Sunday, April 18, 2021

A Short Sunday Salon: April 18, 2021

 Hello, friends. Today's post will be short... there's just not much to report this week. Twin A flew back to NYC after nearly a month of working remotely. It was such a treat to have her here with us. Thankfully, she was able to receive her first dose of the vaccine the following day. Now all three of our daughters are partially vaccinated - that's progress.

I'm practically counting down the hours until I reach full immunization  - 96 to go!! 

Current reading//

The Splendid and the Vile by Erik Larson

This is a great read! The beginning was good but, around the 30% mark, it became enthralling. I'm listening to John Lee's narration on my morning walks, and then spending my afternoon reading time with the ebook. (I decided not to start a novel.) Maybe I'll finish by next weekend.


This 2017 film was excellent. Guess I'm going for total immersion...

In the kitchen//

I'm still cooking from my newest cookbook, Half Baked Harvest Super Simple  by Tieghan Gerard. Last night I made Lemon Butter Cod with Orzo and Asparagus, a simple and flavorful one skillet meal. Instead of cod, I used local tripletail. The fillets are thinner than cod and it tastes similar to snapper. Delicious!

The week ahead//

The T Book Club presents its discussion of The Talented Mr. Ripley  by Patricia Highsmith on Thursday. This is the last book in the four-part series featuring American Classics. As far as I can tell, it has been a success. I'm wondering if they will host another series... perhaps in the fall? You can still sign up if you're interested. I finished the book earlier this month and plan to watch the 1999 film before the discussion, too.

Saturday is Independent Bookstore Day! I'm doubly excited because I will be able to visit our local indie for the first time in ages, plus they have moved to a beautiful new location that I can't wait to checkout.

The rest of the week should be pretty routine... morning walks, assorted projects and chores, cooking, sunset beach-sitting. No complaints here!

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz
It's Monday... What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date


  1. I'm so glad you're enjoying Splendid! Yes, it was lonnnnggg, but I thought it was worth it. For me, it was the perfect example of a book about something that I wasn't overly interested in but still found, as you said, enthralling. You've reminded me that I have 22 hours to go! (Hmm...I think I'll celebrate by working from home tomorrow!! Sigh. But I am grateful. I hope you can really celebrate!) Oh, and that recipe looks delicious! I definitely want to try it1

    1. Audrey - I'm really shocked at how much I'm enjoying Larson's book. I liked both Isaac's Storm and The Devil in the White City, but this one is just fascinating. I may have to try In the Garden of Beasts, too. Congrats on reaching full immunity today... it really does seem like such a huge milestone. I'm looking forward to celebrating with a trip to the bookstore and lunch (outdoors) at a restaurant.

  2. It won't be long and you will be completely immunized. That's a good feeling.

    I read Splendid and the Vile at the beginning of the pandemic, and I kept thinking about how much more terrible things were in England during the war. It put the pandemic into perspective for me.

    My sister shared The Darkest Hour with us during one of our movie nights. After S&V and DH, I ended up having a big case of hero worship for Churchill.

    Have a great week, JoAnn!

    1. Deb - I can see how The Splendid and the Vile would keep pandemic woes in perspective. The book is wonderful and I may add In the Garden of Beasts to my list as well. I'm sure I'll en up watching The Darkest Hour again at some point. This was my husband's second (or maybe even third) time watching it.

    2. Our book club is reading Splendid and the Vile in June, and I shared with our group the idea of watching The Darkest Hour (it's also at the library) along with the S&V. I also happened to see that Darkest Hour was made from a book...I am very tempted to read it as well.

  3. I'll bet it was rough saying goodbye to your daughter after having her down there for a month! When will you see her (and your other daughters) again? I wonder why I thought that you only had the twins and not three daughters?

    We will be fully vaccinated this coming Friday. Hooray!! I wonder when we'll need to get boosters...

    I think I'll follow your lead and do a read/listen when I start in on The Splendid and the Vile. I'm reading The Oregon Trail for my book club discussion in May and while I'm enjoying it, it's slow going. I finished an audiobook yesterday and decided to download The Oregon Trail, which is read by the author. I listened for about 30 minutes while riding my bike and got sucked in right away. I'm pleased with the Rinker Buck's narration and now don't think I'll have any trouble finishing the book in time. So... that seems to be the way to go with Erik Larson's book, as well.

    Yes, The Darkest Hour was very good! I could watch it again, which I rarely ever do. We started Atlantic Crossing last night, which was intense, but so far, so good. I like Sofia Helin who plays the Crown Princess and was outstanding as Saga Noren in The Bridge.

    That new recipe looks delicious. I love orzo!

    The weather has been incredibly gorgeous here this past week. It was in the upper 70s on Friday and we had all the windows open since we don't have A/C. I've been busy doing a lot of raking and pruning. I should get to the nursery and get some plants for the pots on the deck, but I'm self-isolating until after Wednesday (when I get to have my lovely 5-year colonoscopy, oh joy). We're hoping to get away the following week for a short camping trip, but it looks like it will rain that entire week. We may still go just to get away for a bit.

    Have a good week, JoAnn!

    1. Les - The daughter that just left (one of the twins) *might* come back again after she's fully vaccinated, especially since she will not return to the office until fall at the earliest. The second twin lives with us full time. Our oldest daughter (31) also lives in Manhattan.

      I really enjoyed the audio version of The Oregon Trail... don't think it would have worked as well for me in print. In general, I tend to do better listening to nonfiction. Must be I'm an audio learner?

      I want to watch Atlantic Crossing, too. Will probably try the 3-part Hemingway documentary first though... not sure how long that will be available.

      You remind me that I'm past due for a colonoscopy... should have gotten one last year, but put it off due to the pandemic. One more thing to schedule.

      We're talking about a quick getaway to Key West to celebrate immunity... we'll see if it happens. Glad you finally got some warmer weather. Hope it holds out and you can go on that camping trip! Seems like years since you've been able to write a travel post!!

  4. Having your daughter there for a month must have been wonderful. I have 6 more weeks until mine comes home from college for the summer. And everyone getting their vaccinations is wonderful; it's certainly a step in the right direction.

    1. Helen - I can imagine how much you're looking forward to having your daughter back home! Summer will be here before you know it.

  5. You're so close to full immunization! I get my second shot on Thursday.

    I haven't visited Sarasota's independent bookstore yet. I'd like to go on Saturday but my husband is on call at the hospital so he might have the car. Maybe I'll talk him into taking me anyway. We'll be close enough to the hospital for him to easily respond if he gets called in.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Jen - Glad you have your second shot coming up this week. We are all making progress toward immunity! Hope you get to visit the Sarasota indie bookstore soon, even if it isn't on Saturday.

  6. Yay for time with your other daughter and for so close to full immunization. We are fully vaccinated as it my daughter and SIL and my son and DIL are half vaccinated now so progress. I've heard good things about Splendid and the Vile - glad you are enjoying it. Have a good week.

    1. Diane - It makes me so happy that our families are making progress toward immunization, too... it's been a long year! The Splendid and the Vile is my third book by Erik Larson. All have been very good.

  7. JoAnn,
    Ken and I re-watched The Darkest Hour when I was finishing up The Splendid and the Vile about three weeks ago. Enjoyed it every bit as much the second time! Yes, I'm a total immersion fiend as well.
    Wishing you the happiest FIRST dining experience imaginable!

    1. Judith - I will watch The Darkest Hour again at some point... such a good movie! Planning to have my first (outdoor)restaurant meal on Saturday. I'll combine it with a trip to the bookstore!

  8. The Splendid and the Vile looks good, and I loved The Darkest Hour.

    Happy news about the total vaccination on the horizon!

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - It feels like our lives are about to change for the better! So thankful for immunizations :)

  9. It has been a while since I tried a new recipe. The one you picked looks excellent. I quite often bounce between an audiobook and Kindle version when I read. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I seem to be doing read/listen combinations more and more frequently, especially in the past year. Love that level of involvement with a book. Happy reading this week!

  10. I’m glad the vaccination process is going well for all of you.
    Enjoy your indie visit.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - It's going to be such a treat to visit a bookstore. I haven't browsed wither a bookstore or library in over a year! Hope your week is off to a good start.

  11. I hope to use the two Half Baked Harvest cookbooks for my library cookbook club next year. We have to wait until demand dies down on new cookbooks. Our May meeting we're using Healthyish, though, which looks really good too. If I ever read The Splendid and the Vile, I think it will be on audio. I know I don't read enough nonfiction, but there are so many great novels left to read! ;)

    1. Laurie - My library doesn't have the first Half Baked Harvest cookbook, but the second is so good I may just buy it without a test run.

      I tend to prefer nonfiction on audio, or as a read/listen combination. Must be I am an audio learner...

  12. I follow that cookbook author on Instagram her dishes are always tasty and pretty easy to make.

    It will be wonderful to be fully vaccinated. My second shot is May 4th so I have a ways to go. I am still being cautious with double masks when there are to many people around, like at church.

    1. Ti - I started following her on instagram recently, too. Wish I could take good photos of the food I prepare... Glad you're scheduled for your second shot!

  13. Vicki - When you do get to Larson, I recommend you listen or do a read/listen combination. That seems to work best for me with that author.

  14. I've just started Splendid/Vile, and as always in one of this author's books, I'm immersing deeper and deeper into that world with every chapter. He's such a good writer!

    Visited a small indie bookstore not for from me for the first time in over a year, and enjoyed the visit a lot. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the store has survived the pandemic well and actually seems to be thriving right now.

    1. Sam - I finished The Splendid and the Vile yesterday (which is why I'm only just getting to comments now) and thought it was excellent! It took me a little while to get into it, but then I just couldn't put it down. I may need to go back and read In the Garden of Beasts soon.

      I'll be visiting our local indie tomorrow and cannot wait! Will try and limit myself to two books...

  15. The Darkest Hour is a good movie! We have watched it a few times now!

    1. Marg - I will definitely watch The Darkest Hour again... so good!!

  16. Ooh, I would like to watch The Darkest Hour - I tend to like total immersion myself :) I also listened to The Splendid and the Vile. So compelling.

    Have a good week and enjoy your liberation!

    1. JaneGS - The Darkest Hour was wonderful! I highly recommend it and am sure we'll watch it again soon.

  17. I know it was lovely to see your daughter again. It's been 3 years since we set eyes on Tristan and our granddaughter is now 7. Yikes!

    We liked The Darkest Hour movie and I thought it was very well done.

    A+ for orzo and asparagus. I just made a risotto with asparagus and love the combo of starch with asparagus. We haven't had triple tail in agaes but when we both worked at FDLE there was a guy who brought us FRESH caught triple tail and I traded with homemade bread. A great arrangement :-)

    1. Tina - Hopefully you will get to see you son/granddaughter soon now. It is so good to be around family again. My husband's brother and his wife are here from NM now (mostly to see my FIL) and it's so good to spend time with them.

      I have never made risotto but I love eating it! Bet the guy you traded with appreciated your homemade bread just as much as you enjoyed the fish!

  18. Congratulations on your upcoming second dose! I had mine yesterday (Pfizer), it's been 24 hour and I keep waiting to see if something will happen, but just a sore arm so far. One kid had a J&J a couple of weeks ago, the other was supposed to get it Monday but was postponed and will get an alternate vaccination on Friday, probably Moderna. It's such a relief and I'm actually thinking about things I might even consider doing now.

    1. Karen - I'm glad you didn't have a reaction to your second dose. Our daughter ended up with minimal side effects, too, and now we're having discussions about what we feel comfortable doing. A trip to the bookstore is on my list for Saturday and I've scheduled a haircut. We'll eat outdoors at a restaurant, but no indoor dining yet. So glad your family is also on the road to full immunity.

  19. Congrats on your vaccine!!! I had my second one last Monday. Yay!

    1. Erin - Hooray for being fully vaccinated! Hope you didn't have much of a reaction. I can't wait to visit the bookstore this weekend :)

  20. I'm getting my second jab on Friday! IT's such a great feeling. So happy your kids are getting them too.

    Splendid and the Vile has been on my list for awhile. Looking forward to it.

    That dish looks yummy!

    1. Heather - Looks like today is your day for the second jab - congrats! It's such a good feeling! I finished The Splendid and the Vile last night and am so impressed. The Darkest Hour movie was excellent, too.

  21. Glad you are digging the Erik Larson book. I have not read it yet, but I know many who have loved it. I will get there. By now, you are fully vaccinated! Congrats!

    1. Susan - I ended up rating the Larson book 4.5 stars. After 30%, I couldn't put it down. May add his earlier book, In the Garden of Beasts to my list.


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