snowy in CO, but yesterday was lovely and now it really feels like Spring.

    Have a good week.

    1. JaneGS - I started reading The Talented Mr. Ripley yesterday and was surprised by how quickly I got into it. Hope spring is there to stay!

  21. I'm afraid I am the opposite to you: March flew by in a grey blur for me! Which subsequently means I didn't read as much as I would have hoped. I finished only three books, although they were all really enjoyable and my favourite has to be the sparkling turn-of-the-century classic A Room With a View by E.M. Forster.

    Take care and happy reading in April, JoAnn 🙂

    1. Jessica - A grey blur made me laugh... that's exactly how our March always was in NY. In Florida, it's one of the best months of the year. I'm glad you enjoyed the books you read last month, especially A Room With a View. That was a great read for me several years ago, too.

  22. I like the look of Writers and Lovers. Enjoy your week, and stay safe!

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - Writers & Lovers was on so many "best of" lists last year, and now I understand why!

  23. I'm jealous of the beach pic! Perfect for reading. Looks like you are reading some fantastic books. A lot of those are on my list as well. I hope you have a wonderful reading month full of sunshine and rainbows!

    1. Heather - I love reading on the beach, but don't do it as often as I should considering we're right here. Hope the good reading streak continues, no matter where I read! Hope your April is off to a good start.

  24. March was challenging for sure but I had my fist vaccine shot in March so I'll call it a win. After reading a few of your comments I wrote donw the Talented Mr Ripley to pick up when I go to the used book store today. They are holding the only book in the Vera Stanhope series I don't own. Then I will be caught up.

    LOVE the beach photo with your Kindle. I hope when you read this you "heard" me shout LOVE! LOL

    1. Tina - Yes, a vaccine for the win! The Ripley book was so well done (I finished it a couple of days ago) but I was SO tense while reading... not sure I like that experience, lol! And I heard you shout LOVE ;-)

  25. Have read the Ripley book, and seen the film. Both excellent. Creepy, yes, but oh, so good!

    1. Nan - I just finished Ripley... wow! So creepy and it made me SO tense while I was reading. Highsmith was a master!


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