Thursday, October 11, 2018

Book Brief: I'd Rather Be Reading by Anne Bogel

I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life
by Anne Bogel
narrated by Anne Bogel
Mission Audio, 2018
2 hours and 23 minutes

Motivation for reading:
I cannot resist books about books!

audiobook downloaded via hoopla from my library
(If your library has hoopla, the ebook is also available for immediate download.)

Publisher's summary:
For so many people, reading isn't just a hobby or a way to pass the time - it's a lifestyle. Our books shape us, define us, enchant us, and even sometimes infuriate us. Our books are a part of who we are as people, and we can't imagine life without them.

I'd Rather Be Reading is the perfect literary companion for everyone who feels that way. In this collection of charming and relatable reflections on the reading life, beloved blogger and author Anne Bogel leads people to remember the book that first hooked them, the place where they first fell in love with reading, and all of the moments afterward that helped make them who they are today.

Known as a reading tastemaker through her popular podcast What Should I Read Next?, Bogel invites book lovers into a community of like-minded people to discover new ways to approach literature, learn fascinating new things about books and publishing, and reflect on the role reading plays in their lives. The perfect gift for the bibliophile in everyone's life, I'd Rather Be Reading will also command an honored place in the audio library of any book lover.

Opening paragraph:
Confess Your Literary Sins 
In David Lodge's campus novel Changing Places, two college professors - one American, one British - swap teaching roles for a year. In one memorable scene, the British academics invite their American guest to play a party game called Humiliation. Players confess important literary world they haven't yet read, and points are scored based on how many other players have already read them. The person with the most - and most egregious - gaps in their personal reading history wins. If everyone but you has read that book, you're going to be great at Humiliation.

My thoughts:

I've read Changing Places, so from the first paragraph, I had a feeling Anne Bogel and I might be on the same page - literally. And as it turned out, we were. Bogel is a reader and she understands readers. So much of what she writes here resonates with me.

There are many quotes I would share if I'd had a print copy but, since I listened, you might want to read (or listened to) this book for yourself. The audio version is very short... easy to listen to while completing daily tasks or on a short car trip. Bogel narrates it herself and her passion for reading is evident. My only complaint is that the pace of the audio may have been a little too fast. Nevertheless, I wholeheartedly agreed with every word!
..."what I've come to learn is this: if my real life reminds me of something I read in a book, I'm reading well -- and I'm probably living well, too."  

My rating:


  1. Thank you for introducing me to this book...there were so many things that resonated! Hope you are enjoying your adventure!

    1. Audrey - Glad you enjoyed this one, too! Our trip was so much fun .. got back in the wee hours Tuesday morning. Still trying to catch up!

  2. I do love a book about books. I follow Anne's blog, so was somewhat familiar with this book, but hadn't yet read any reviews. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I'm so glad Bogel's book spoke to you as a reader. It's one I may need to download for a little literary inspiration!

  4. I can't resist books about books either. This sounds good.

    1. Kathy - I think you would enjoy this one :)

  5. I loved this book - truly! It really spoke to me. And I did share quotes as I read it in print instead of listening to it (though I may do that before long). Lots of things that I nodded my head about. :-)

    1. Kay - I'll have to check your post... and will probably need to buy a print copy, too!

  6. I can't wait to buy a copy of this book. I know it's one I want to read rather than listen to since I will most likely want to mark my favorite passages. That happened with Dear Fahrenheit 451 (and I wound up buying the book for a future re-read)!

    Glad your trip was a success. Maybe next time, we'll get an opportunity to meet up somewhere along the way!

    1. Les - This is a book I need to own in print! We're already thinking about possible trips for next year... Pacific NW, southern AZ, Utah again, Glacier NP. Sure hope our paths cross somewhere along the way :)

    2. We might try to get to Vancouver Island next year, but we're also looking at Utah and Glacier. If you plan on the Pacific Northwest, you must come visit us in Oregon! :)

  7. Sounds like one that's right up my alley!

  8. Hooray, our libraries finally have this book, and I am on the waiting list - hopefully not for long.

    1. Lisa - Hope your wait is short. This is a must read :)

  9. Vicki - If your library has hoopla, you can download it right away! I really enjoyed it.

  10. I don't know what device you listen to your books on but you can turn the narration speed up or down in Samsung and audible devices on the audible app. Have a look when the book is open on your app and see if you see where that happens. At the bottom I believe.

    1. Oh, Pam... I never thought of that!! Sometimes I'll speed things up, but I don't think I've ever listened to a book at a slower pace. I forgot that was even a possibility. Now I feel silly...

  11. I think this is one book that I have to buy to make sure it is part of my library. So glad to hear you enjoyed it!

    1. Iliana - Definitely! I need to own a copy of this book, too.


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