Sunday, March 3, 2019

Sanibel Sunday: March 3, 2019

March, at last. That seems to be the sentiment of everyone stuck in the throes of winter this year. Spring can't come soon enough. Here in Florida, the weather has been just about perfect - plenty of sunshine with cool gulf breezes.

Last week we took an overnight trip across the state to visit my cousin who is renting a condo in Miami Beach. I'd never been there before and, to me, it seemed like Manhattan with a beach! Very exciting, but quite a change of pace from this quiet island which is two thirds wildlife refuge.

Our plan was to hike a couple of trails in the Everglades the following day, but spontaneity ruled and we ended up in Key West instead! No regrets.

Finished last week//

by Ruth Bader Ginsburg,  with Mary Hartnett and Wendy W. Williams
narrated by Linda Lavin

"My Own Words  is a selection of writings and speeches by Justice Ginsburg on wide-ranging topics, including gender equality, the workways of the Supreme Court, being Jewish, law and lawyers in opera, and the value of looking beyond US shores when interpreting the US Constitution... This book contains a sampling selected by Justice Ginsburg and her authorized biographers, Mary Hartnett and Wendy W. Williams. Justice Ginsburg has written an introduction to the book, and Hartnett and Williams introduce each chapter, giving biographical context and quotes gleaned from hundreds of interviews they have conducted."
What a wonderful follow-up to Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life. I borrowed the ebook from the library and used an audible credit for the for the audio, but realized almost immediately that listening was the way to go. The audio version includes recordings of Ginsburg delivering speeches, lectures, and of course, her now famous dissents, as well as husband Marty's 2003 speech introducing Justice Ginsburg at the Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship Program at Georgetown University Law Center.

I thoroughly enjoyed these selections, though a few were less interesting and more technical. There was information on the court's history, as well as fun facts about past justices. The Justice on Judging section included a breakdown of both the court year and the typical workday. Ginsberg's lecture on the role of dissent was fascinating... especially her remark that a dissent involving constitutional interpretation "appeals to the intelligence of a future day."

As I said above, this was an excellent follow-up to the Ginsburg biography I read earlier this year, and that biography likely enhanced my overall appreciation and enjoyment  of My Own Words.
My rating:

Current reading//

Some Prefer Nettles by Junichirō Tanizaki
I spent almost no time reading physical books last week, but continue to enjoy this classic. 

Delta Wedding by Eudora Welty
narrated by Sally Darling

I started listening to this audiobook on my walk this morning. It's so southern and atmospheric... it kind of feels like the story is just washing over me. A family is preparing for a wedding and, though I have no idea where the plot is headed, it promises to be an interesting journey.

In other news//
I have a new bike! Sanibel is a very bike-friendly community, with 26 miles of shared use paths. For now, I'm mostly riding in the early morning or around sunset... my handling skills are rusty and high season traffic makes me nervous.

The week ahead//
Twin B is coming to visit! She'll fly down Wednesday night, then "work from home" on Thursday and Friday. We'll still have dinners and evening beach walks,and then the entire weekend. We haven't seen her since Christmas, so we're all pretty excited.

I'm considering signing up for a birding class at the Sanibel Sea School... not sure if I want to attend just the seabirds portion or the woodland birds section, too. I'll make a decision later today.

So how was your week? What are you reading today?


  1. I've only read one book by Eudora Welty (The Optimist's Daughter) and it was only a ho-hum read for me. I wonder how you'll like this one.

    Love that new bike of yours! We're supposed to have another sunny, mild day here today and I'm thinking about going for a ride through my neighborhood. I haven't been on my bike since last summer!

    I've joined a birding club, too. There are so many different birds here on the coast that we never saw in Nebraska, so it's been fun.

    I'm still reading A Brutal Telling by Louise Penny. I've finally gotten hooked on this series and enjoy curling up with her book in the evening. Otherwise, my days are full of yoga, pickleball, and mah jong. Have a great week and a good visit with your daughter!

    1. Les - I read The Optimists's Daughter back in 2011 and remember it being very quiet, but beautifully written. I've also read several of Welty's stories and have meaning to try her other novels. So far this is quite slow - not much is happening, but there's lots of atmosphere. We'll see how it goes.

      I'm still trying to find quite times when the bike path is relatively empty... still get nervous when there are lots of bikes coming at me. The path seems to narrow, but my comfort level is slowly rising. Might try the wildlife refuge tomorrow. It's a one way loop (for cars, bikes, and hikers) and much wider.

      Still Life is on my kindle. I've never read Louise Penny, but want to give this series a try. So glad you're enjoying retirement, too... it really is the best!

  2. My husband would be jealous of the Key West trip. He wants to make a road trip there. The problem is he likes to drive far more than I like to ride.

    I need to grab a copy of My Own Words.

    1. Kathy - Thankfully, we're pretty well matched as far as road trips go. Both of us enjoy exploring and don't mind a long day in the car! I loved the audio version of My Own Words, but it would be nice to have a print copy, too.

  3. I watched a documentary on RBG on Amazon Prime, and saw the movie On the Basis of Sex. Loved them both.

    I doubt I could manage a bike at this point, but I do remember loving mine back in the day. I no longer have one.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I missed On the Basis of Sex in the theater here, so now I'll have to wait for the DVD. Loved the CNN documentary! It's been decades since I rode a bike regularly, but I'm slowly getting used to it again.

  4. It's been SO long since I rode a bike...I wonder if it's true that you never forget how! I love the idea of your birding sounds like such a peaceful and rewarding thing to learn about. I'm looking forward to reading Delta Wedding with you--I hope we both enjoy it!

    1. Audrey - It's easy to get back on the bike and ride away... I just need plenty of room ;-) Listened to more of Delta Wedding this afternoon. They're visiting the aunts now. Very nice, but very slow... still enjoying it though.

  5. I haven't owned a bike in years! There is a place near us that rents them for use on their trails. Enjoy your rides!

    1. Angela - I'm having such a good's been decades since I regularly rode a bike!

  6. JoAnn,
    I wrote a comment, followed a link on your post, and woops--when I returned here it was lost. No matter. Just wanted to say I'm excited for you about the new bike.
    As a birder in northern parts, I would simply love to see Florida's winter woodland birds. Wow. It helps to go on trips with a guide to see woodland birds, because they usually know the birds by sound and then can spot them so that you can see them. Sounds like fun!

    1. Judith - Can't believe how much I'm enjoying this bike! Planning to bike through the wildlife refuge later this week... can't wait! I ran into problems when signing up for the birding class - they wanted way too much information! Medical history, insurance, medications, etc... seemed too intrusive, so I'm going to try the Saturday morning Audubon walks instead.

  7. Your weather does sound heavenly. I don't mind the rain, which we've had a lot of this year, but I know my daughter is itching for more sunshine. I just want the warmer temperatures back. It sounds like you had a nice visit with your cousin. One of these days maybe I will make it to Florida for a visit. My Own Words sounds really interesting. I can see why listening to the audio would be the way to go. I'll have to look for it at the library. Love the new bike! I think my daughter needs a new one. She's outgrown hers. What did you decide about the birding class? It sounds like fun. I hope you have a nice visit with Twin B! Enjoy your week!

    1. Wendy - We're pretty fortunate to be able to escape winter. They're gearing up for year another winter storm back in upstate NY tonight. My sister is a teacher and they're out of snow days... she's hoping they don't lose days from spring break. I decided to sign up for the birding course, but then when I started the online forms, I was taken aback by all the personal info they request (medical history, medication, insurance, doctor, etc.) I backed out and will try some of the Audubon walks instead.

  8. Some Prefer Nettles and Delta Wedding both sound good. I'll be interested in hearing more.

    I love my bike. I have reflectors on the wheels and I always wear a helmet; I'm very concerned with safety, having fallen while walking last year.

    I need to read something about RBG. I am so tired of the awful folks running my world these days. I need to hear something positive.

    1. Deb - There was a bike accident near our house yesterday morning - very scary! I also wear a helmet and have all the safety features, but it's still a concern. Notorious RBG is a good place to start if you want to read about RBG.

  9. Great posting and the RGB novel I recently finished reading, along with watching the documentary and viewing the motion picture "On the Basis of Sex."
    I was surprised and shocked to discover to what detail many aspects of women's rights were curtailed and denied. Enjoy family and the warmth of SWFL.

    1. Hi Marty - Thanks for visiting! It looks like I've missed On the Basis of Sex in the theater, so I'll have to wait for Netflix. The CNN documentary was excellent though. It's astonishing to see how far women's rights have come and what an important role RBG has played. So happy tone here in SWFL... seems like winter will never end for family and friends up in NY this year!

  10. I really like Welty (or did when I read her years ago). Love your new bike! Soak up that sun... we have more snow today.

    1. Beth F - I've only read The Optimists's Daughter and some of her short stories, but I have enjoyed Welty... have to be in the mood for the atmosphere and her quietness though. The bike is so much fun!

  11. I would much rather be in Sannibel than Miami. When I was teaching that’s where we took our Spring Breaks. But Florida is special to us because it’s where we met. I am doing some mystery reading and some light reading. It’s really cold here all week so not much is happening. I know you will have a wonderful time with your daughter.

    1. Patty - Miami was a nice change of pace, but I was very happy to get back to my quiet island! My siblings and parents are bracing for yet another winter storm in upstate NY... my sister teaches 2nd grade and they are out of snow days. She's hoping they don't lose days from spring break :(

  12. While most of February was pretty dismal, we were very lucky to have a glorious sunny week, just in time for the school's half term break. Sadly my reading was pretty low - only finishing two books. Here's hoping a longer month will mean more reading!

    1. Jessica - Glad you managed some sunshine last month... fingers crossed for a book-filled March!

  13. I would love a bike like yours but I'd have to add a basket for the pup! We have loads of bike trails where I live but it's a busy city. Not quite the same vibe as a quiet beach ride.

    I just finished the Crawdad book. Still reading The New Me and toying with the idea of starting this new book called White Elephant, about a giant house built in the middle of suburbia. It's fiction. Seems like something I'd find amusing.

    This week is not terribly busy. A couple of things and a choir concert but next week I have to travel for work so I know my weekend will be spent prepping for that. I do not like to go anywhere for work. Bleh.

    1. Ti - I have a basket that clips on the front. It's metal and not wicker, so the otter pup might fall throughout the holes! Hope you liked the Crawdad book... my sister is reading it now, but I haven't hear what she thinks yet. White Elephant sounds like my kind of book, so I hope you decide to read it soon and let me know. Hope it's a good week for you!

  14. The birding class sounds wonderful! I think it'll be lots fun and I think you'll learn a ton. I'm terrifieqd of bikes! I rode one all the time as a kid but haven't in so many years I think I'm past rusty. The last time we were in Key West years and years ago I rented on and basically squeaked in terror the the whole time!

    1. Katherine - I backed out of the birding class after discovering all the personal info they wanted... it was practically like going to a new doctor for the first time. Ridiculous!! Key West was fun... we plan to take a boat down later in the spring and stay overnight :)

  15. Vicki - I hope the smaller bike size works for you. It will definitely be much easier to climb on and off.... a too large bike makes everything a lot harder!

  16. I want a bike. I think we’d bike when we go camping. Bummer about birding class. I love birds and read about them but would love to know more.
    Thanks for your nice comment & I agree, bathroom and kitchen remodel help with the sale of a house. I was wondering if I’d start a new blog or just change the name of my foodie/life blog if we move. We wouldn’t be at Squirrel Head Manor anymore. Do you have a place in mind? Sanibel?

    1. Tina - I've been having the same thoughts about changing the blog name... maybe if we end up selling the house by the lake I'd do that. Even now it seems silly having a header photo with a frozen lake when we're here at the beach, lol! We have a 2 bedroom plus loft with a tiny kitchen down here now (house, but technically a condo) and would likely get a slightly larger house with a normal-sized kitchen... still in Sanibel :)

    2. I think it’s cool that you have a header for different seasons. My husband suggested if you move to Sanibel that you change the name of your blog to Seaside Musing or Beachside Musing. I like both of those 😉

      We are looking to leave the Tallahassee area, the crime rate is high, they’ve just reported the 12th shooting this year. Ridiculous for a town this size. It rivals Chicago.
      I’m retired at the end of this year so we will start reconnaissance trips and see what’s out there.

    3. I like your headers showing the change of seasons. My husband suggested changing the name of your site to Seaside Musing or Beachside Musing if you relocate to the south Florida area. I like those ideas. Don’t know what I would do with mine.

      A fair sized kitchen would be a must when we look at houses, we’d like darker skies, he’s an amateur astronomer, but Florida is a tax friendly state for retirees. It would be easier for us to move within Florida.

    4. Tina - I like his suggestions! Think I'll start thinking along those lines, too. Didn't realize crime is so high in that part of the state - yikes! We are a dark skies island (mostly to protect sea turtle nesting) and I've never seen so many stars! Makes me want to learn more about astronomy :)

  17. The bike is gorgeous. I was on a bike all the time when I lived in Ft Myers but Hobart has such narrow roads and so many hills biking is hard and dangerous. Reading a bit but need to update a post soon. Have had Michigan relatives and a ,arge boat festival to photograph so no time for anything else. Back to normal now I hope. Enjoyed hearing about the booms. Birding would be fun on Sanibel but agree re your decision to go on Audobon walks.

    1. Pam - Sounds alike life has been busy for you. Can't wait to see some of the photos... bet they're spectacular! This is a very bike-friendly community, but I don't like biking on the roads up in NY at all. Just too dangerous :(

  18. Ooo that bird class sounds really fun!! What a cool opportunity! And all that beautiful warm weather and sunshine. #jealous lol. We have sun but it is still 14 degrees here! Well, we will see what the end of March brings. :)

    1. Erin - It's still really cold up in NY, too... plus another storm is winding down this morning. I'm not missing winter at all and feel bad for my family. They're all starting to get cabin fever and wish sling would arrive!

  19. Wow have fun on your new bike! Wonderful to ride all around. You must be a Ginsburg expert by now, right? The audio of her speeches sounds good. Right now I started the audio of Becoming (Mrs. Obama) from the library ... wish me luck with its longness.

    1. Susan - I've definitely been on an RBG kick this year, lol! My daughter just started Becoming on audio, too, and really likes it. It won't be too much longer before I get to it...

  20. Bird life on Sanibel is very famous -- we spent a day in the wildlife refuge and especially liked an owl that had perched right by the trail out of the nature center! Seeing it on a bike sounds especially great.

    best... mae at

    1. Mae - This island is certainly a birder's paradise and riding a bike through the refuge is the best! I'm slowly learning about all the birds here... appreciate all the educational opportunities available.

  21. Exciting to learn that the audiobook includes RBG delivering speeches -- I love that!

    1. Unruly Reader - I didn't know the audio featured recordings RBG delivering some of the speeches, so that was an unexpected treat! Her husband, Mary, was an excellent speaker, too... loved listening to him, too!

  22. I love your bike and hope you enjoy it a lot on the bike paths. You'll have to share some pictures from your rides! What did you think of Some Prefer Nettles? Enjoy your week ahead!

    1. Iliana - I'm loving the bike, but still not making much progress on Some Prefer Nettles... only on page 75. Maybe this week ;-)

  23. Guess what I'm listening (re-listening) to currently? Graham Greene's The End of the Affair read by Colin Firth... thanks to you for sending to me. :) Alas, I do miss him in the movies.

    1. Arti - This comment makes me so happy, but I'm sorry it's taken so long to respond. The winter is getting away from me. I still think about what a wonderful audiobook that was... Colin Firth's narration really made it for me! Perhaps I'll give it another listen, too. It's well worth it!


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