Sunday, September 4, 2022

August Wrap-up and September Reading Possibilities

Hello, friends. How is your Labor Day weekend going? We're enjoying the long weekend with a visit from Twin A and her boyfriend... trying to savor every last moment of summer! August seemed like a long month to me. It was the hottest August on record in CT and probably close to the driest, too. We visited my parents a couple of times, spent a long weekend in northern NY/Vermont for my FIL's memorial, and completed a couple of small projects at home. 

August was a good reading month, too. I finished four books, with two more completed this weekend. (Those will be on my September list.)

Books Read in August//

September Reading Possibilities//

There are also a few library holds which may come in and you never know when a book from my shelves will call out. So many books...

How was your August reading? What was your favorite book?


  1. I tried Remarkably Bright Creatures, but I had to turn it back in before I got very far into it. Maybe I should request it again.

    The Pedant in the Kitchen sounds good, too. I wonder if it's at my library.

    I've got Fellowship Point and Lucy by the Sea on my list to read in September, too.

    1. Deb - I'm sure Remarkably Bright Creatures will end up on my list of favorites this year. Hope you can try it again. If your library offers audiobooks via hoopla, you'll be able to get The Pedant in the Kitchen. Might be difficult otherwise...

  2. August did feel long, didn't it? I'm not complaining, though. And, I'm in the camp that summer isn't really over until Sept. 21st (Equinox). :) You had a really good month of reading and I'm anxious to start listening to Remarkably Bright Creatures. I'm currently listening to Book Lovers and it's nice and light, which is perfect after The Four Winds. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on Fellowship Point, which is on my TBR list. My favorite of August? Olive, Again. So good!!

    1. Les - Other months have passed almost too quickly, so I don't mind that August seemed longer. That always seems to be the pattern for me. It's funny but fall always started on September 1 for me, mostly because winter comes WAY before 12/20 in central NY. Snow is fair game after 10/15! Now that I'm retired and mostly living in a warmer climate, 10/15 can still feel like summer, lol!

      Book Lovers is a perfect follow-up to The Four Winds! I went with Beth O'Leary's The Flatshare and that was also just the right change of pace.

      Olive, Again was excellent, wasn't it? As much as I love Strout's Lucy Barton novels, Olive holds a special place in my heart. Hope you love the audio of Remarkably Bright Creatures as much as I did.

  3. Busy August for you. August was a good month for reading for me and I'm hoping September will be good but, I've already had a disappointing September read - The Woman in the Library and another that isn't really my thing (no reviews yet). Hope to make better picks moving forward. Hope to get to Fellowship Point later in the month. Hope you liked it. Enjoy time with family.

    1. Diane - That's so disappointing to start the month with a couple of misses... I sure hope the rest of your September books are more to your liking! Fellowship Point was very good, but probably too long. My library hold of Take My Hand came in last night. Judging from the first couple of chapters, it's going to be a hit!

  4. As you know I loved Remarkably Bright Creatures. Between that and Lessons in Chemistry, August was an excellent reading month for me.

    1. Helen - I know you loved Remarkably Bright Creatures, too. Thanks for mentioning My Octopus Teacher to me. I watched it the same day you commented and loved it... so interesting! Hoping to get up to the aquarium in Mystic one day this week to see their octopus! Glad you had a great reading month, too.

  5. It’s officially Spring here now, but it’s been raining for days. Enjoy the last of summer!

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Shelleyrae - Happy spring... hope the sun shines soon!

  6. I'm curious about Remarkably Bright Creatures and Lucy By the Sea. Have a good week.

    1. Harvee - Only a few more days until Lucy by the Sea is released!

  7. I started the Remarkably Bright Creatures this past week and then hope to read The Soul of the Octopus soon thereafter. Have end-of-summer.

    1. Anne - I think The Soul of an Octopus is the perfect follow-up to Remarkably Bright Creatures! This week I'm planning to visit a nearby aquarium, but am hoping to convince my husband to take an overnight trip to Boston this fall. That's supposed to be a spectacular aquarium!

  8. Your book list looks really good. Lucy By the Sea is on my wishlist. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - I've loved every book Elizabeth Strout has written! Hope you have a great week, too.

  9. It's been so hot here as well. Drinking more white wines as they are refreshing. You have me on a Julian Barnes kick now and have checked two out of the library. As luck would have it (or not) 4 of my digital loans came through at once! Great list of books you have planned for September.

    I'm still trying to decide on a "post template" to continue my book musings on my main blog after obligations from NetGalley are completed.

    1. Tina - I'm sure CT hot is nowhere near as oppressive as FL hot! My favorite Julian Barnes novel is The Sense of an Ending, which I am hoping to reread before too much longer. Elizabeth Finch is on my library hold list... not sure when I'll get it though.

      I've experimented with several post templates for book thoughts, but still haven't managed to stick with one. Good luck in finsind one that works for you.

  10. Vicki - I loved Oh William! and wouldn't mind reading it again before Lucy by the Sea comes out... so many books! Hope you enjoy Remarkably Bright Creatures as much as I did. Happy September!

  11. It seems August was a long, hot month everywhere. I know it was in CO. So glad to be moving into the cooler weather. I've noted and added several of your books to my GoodReads list--Memphis really appeals to me at the moment.

    1. JaneGS - We're staying north long enough to enjoy fall this year... I've missed it! Memphis is a novel I continue to think about weeks later. Can't wait to see what this talented author does next.

  12. August felt never ending for me too and way too hot here as well. How wonderful that you were able to visit with family. Can't wait to hear what you thought of Fellowship Point. I've been hearing a lot about that one. Hope you have a great week ahead!

    1. Iliana - I'm sure the heat here was nowhere near what you were experiencing, but still unusual for this area. There is so much to love about Fellowship Point, but I thought it was a bit too long. Hope to have a review up late this week.

  13. What an incredibly hot summer we had up here in the Northeast! Definitely ready for fall to arrive. Happy reading in September!

    1. Happy September, Angela... today is the first day it's really felt like fall. So refreshing!

  14. We seems to have finally gotten over the mega-heat here in Central Texas. And we got some good rain. I actually have green grass in my yard. And about 12 deer relaxing outside under the trees right now. They seem happy too. Ha! Our renovations are going well. It will still be a while, but progress is being made. Yay! I'm doing my usual RIP reading for September/October. What reading I do. I've been on a bit of a slump, but I'm hoping that some of the newest books coming out will shove me right out of that slump. A new Cormoran Strike book and a new Vera book and....:-)

    1. Kay - Glad to hear good news about both your renovation and the weather! We finally got a good amount of rain yesterday (close to 3") and everything looks much greener today. It's cooler, too! I know how much you enjoy RIP and it sounds like you have plenty of new books to usher in the season. I probably won't sign up officially, but do hope to read one or two titles. My sister keeps recommending The Maid and I'd like to try the Thursday Murder Club. There are a couple others that sound appealing, too.

  15. Thank goodness for Strout's book - looking forward to that too. She hits to the heart of the matter. I agree August was way too hot ... so Sept should be better. I'm curious to hear what you think of Fellowship Point. Is it a must-read ? or just so-so? thanks. enjoy the week.

    1. Susan - I enjoyed Fellowship Point quite a bit... so many appealing aspects. The main negative is that, at nearly 600 pages, it's just too long.

  16. August has been crazy hot here but it's not quite as surprising in Alabama. It is starting to cool down a bit so hopefully the cool air is heading your way as well. Hope you are having wonderful week!

    1. Katherine - It's finally starting to feel like fall is in the air here... absolutely loving the crisp overnight temps!

  17. September is turning out to be really hot for us! August was full of thunder storms. Glad you got some good reading in. I always look forward to September and October for my fall spooky reading. Have a great week!

    1. Heather - I probably won't officially join RIP this year, but do hope to fit in a book or two fitting that theme. A few contenders in the pile... we'll see which one appeals when I'm ready!

  18. The Soul of an Octopus is still a favourite of mine, I would really like to read Remarkably Bright Creatures too.

    1. Shelleyrae - I really enjoyed The Soul of an Octopus - it was so interesting! Remarkably Bright Creatures will be one of my favorites of 2022.

  19. Monsters of Templeton has been on my TBR forever. At least what seems like forever. I am glad you enjoyed The Pedant in the Kitchen. I may have to check that one out. I hope you enjoy your September reading!

    1. Thanks, Wendy. September reading has been really good so far and there's still half a month to go!


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