Sunday, October 2, 2022

We are okay. Sanibel is not...

Hello, friends. I'm popping in with a quick update to let you know we are safe, though far from our Sanibel home. You have undoubtedly seen the devastating images of our island and the collapsed causeway.

Satellite images from NOAA show our house standing with an intact roof. I am so thankful... and amazed. Our house and neighborhood are also pictured in this Wall Street Journal article

Search and rescue continues, and remains the top priority. One couple from our neighborhood was airlifted off the island yesterday. We anxiously await word from others. 

Eventually we will be allowed in to assess water damage, remove important possessions, and begin mold remediation/repairs.

Finally, I want to thank my online friends for checking in over the last few days... it's meant a lot to me.


  1. It is so very good to hear from you, first that you are safe, and I'm also glad to hear that your home is too. I've thought of you every time I heard Sanibel mentioned in the news.

    1. Thank you, Lisa. It has been a roller coaster the last several days, but such a relief to find our home still standing. Now if we could only get in and see about the water/mold...

  2. JoAnn, You have been on my mind for five days now. I'm sending my best, most hopeful thoughts to you, although I know they can't possibly compensate for the devastation that occurred on your beloved, special island. Do please take extra special care of yourself!

    1. Judith - You would not believe the range of emotions over the past few days. Tonight was relief... the remaining neighbors checked in and are safe!

    2. Sorry my comment came through as "Anonymous." Can't figure that. Will have to work on it. At least you knew it was me. Do keep us posted on your status! Fingers and toes all crossed!

  3. I'm go glad to hear that you are ok and that your home seems to have survived the worst of the damage. I'm sure you're heartsick to think of what your beloved island has suffered.

    1. Lisa - It's going to be a long recovery process for sure... I just hope we can get the upper hand with cleanup before mold takes over.

  4. It's all so devastating and I am glad to hear you are safe and that it seems your house is standing. I do hope once you return the damage is not insurmountable. Keep us posted and know you are in our thoughts.

    1. Helen - I will. Whenever they let residents back on the island, we will fly down and see exactly what needs to be done. Hoping for the best...

  5. Yes JoAnn: I've been thinking of you & your husband and your place all week. What a devastating outcome. I'm glad you are checking in here. I knew you were in Conn. but I know Sanibel has been rocked. It's truly awful. Pls keep us posted with your situation & the conditions on Sanibel. So sorry!

    1. Susan - Hopefully we can get back on the island soon and see for ourselves what needs to be done. We put on a new metal roof and hurricane-grade windows, front door, and garage door after buying the house.... would have been a huge blow if they'd failed.Will keep updating here.

  6. JoAnn, Thank you for the update, I feel better knowing you and your family are in CT. Hoping things in FL won't be to stressful. for your family and loved ones.

    1. Thank you, Diane... so thankful we sold the condo in FL earlier this year and bought a place up here. Didn't anticipate spending the winter though. Now I have to go buy more warm clothing and a snow shovel!

  7. I've been thinking of you a lot. That's great news that your home is intact. What a scary time for you.

  8. Although I'm sad for your community, I'm glad you were out of harm's way. Fingers crossed that there wasn't too much damage to your home!

  9. I take it by your comments you plan to rebuild/cleanup and stay in Sanibel. Did they give you a time frame when you may be able to return to evaluate the damage?

  10. Oh I'm so sorry. While it was definitely best you're not there it must be hard to not be there to really see how things are. I read where you commented that all your neighbors have checked in and are okay and what a huge relief. Take care!

  11. Thanks for the update, JoAnn. My heart sank when I saw the photos of the damage to the causeway. I wasn't able to view the Wall Street Journal article (paywall), but I'm glad your roof is intact. That's promising, isn't it? I'm sure you're anxious to get down to the island and see what all needs to be done, but I'm thankful you were out of harms way! And, I'm glad your neighbors are ok. What a worry!

  12. JoAnn, I am so sorry. As others said, know you want to see what's going on there, but I am so thankful that you guys were in your Northern realm. Take care and will be thinking of you and all the people in Florida. Texas does know about hurricanes and damage, etc. My heart goes out to everyone.

  13. Oh my goodness. I am so sorry about your house and those of your neighbors there. I've been through many hurricanes, and I especially remember trying to recover from two feet of water in our apartment during a terrible tropical storm when my husband and I were first married.

  14. Ohmygosh I am SO glad you're ok!!!! And I'm truly sorry about the devastation to your house/neighborhood/island.

  15. JoAnn so glad to hear you are safe and as well as can be expected. As too your neighbours and friends. Australia has more than enough of its own extreme weather events atm, but Hurricane Ian made our news for a few nights - so glad you are safe.

  16. I've been thinking about you. So glad to hear that you're safe. And thankful you still have a roof.

  17. Glad you were not on the island during the devastating hurricane. Hope you can recover as much as possible soon.

  18. Thanks for posting your status. I have been thinking of you. Such devastation. Really defies comprehension. Things will never be the same, but hopefully recovery will be possible. Take care.

  19. I'm glad you are okay! Prayers for you.


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