Sunday, February 7, 2021

The Sunday Salon: February 7, 2021

 It's been another low-key week here in Florida. Highlights include an excellent book, an outdoor socially-distanced pizza party, some time in the kitchen, and lots of walks. Temps were below normal early in the week (including one morning in the 40s!) but we're back to a pleasant 70 this morning.

Vaccine frustration dominated a couple of our mornings as we tried in vain to make an appointment for my husband. The Publix appointments filled before the site even let us in. We'll try again on Wednesday... fingers crossed.

Finished this week//

The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson

Narrative nonfiction doesn't get any better than this. What an amazing read! Wilkerson's research is meticulous, her writing is excellent, and the story keeps you turning the pages. The book never felt as long as it actually is... 600+ pages or nearly 23 hours on audio. The read/listen combination kept me fully engaged and I was always eager to return in either format. This book is ten years old now (Caste is her current offering) and I know many of you have read it, but his eye-opening read has earned a place on my list of all-time favorites. 

Current reading//

Since it's Black History Month, I decided to pick up Ya Gyasi's latest novel. Homegoing was a favorite in 2017 and I've been looking forward to reading this, too. I started listening to the audio version narrated by Bahni Turpin (a favorite) on my walk and have also borrowed the book from the library. 

On the blog//  Ten Classics on My TBR List

Virtual events//

None last week, but I'm looking forward to a couple this week, including one sponsored by the Trollope Society. It features Julian Fellowes (creator of Downton Abbey) in conversation with Gyles Brandreth, discussing the society's online Big Read of Doctor Thorne - one of my favorite Trollope novels. More information is here.

In the kitchen//

Mostly repeat recipes last week: Clam Chowder (I discovered that Bar Harbor brand chopped sea clams are much better than the well-known brand I've been buying for years), a repeat of Katie Workman's Chocolate Banana Cake (a big hit with my FIL) and, one of my daughter's favorites, Slow Cooker Orange Chicken. I use low-sugar orange marmalade for that recipe.

The week ahead//

Again, more of the same... a couple of appointments, walks, time in the kitchen, and hopefully at least one sunny afternoon reading on the beach.

How was your week? What have you been reading?

The Sunday Salon is hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz
It's Monday... What Are You Reading? is hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Thanks for the book recommendations, JoAnn. So many links I want to check out, including the recipes. I've been having trouble leaving comments... hope this one works. Have a good coming week! - Arti of Ripple Effects :)

    1. Arti - It worked this time - hooray! It's good to hear from you. Hope you are doing well and enjoying some time outdoors with your camera.

  2. Funny, my husband just said we haven't had orange chicken in forever. I have never used the slow cooker for it, I might try that this week!

    1. Jackie - The chicken isn't crispy in the slow cooker, of course, but coating it in the seasoned cornstarch worked better than I would have expected.

  3. I loved Warmth of Other Suns when I read it a few years ago - you are right, the book didn't feel as long as it actually was. It was so engrossing! I need to make some time for Caste soon.

    I hope your husband is successful in getting the vaccine appointment this week. It's crazy how much like a race it is. It shouldn't be so hard!

    1. Athira - I'm hoping to read Caste before the end of the year. Don't want to wait until it is ten years old like I did with this one, lol!

  4. I am envious of your bike and we keep talking about getting bikes for camping. Our weather has been cold and my BIL who lives in Tampa said he's had cold weather too. Ready for the warm weather clothes now!

    Orange chicken in the slow cooker sounds wonderful.
    We don't have our vaccine yet and are waiting on the doctor's office to let us know when we can get it.

    1. Tina - You'd love having bikes on your camping trips! It would be so much fun to go exploring. I think it's supposed to warm up this week... I'll try and remember this when I start complaining about the heat! Hope you get your vaccine soon.

  5. Pleased to have you among us who so admired The Warmth of Other Suns. I have a friend who is reading Caste right now but finding it more dry and scholarly than Wilkerson's previous book. She keeps saying she might give up but she keeps reading, so we will see.
    I have been reading Poland by James Michener all week and finding it quite good. I will finish today.

    1. Judy - I'm hoping to read Caste before the end of the year. Have heard it's pretty dry, but am encouraged to hear you friend keeps reading. I'd be curious to hear her final verdict.

      I haven't read Michener in years. Loved so many of them back in the day!

  6. Reading and long walks - sounds heavenly! Fingers crossed your husband is able to get an appointment soon!

    1. Thanks, Angela. Hopefully I'll have good news to report next week.

  7. Your books look so good! And so does that Orange Chicken! I used to love a neighborhood restaurant that served it. I wonder when we'll ever be able to go to restaurants again!

    Enjoy your week, and good luck getting the vaccine soon!

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - You know, I think going to restaurants is one of the things I miss most during this whole thing... along with family &friends, the hair salon, pedicures... Hopefully we can begin inching back to normal soon.

  8. I agree...reading and long walks both sound so lovely (and necessary). I think the first will be possible but we seem to be concentrating an entire winter into these first weeks of February (cold, or rainy, or snowing, or some combination of both). I'm really looking forward to Doctor Thorne tomorrow (and to reading it again soon after).

    1. Audrey - Sorry you've had such dreary weather lately... guess that makes it easier to stay indoors and read though. I'm looking forward to Doctor Thorne, too. Really loved that book!

  9. Vicki - The audio is super long, but the stories are fascinating. There were so many things in there that I'd never heard about... things were really bad in Florida. Hope you like the Orange Chicken.

  10. I've heard really good things about the Warmth of Other Sunds (better than Caste) so glad to hear you liked it.

    1. Helen - That's how the opinion on Warmth of Other Suns vs Caste seem to be breaking down. I hope to try Caste later this year.

  11. I love your bike! I'm looking forward to getting back out in the RV so I can get in some bike riding. I'll have to go alone, though, since my hubby has sworn off biking (since his fall and broken shoulder last July).

    Oooh, I would love to be in the 70s right now, but we've been hanging around the 40s for several weeks. The rain has stopped, though, so I'm going to head out in a little bit for a walk. Gotta get those steps in between rain showers.

    My mom and husband are both on the list for vaccinations. Just have to wait and see when they'll be scheduled.

    Glad you enjoyed Wilkerson's book. I should have gone with the read/listen mode...

    That orange chicken looks amazing. I know I have that recipe somewhere, but haven't tried it yet.

    Hope you have a lovely week ahead. Ours is a bit quiet with just two PT appointments for my husband. The following week we have something going on every day, which will be exhausting, but we'll manage.

    1. Les - I think the read/listen combo was key in my enjoyment of Wilkerson's book... may have gotten too bogged down with just one of them. Didn't realize Rod was done with biking, but can understand it. I hope the PT is helping him! I'm not riding much at all lately, I need to pick up the frequency! The orange chicken is not crispy like take-out, but I think the cornstarch helps.

  12. Chocolate Banana Cake sounds like the perfect dessert for right now! I hope your husband is able to get his vaccine soon. Here it looks like most healthcare workers are vaccinated and everyone in care facilities but the appointments aren't always easy to get. I've heard I could qualify as a healthcare worker because of my son but it's fairly easy to stay isolated for us so I'm trying to be patient! Have a great week!

    1. Katherine - That cake became an instant favorite for my FIL. I'm trying to make it often, since we'd like him to gain some weight. Hope Will is having a good week... thinking of you all.

  13. Trying to make appointments for the vaccine can be horribly frustrating. We've been trying for weeks to make an appointment for my sister-in-law. Finally our county created a waiting list. That has helped a lot.

    I loved Warmth of Other Suns. The research the author put into that story was amazing. I found the story riveting.

    I also enjoyed Transcendent Kingdom, too. Can't wait to see what you think.

    I have to thank you, JoAnn, for your recipe for the bacon-wrapped chicken. My husband and I loved it. It's a keeper.

    1. Deb - Glad to know you enjoyed Transcendent Kingdom. I saw it on quite a few "best of" lists at the end of the year. The opening chapters are promising. So glad you liked the bacon-wrapped chicken!

  14. More of the same is right, but I suppose that's a relatively good thing these days. I have Transcendent Kingdom in my stack right now of library books that are ticking away on my time allotment. Unfortunately, it's eighth in the stack right now, though.

    I'm reading/listening to an 800 page whopper called Wanderers right now. I have done the first 60% via audiobook (20 hours) but my two weeks is almost up, so I'm lucky that the e-book version just got to me. That gives me another 12 days to finish up the other 40%. I love the audiobook version, but i can't imagine anyone listening to 32.5 hours of it in two weeks. That probably explains why I was able to borrow it so easily; no one else was crazy enough to even try it.

    1. Sam - You do a masterful job managing library holds! Wanderers is a HUGE commitment... even if you love it, it would be almost impossible to get through the audio during a normal loan period. For books that long, I have to use an audible credit!

  15. I've noted both recipes. I think I'll try them. Haven't heard of the books. The non fiction migration book looks good but I must stay on track with my tbr books. 🐧🌷

    1. Pam - Good luck staying on track with your tbr books. I'm trying to concentrate on my virtual tbr this year. Hope you like the recipes.

  16. Being outside with friends sounds so far away to me right now. LOL. It is pretty frigid in Michigan right now. :) Enjoy your much warmer weather, and fingers crossed you get that appointment soon. We had to wait a bit for my mom to get her appt but she is going tomorrow, thank goodness!

    1. Erin - Publix will open up more appointments tomorrow, so hopefully we can get an appointment for him. Glad your mother got hers!

  17. I used our crockpot for a cranberry pork roast this week. The orange chicken sounds good too. Our cold weather is keeping me indoors this week. It is at least 70 degrees colder than my preferred walking temperature. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Kathy - I really love my crockpot... cranberry pork roast sounds delicious!

  18. I'm looking forward to the day when the covid vaccine is as easily available as the regular flu shot! It will probably be a few months before I can get one, but I'm ready now. Enjoy your lovely walks on the beach!

    1. Book of Secrets - So am I! We're going to try again tomorrow to get an appointment for my husband, but I'm going to have to wait a while longer.

  19. Good luck with the vaccine. I'm ready to get mine, but my age group isn't eligible and I don't have any line-jumping conditions.

    1. RAnn - I'm ready to get one, too, but not eligible yet. Hope we can get one scheduled for my husband this week!

  20. It sure sounds like you fill your days with a nice balance of things - some important, some leisurely. I do love a slow cooker meal. And wonderful to see your overall thoughts on The Warmth of Other Suns, as I just commented on your January wrap up about it.

    A lovely week to you - I hope you get your afternoon reading on the beach!

    1. Jade - Yes, it feels like we've finally established a comfortable "pandemic routine"... but I'm hopeful we can begin to get back to normal soon. Hope you enjoy The Warmth of Other Suns as much as I did.

  21. The orange chicken recipe looks like something my fam would like. I don't think they'd like it if I subbed tofu for the chicken. LOL. I am trying a vegetarian diet again but that looks good for them.

    I hope you can get the vaccine soon. It seems to be a problem everywhere. Here in LA they have now stopped first dose appts because there aren't enough vaccines for those needing #2.

    1. Ti - My daughter and I would both love to try that recipe with tofu instead! Right now we're trying to get the vaccine for my husband. I'm more than ready, but not eligible yet. Hopefully soon.

  22. My bike is the same color as yours I think! Reminds me I haven't been on a bike ride in forever. Sorry to hear about the appointment frustrations. I'm trying to get an appointment for my mom and myself too for that matter. I get the feeling we'll be waiting a while longer. Adding both Wilkerson books to my list for sure!

    1. Iliana - I'm not using my bike anywhere near as often as I should. Looking forward to the day I can ride it to the grocery store and pick up a couple of things just for the fun of it! Hope you love Wilkerson's book, too.

  23. Retirement life sounds lovely, despite the pandemic! Your books and food all look great, and Transcendent Kingdom is on my TBR.

    1. Laurie - I'd say we're pretty content, despite the pandemic... though it will be good when we're able to socialize more.

  24. Isabel Wilkerson's book is already on my TBR, I'll be happy to get to it. My aunt has been trying to get a vaccine too but it's the same as you, the planner is already full when my cousin calls (repeatedly) to take an appointment for her. Frustrating. And now I'm thinking of baking a banana cake, thanks for the idea ! My family will be thanking you too, lol. Have a nice week and fingers crossed for the appointment :)

    1. IzaBzh - I hope you enjoy Wilkerson's book as much as I did. Already looking forward to Caste, which I understand is a bit more academic. We'll see. Hope you family got a banana cake! ;-)

  25. Good luck with getting on the vaccination queue!

    Wishing you a great reading week, and that sunny afternoon

    1. Thanks, Shelleyrae. Hoping we can get muy husband signed up tomorrow.

  26. I hope to sometime get to The Warmth of Other Suns. Glad you liked it a lot. & Hope you're able to get your husband scheduled for the vaccine. I got my parents the vaccine in Calif. last week so that was a relief. We will get the next one in early March. Not much else right now but if it warms up a bit here in Calif ... I'll get out the bike! Enjoy your rides.

    1. Hi Susan - The Warmth of Other Suns was a fantastic read... so well done and so many eye-opening facts. We were finally able to get my husband a vaccine appointment. Tomorrow we'll drive nearly 3 hours to get there. Good thing we like a road trip! ;-)

  27. I need to get my printer hooked back up so I can print out that yummy clam chowder recipe. For now, it's bookmarked.

    1. Jinjer - I'm not a huge fan of clam chowder, but my husband and FIL both love that recipe. Hope you get a chance to try it.

  28. I'm planning on reading Transcendent Kingdom this summer. Feels like a good summer read. Glad you enjoyed Warmth of Other Suns. I'm about halfway through and love her writing style. I'll be on to Caste right after that.

    1. Heather - I hope it's not too long before I get to Caste, too!

  29. I hope you have good luck with getting the appointment for your husband. Is there no list with local government of order of priority? Am asking because that is the system going to be used here. Voting lists so that ages and all other information there.

  30. Mystica - We were able to secure an appointment, but are driving around 3 hours to get there today! Right now in this state, you must be 65 or a front line health care worker to be eligible for the shot. Hope more people can get it soon.


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