Sunday, June 12, 2022

Weekly Update: June 12, 2022

Hello from southern Connecticut! We've been here just over a week and are finally settling in. We arrived in time for my husband to attend a few college reunion activities last weekend. One of our daughters and her boyfriend were here for a long weekend, too. Easy train access to New York City factored into our decision to purchase here and we're glad both NYC daughters are able to take advantage of it.

A top priority for me has been finding a new walking route, so last week I tried several. I enjoyed the variety and will likely rotate between three of them. Another route was especially scenic, but it turned out to be over four miles instead of my usual two to three - maybe I'll save that one for days when I have more time and energy!

Recent reading//

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

This was a read/listen combination for me and, unfortunately, not the 5-star experience I was anticipating. I'm waffling between 3.5 and 4 stars (a very good read!) and plan to post a review later this week.

Current reading//

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

This book has been on my tbr list for years, and about a month ago I purchased this beautiful paperback. It seems there is not a kindle edition... surprising! In this short novel, Rhys imagines the story behind the madwoman in the attic from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. I'm about halfway through now and finding to to be atmospheric, tinged with melancholy, and very readable.

by Maggie O'Farrell, narrated by Anne Flosnik

Maggie O'Farrell is another author on my "must try in 2022" list and this is where I decided to begin. It's a read/listen combination that is mostly listening for now. I'm about a third of the way in, completely invested in the story, and can't wait to pick it up again!

What's up with Blogluvin'?
This was my week to try and get caught up with blog reading and I couldn't access my feed for most of the week! It seems to be a recurring Blogluvin' problem, at least for me, and I think it may be time to explore other options. Are any of you using Feedly? What do you think of it? I'll probably set up an account this week.

In the kitchen//

I was craving soup this week and tried a new recipe for Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup from Damn Delicious... and it WAS delicious! The recipe is slightly more involved than other chicken noodle soups I make, but well worth the extra effort. The only change I made was to use 8 cups (two 32oz. cartons) of chicken stock instead of 6 cups. This will be my new go-to chicken noodle soup.

The week ahead//

We have a few more home projects on tap this week. I'm planning to check out a couple more walking routes, while my husbands figures out bike routes. We're looking forward to our  other NYC daughter's visit sometime midweek... she and her boyfriend are the only two who haven't seen the new place yet. I'm sure she'll also help me plan something special for Father's Day next Sunday.

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. I'd love to visit New York City someday. I'd probably spend the whole trip at bookstores. :)

    1. Aj - Some of my favorite bookstores are in NYC!

  2. I just started listening to Lessons in Chemistry. I decided it would be my walking book as an incentive to walk more. :) I was a little put off by the violence near the beginning but I did giggle at the first mispronunciation - tripliKate. We'll see!

    1. Audrey - I had been warned about that violence, so I was ready for it. The mispronunciations that grated on me were Jack LaLane's name (remember him?) and countless scientific words/terms. It's not a fluffy story and focuses on some serious issues.

  3. Lovely picture of the beach, JoAnn! Glad you guys are getting settled in and getting to have your girls and others to visit. Good luck with your walking routes. We just got back from a long-postponed trip to Asheville, NC, and I'm finally going to be back to blogging. Got lots to show and tell in upcoming weeks. We had a great time and I found all the rain that has missed us in Texas - it went to NC. Lush, green, gorgeous. Take care and I'll be around more often.

    1. Kay!! It's good to see you again. Glad you finally were able to get to Asheville and I can't wait to read your posts!

  4. I love NYC. It's so much fun. I hope you're enjoying your books. Have a great week!

    1. Yvonne - I love NYC, too, and look forward to spending some time there in the early fall. The girls will probably visit us here during the summer months.

  5. Jean Rhys really did write some incredible novels! Good that you finally got there.

    best... mae at

    1. Mae - One of my goals this year is to read some of those authors I've been meaning to get to for years. It's been very rewarding.

  6. There are not very many interesting walking routes around my home, glad you have found three. I have not been motivated to get out, I got sick, then lost the motivation once I was well. I hope you have a great week.

    1. Cindy - It's hard to regain motivation after even a short break. I had a back injury a few weeks ago and have really had to force myself to start walking again. New, interesting routes help.

  7. I've been using Feedly since Google Reader disappeared and haven't had a problem. I love it. The free version works perfectly fine for my purposes. Damn Delicious has fantastic recipes -- it's one of my favorite recipe sites.

    1. Thanks, Melissa. I've been setting up a Feedly account this morning. The free version will be fine for me, too. Damn Delicious is one of my favorite recipe sites, too. Several of her dishes are in our regular rotation.

  8. I’m a big fan of Feedly and have been using it or years. I’m sorry that Lessons in Chemistry was disappointing - I’m starting it tomorrow. Have a great week ahead!

    1. thehappyreader - Thanks for the input! I'm in the process of setting up a Feedly account today. Lessons in Chemistry is a good book, just not the light read I was expecting.

  9. Sounds like you're already busy with summer activities in Connecticut. I usually walk the same route every day that I walk, but a few times a month I'll head into town (4 miles roundtrip, with one big hill!).

    Glad I'm not in the minority on Lessons in Chemistry. It was good, but not great. I'm anxious to read more by Maggie O'Farrell, having read and loved Hamnet. Glad you're enjoying The Vanishing Acts of Esme Lennox.

    Bloglovin' has been driving me crazy for several weeks! :( I wound up creating a blogroll and check my favorite blogs once a day to see if there are any new posts. It's clumsy, but I haven't had time to try anything else. Let me know how you like Feedly.

    Have fun with your visitors. Ours arrive tomorrow for a week. Fingers crossed that it STOPS raining!

    1. Les - I think I'm going to like having a variety of walks this summer , especially since I stick to basically the same one in FL.

      Lessons in Chemistry was a good read, but I just didn't love it as much as I'd expected. The mispronunciations certainly didn't help either. Sigh.

      I'm really enjoying The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox and can already say I'll be reading more by this author. Maybe Hamnet next.

      This morning I set up a Feedly account. It looks like their free version is all that I need. Hope to finish that up later today, but it seems to be more reliable than blogluvin.

      Enjoy the time with your visitors. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some Oregon sunshine!

  10. Sorry, JoAnn, I started a comment, but it disappeared on me.
    Just trying to say that I always enjoy learning what you've been up to.
    I've printed out the chicken noodle soup recipe. May wait til Fall to try it, but it's definitely on my mind.
    Your search for walks--A great scenic 4+ mile walk does sound tricky for everyday, but I've found that when I do those lengthier walks, I feel a great sense of well-being (and I can eat a bit more!). But I find that length is very, very difficult to do in the summer when it's really warm and humid, or HOT and humid. Exploring walks was one of the first things I did when we moved to the Adirondacks. A wonderful occupation!

    1. Judith - Even being close to the coast, it still gets very warm here in the summer. I'll have to choose my 4-mile walk days carefully... and go early in the morning. We do have some hills here, but nothing like the Adirondacks. Speaking of the Adirondacks, my oldest daughter and her boyfriend have embarked on a journey to become "46ers". They'll be in Lake Placid this coming weekend and hope to complete two more peaks. Enjoy your books and walks with Sandy... hope you all have a safe, healthy summer!

    2. How much fun for your daughter and her friend to explore the High Peaks! Incredible views, but loads of foot traffic. I love Lake Placid as a fun getaway, but I avoid the heavily-trafficked trails, though I think they are wonderful for young people looking for a challenge. The truth be told, I can't wait for a Lake Placid getaway--it's been three years, since the fall before the pandemic. Too long! By the way, a fabulous independent bookstore in Lake Placid where I cannot resist emptying my wallet, not to mention my bank account!

    3. Judith - They're both in their early 30s and enjoying the challenge immensely. They say you need to arrive at some of the more popular trailheads at a ridiculously early hour to even get parking! I love Lake Placid, too, though it's been several years since we were last there. The indie bookstore is always a favorite stop!

  11. Glad you are all settle in CT; how great that your daughters can be with you easily during the summer. Sorry about Lessons in Chemistry not being what you expected. It was a read/listen for me and I liked it a lot. The Maggie O'Farrell book sounds interesting but it seems like I've read a few historical about women and asylums so maybe not right now for me. The soup recipe sounds delicious for colder weather. Have a good week.

    1. Diane - Lessons in Chemistry was really good, just not the lighter read I was expecting. I'm enjoying the Maggie O'Farrell novel quite a bit and will definitely be reading more by her. After being in FL, the temps here last week did seem colder to me (lol, it's all relative) and the soup was a welcome treat!

  12. I use The Old Reader for my blog reading. It's similar to the former Google Reader, hence the name. It's bare bones, no bells and whistles, just a good aggregator of updated blogs.

    1. Thanks, Amy. I've not heard of The Old Reader, but it sounds like exactly what I need!

  13. I loved Wide Sargasso Sea. Nice to be near the ocean but still close to NYC. I've gotten sick of the 3-4 walking routes I've rotated through over the last many years. It's cut into my desire to walk at all.

    1. Beth F - I'm impressed with Wide Sargasso Sea so far and hope to finish it tonight or tomorrow. I reread Jane Eyre just under a year ago, so that's adding to the fun!

  14. That soup looks seriously good. I love that website for recipes, I will have to try the chicken noodle soup!

    1. Erin - Damn Delicious is one of my favorite food blogs. I don't think I've ever had one of her recipes fail!

  15. I'm not familiar with Jean Rhys, but I find the plot of Wide Sargasso Sea intriguing. I need to give that one a look. I've enjoyed that kind of thing a lot in the past, but should probably re-read Jane Eyre before trying this one...been a long, long time.

    1. Sam - I think Wide Sargasso Sea may be Rhys' most well-known novel. Her writing is excellent and I'm tempted to try some of he other work. I reread Jane Eyre last summer and highly recommend the experience. Can't believe how much of it I'd forgotten... sigh.

  16. It was a soup week for me too. I tried a new recipe for Vegetable Barley. Mine needed more broth too. Nice looking assortment of books and nice looking area too. I use Feedly and am quite satisfied with it. Come see my week >a href="">here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I played around with Feedly this morning and think I have a working account now... we'll see. Vegetable Barley soup sounds delicious. I can eat soup all year long!

  17. Your soup looks yummy! Much better than the canned soup I had last night that didn't set well with me, LOL.

    I love Maggie O'Farrell's books. I might have read that one...I'll have to check.

    Enjoy your books and your week!

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - This is my first O'Farrell novel (she was on my "authors I must try this year" list) and it's really good so far. I'll definitely be reading more of her work!

  18. Vicki - I love NYC, too, but doubt I'll spend time there during the summer months. Hope to visit in September and October though. I'm not familiar with Inoreader, but will look into it. Thanks!

  19. Wowser with that pic of the beach! If I didn't live by beautiful mountains beautiful beaches would be my next pick. Glad you are settling in.
    O'Farrell is also on my list for this year. I've been wanting to read the one you are reading and am happy you are engaged. I think this will be the one I pick up then.
    Wide Sargasso Sea has also been on my list. I've been wanting to read more classics and/or books that haven't been published within the last few years at least.
    Glad you found some great walking spots. I hope you have a lovely week!

    1. Heather - I used to read a lot more classics, but that's really slowed down over the past few years... especially since the pandemic. We'll see if it starts to increase again. I'll definitely be reading more by Maggie O'Farrell!

  20. I'm sorry that Lessons in Chemistry was a little bit of a disappointment for you. I thought it was a fun read.

    When you mentioned Feedly, I headed over there and I was astonished to find that I'd not only already set up an account, but I'd already added a bunch of feeds. Apparently sometime in the past...

    That's a beautiful photo. Gosh, and easy access to NYC? Sounds wonderful.

    1. Deb - I still enjoyed Lessons in Chemistry, it just wasn't what I was expecting. Funny you already have a Feedly account... I think there are several things I've started and forgot about, too!

  21. Yummy, that creamy chicken soup looks like something I need to try. Looks perfect for a bit of comfort. Happy reading.

    1. vvb32 - That creamy chicken noodle soup and a good book ... definitely a bit of comfort!

  22. Your photo from Connecticut is lovely! I’ve read lots of positive comments about Lessons in Chemistry. I added the oh so intriguing The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox to my TBR. Your soup looks delicious! I’ve tried several of recipes from Damn Delicious with great results!

    1. Miaismine - Lessons in Chemistry is a really good read, but not as fluffy as the cover might lead you to expect. At 70+% I am loving Esme Lennox - such a good story! I don't think you can go wrong with a recipe from Damn Delicious.

  23. Love that first picture! It looks so serene. It seems like Bloglovin is down every other day, it's so frustrating! I definitely need to find another option.

    1. Angela - The first picture was taken at our town beach. Now that we have a resident's sticker, I'm sure we'll be making frequent visits... especially near sunset!

  24. Nice!
    I keep wanting to read Rhys.
    Google Reader was so good!
    I have been using Bloglovin, but actually now mostly follow blogs through email (which means I have hundreds of messages...), but otherwise I tend to forget to check through the Reader

    1. Emma - I still miss Google Reader! Not sure I could keep up with email volume following blogs that way, but blogluvin is no longer the answer.

  25. It's so fun that you get to spend the summer somewhere different. I did not manage to attend my college reunions last weekend (Connecticut College in New London, CT), which was a shame.

    1. Helen - Too bad about your college reunion. My husband went to college at Yale and enjoyed catching up with classmates. We lived in this area years ago, so it's good to be back. We can easily get to both New Haven and New London... and NYC, with a little more effort.

  26. Beautiful picture from Conn. I was actually born in West Hartford but only lived there a year or so before we moved West. I'm sure you will find more walking routes. I plan to read both the Garmus novel and the Rhys book too and your thoughts on them I'm sure will interest me ... as well as on Esme Lennox. Have a great week!

    1. Susan - I've come up with a couple of other walking routes, but I'd need to drive a mile or two to get there... I'm tempted. Finished Esme Lennox yesterday (loved it!) and Wide Sargasso Sea today. Three library hold just came in, so we'll see where I go next.

  27. That picture of the Connecticut beach is beautiful! I've never been to the East Coast but it is on my bucket list. You said in a comment that it gets warm there. Is there a lot of humidity, too? Or just heat?

    That's great that your daughters can visit easily from New York.

    Gosh...enjoy your new home and walking and biking!!!!

    1. Jinjer - I think the east coast beaches are beautiful, but very different from Florida or the west coast. It gets warm during the summer, but nowhere near the warmth or humidity we experience in Florida. Some of the older houses here do not even have air conditioning... thankfully we do.

  28. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on Lesson in Chemistry. haven't gotten that one from the library yet. The soup recipe is a keeper, I will be saving that link.
    Oh how I wish we had a cottage instead of the RV but my husband doesn't mind driving it so..... The heat is getting worse every year. Today I saw it was 88 degrees with a heat index of 98 just before 10 a.m. !!!!

    1. Tina - I have been a bad blogger this month and haven't posted any reviews yet. Will probably end up doing a mini-review round up, but Lessons in Chemistry was a little heavier than I was expecting. It deals with the many difficulties facing working women during that time period. But what really bothered me were the numerous pronunciation errors on the audio... I gad to switch entirely to print!


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