Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Sunday Salon: Manatees!

Hello, friends. After a chilly, grey week in southwest Florida, the sun is finally shining... and a little sunshine makes a BIG difference! We saw photos of snowy panhandle beaches, but thankfully none of the white stuff fell here in southwest Florida. Yesterday morning was our coldest at 44 degrees, but the windchill made it feel like 29. Brr!! My orchids have been inside most of the month.

There is one advantage to the cold weather though. It's a great time to visit Manatee Park in Fort Myers. Thanks to a warm water discharge into the park canal from the Florida Power and Light plant across the street, manatees congregate in the park when water temperatures in the Gulf of Mexico dip below 68 degrees. We visited on Friday and saw hundreds of them! It was a beautiful sight, but very difficult to photograph. (Each one of the blobs in the photo above is a manatee.) It's especially fun to see their snouts or tails break the surface. Plus they make the cutest little snorting sounds! 

Recent reading//

by Ann Leary, narrated by the author

I want to read more essay collections this year and, having enjoyed two of Leary's novels, this seemed like a great place to start. In this collection, Leary writes about various aspects of her life including marriage to actor Dennis Leary, raising kids, her writing career, being a "people pleaser," assorted hobbies, adventures of living in an old house, and her struggles with alcoholism. All were compelling, but I especially loved an essay about the dogs who have shared her life over the years. I appreciated Leary's openness and honesty throughout the collection. This was a read/listen combination for me. Essays or memoirs read by the author are always a treat, but I can recommend this book in either format.

Current reading//

How the Light Gets In by Joyce Maynard

I'm almost done with this sequel to Count the Ways and enjoying it very much. I should finish later today... unless I get too caught up in the football games.

Up next//

Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain

This nonfiction classic about the First World War has been on my TBR list for years and will be a February buddy read with Tina. At nearly 700 pages, this chunkster could take a while...

In the kitchen//

I don't know about you but the chicken in my homemade stir-fry never tastes quite like the chicken in a good Chinese restaurant. Their chicken stays moist and the sauce seems to cling to each piece, but my chicken is often a little dry and the sauce runs right off of it. Last week I learned about a process call velveting... a Chinese cooking technique that involves marinating and pre-cooking chicken before adding it to another dish like the stir-fry.

I read about it in a NYTimes recipe, Butter-Soy Chicken and Asparagus Stir-Fry. For the velveting, chicken slices are coated with a combination of corn starch, baking soda, sugar, salt & pepper, and soy sauce, then tossed with vegetable oil and egg white. Marinade for 30 minutes to 2 hours, then boil for 90 seconds and drain in a colander. At that point, you continue with your stir-fry recipe. 

This particular recipe is behind a pay wall and nothing special - too much butter and too bland  - but I will continue to experiment with the technique. The chicken itself was really good. Have you heard of velveting?  I can't wait to try it again with a more flavorful stir-fry!

The week ahead//

Weatherwise, it looks like we're in for a good one - much more like the Florida winter weather I love! I have a couple of appointments, but am looking forward to a midweek book club author talk, walks on the beach, and our daughter and son-in-law 's upcoming visit.

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.



  1. I'd like to get that Ann Leary book, it sounds like one I would enjoy. Very much looking forward to the Vera Brittain book. It is indeed a chunkster!
    I'm a good ways into The Thorn Birds right now with Deb at Readerbuzz.

    Never heard of velveting and that would explain why some of the sauces drip away when I do a stir fry. Thanks for the advice. The dish looks good, love a good stir fry. Beautiful photos of the beach and food!

    1. Tina - Is The Thorn Birds a reread for you? I loved it so many years ago and have almost been afraid to reread ... I'd be so disappointed if it doesn't hold up.

  2. The recipe/food pic looks fabulous. I used to stir fry veggies a lot when I lived alone, but my husband and kids aren't fans. I miss it! The Ann Leary book looks good :) Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Becki. I'm lucky because my husband and adult daughter who lives with us will eat just about anything I prepare... and I enjoy trying new recipes.

  3. Yes, a little sunshine makes a lot of difference. We're cold here, but it's dry and sunny. I wondered if you were getting any snow. But your cold temps don't sound very nice. Brrr. Lol. Just noticed your large font for the Gulf of MEXICO. ;) I'm seeing a lot of that and mentions of Denali in social media right now. Fun to see the manatees, I'm sure!

    I'm looking forward to Ann Leary's book, but it's on the back burner right now. I'm listening to James, as well as Bishop Budde's book (How We Learn to Be Brave). I need to order a copy of Joyce Maynard's book. If it's on my TBR shelf, I'm more likely to read it sooner than later. I looked up Testament of Youth after reading Tina's comment on Susan's post. It sounds like a fun buddy read. Have fun!

    I saw that chicken recipe in the NYTimes and considered making it. Thanks for testing it for me! :) Keep us posted on your search for a better recipe.

    Enjoy your walks on the beach!

    1. Les - I think we've finally turned the corner with the cold, grey weather. It was hard to believe we are even in Florida the past few weeks! I've just added Bishop Budde's book to my tbr, so I'll be interested to hear what you think.

      I finished Maynard's book and really liked it. I enjoyed checking in on those characters and seeing how their lives are turning out. Not quite as good as Count the Ways, but I'm definitely a Maynard fan now!

      Happy to try a recipe so you don't have to! ;-) I would use that velveting process and the same stir-fry components, but maybe a different sauce next time.

      I'm looking forward to spending more time on the beach now that the weather is better!

  4. JoAnn, glad you guys escaped the snow and horrible cold. Know that Florida is not used to those things so much. I couldn't believe some of the pictures I saw of the FL panhandle, New Orleans, and Galveston. Crazy! The manatees sound fun. Hope you have a good week!

    1. Kay - Living in central NY most of my life, I'm used to the snow and cold... but for the life of me I can't figure out why 40 degrees in Florida feels colder than 10 degrees up there!! Seeing all those manatee in one place was a real treat.

  5. I also noticed the NYT discussion of Velveting chicken for a stir-fry. The speed with which food is served in many Chinese restaurants makes it clear that they do precook the ingredients, and it’s intriguing to get info on just what they do.
    best… mae at

    1. Mae - Now that I know about velveting, the quick turn around in a Chinese restaurant makes a lot more sense!

  6. Seeing the manatees sounds super cool! Have a great week!

    1. Cindy - That was definitely the highlight of my week!

  7. The sun makes a big difference. I never thought I would be happy for sunny and forty. Enjoy the week. Happy day of rest to you.

    1. R's Rue - The power of a little sunshine never fails to amaze! Hope your week is off to a good start.

  8. It must feel nice there right now. Perfect walking weather. So interesting to see so many manatees together, Wow! They really don't like the cold. Glad you enjoyed the Leary essays. Some are a bit funny ... I guess I'm always surprised by people's openness in books like that. Ann was pretty candid. I liked that she's both a dog lover & a tennis player which was cool by me. Enjoy your week.

    1. Susan - The last two days have been just perfect... hope this weather sticks around for a while! Leary really puts it all out there, which is just what I love in a personal essay. The manatees are so funny-looking that you can't help but love them!

  9. Snow along the Gulf of MEXICO coast (I will not call it the Gulf of America) and today in southern California we had pelting rain and hail in my town.

    1. Helen - Yes, it remains the Gulf of Mexico for me, too. You had hail - crazy!

  10. No snow in my part of Florida either, but it's been cold and cloudy. It's been so dreary. This weekend we finally got sun and you're right, it makes all the difference. We have a manatee park near here too. I haven't been there in awhile, but it's always fun. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - We hadn't been to see the manatee is several years, and this was definitely a treat to see so many! It was another beautiful day today... hope this continues!

  11. I love seeing those manatees (and loved the bold text as well). I love a good stirfry as well. Have a great week ahead JoAnn!

  12. So many manatees!
    Using just baking soda to velvet chicken ( and beef) is just as effective and less fuss - this link explains it

    Wishing you a great reading week!

    1. Thanks for this, Shelleyrae! It's a lot less fuss than the NYTimes method. I will give it a try. BTW, I got a copy of the book about the Florida citrus industry you mentioned. Thanks again. I'll read it soon.

  13. What fun to see manatees! The book of essays sounds good.

    1. Joy - The manatees were the highlight of my week!

  14. Velveting does make all the difference! It's so fun to learn a new technique which improves your cooking!

    Love your manatee photos

    1. Marg - I couldn't believe the difference velveting made! Where have I been that I did not know about this??

  15. I always seem to start the year with a huge list of books I want to read--- everything that was held up by the holidays arrives at the library, and I have a giant stack of books I got for my birthday and Christmas. I've Tried Being Nice is one that just arrived from the library. I do hope I get a chance to read it before I have to send it along for the next person.

    Oh, manatees! I am late to the table with the whole idea of manatees---I don't think I even knew about them until I was a grownup. Very cool!

    1. Deb - I know that feeling far too well! This would also be a good collection to read slowly over time, too. I didn't know much about manatees until we started spending more time here... and I still have a lot more to learn!

  16. I love manatees! I am glad you were able to see so many. I am sorry though about the cold weather and am glad to hear it will be warming up there soon. I am glad you enjoyed Ann Leary's book and look forward to reading it myself. I have an e-copy of Viola Davis' memoir, Find Me, but saw that it was available through the library on Hoopla. I think I might prefer listening to it, so am thinking about checking it out. I hope you enjoy your reading and your week ahead! It sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned.

    1. Wendy - I tend to love memoirs and essays read by the author .. it seems to add another layer of feeling to the work. I've seen so many great reviews of Viola Davis' memoir on audio! Seeing all those manatee together was such a treat! Hope you have a great week!

  17. It must have been so amazing to see the manatees! I haven’t read any essay books. Maybe I should give it a try. I know what you mean about audiobooks read by the author. We listened to Patrick Stewart’s autobiography read by him. So enjoyable.

    1. Olivia - Seeing all those manatees in one place was pretty amazing! I've heard so many good things about Patrick Stewart's book on audio... glad you enjoyed it, too.

  18. I love manatees! Hey, for your chicken, cut it up and toss it in corn starch before tossing it into a stir fry :)

    1. Ti - Just corn starch? Wow, that's a lot easier than what I did with this recipe! Will give it a try, thanks.


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