Saturday, July 14, 2018

Weekend Cooking: New Recipe Trifecta

Weekend Cooking, hosted at Beth Fish Reads, is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs. If your post is even vaguely foodie, feel free to grab the button and link up anytime over the weekend. You do not have to post on the weekend. Please link to your specific post, not your blog's home page.

It's been quite some time since I've written a Weekend Cooking post. Instead, my weekly update now features an "In the kitchen" section. That gives me the opportunity to share new recipe successes (or the occasional failure) and include a link to the recipe. However, this was an unusual week. In a shockingly adventurous turn, I experimented with three  new dishes.

The first was so  good, it really deserves a post of its own. The recipe is from the New York Times   and, unless you have a subscription, you will not be able to view the recipe online. I took the liberty of copying it here... hope they don't mind. You can find the other two recipes by clicking on the links.

Swordfish BLT
recipe by Florence Fabricant, New York Times

There must be something to that saying "everything is better with bacon." This is, hands down, the best swordfish recipe ever! Several times during dinner, my husband proclaimed the meal "restaurant-worthy"... an expression I've never heard him use before. Swordfish BLT will certainly be the main course for my next dinner party!

Swordfish BLT
recipe by Florence Fabricant, New York Times


  • ½  pound thick-sliced bacon, about 9 strips
  • 1  cup halved grape tomatoes, about 30
  • 3  tablespoons lemon juice
  • ¼  cup extra-virgin olive oil
  •  Salt and ground black pepper
  • 2 ½  pounds swordfish steaks, in 6 portions
  • 1  cup packed, finely chopped arugula


  1. Fry bacon to medium doneness, remove to drain on paper towels and reserve fat. Place tomatoes in a medium-size bowl. Add lemon juice and olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Stir in 2 tablespoons of the bacon fat. Break up bacon into small pieces and mix in. Set aside until ready to grill swordfish.
  2. Heat a grill or broiler. Brush swordfish on both sides with remaining bacon fat and season with salt and pepper. Grill or broil fish until just cooked through, about 4 minutes per side, more or less, depending on the thickness of the fish. Remove fish to a serving platter.
  3. Fold arugula into tomato mixture, then spoon mixture, including its sauce, on top of the fish. Serve.

The other two recipe successes include:

from Smitten Kitchen

This recipe was just as easy as it was delicious... no surprise because I've never gone wrong with Smitten Kitchen. I followed the recipe as written, except I didn't have quite enough fresh basil. Along with a salad, this was a complete meal for my daughter and me. My husband may have grilled a small steak to go with his dinner ;-)

Thank you, Audrey, for sharing the recipe on twitter. It has earned on spot in the regular dinner rotation!

from Budget Bytes (their photo, too!)

I chose this recipe because it incorporates so many flavors my daughter loves. Plus, we had an exceptionally busy day planned and I knew it would be a treat to come home to a crockpot meal. Add the pineapple, steam some snow peas, cook the rice... and dinner is ready.

I used low sodium soy sauce, but would probably opt for regular next time. My daughter loved it and has already asked me to make it again!

All in all, a very successful week in the kitchen. Have you discovered any new recipes lately?



  1. All of the meals you cook look restaurant worthy!

    1. Thanks, Kathy. I love trying new recipes.

  2. Your recipes do indeed look delicious and beautiful! Somehow that teriyaki just sparkles.

    best... mae at

    1. Mae - The leftover teriyaki was gone after lunch the following day.

  3. That swordfish sounds amazing, thanks for sharing the recipe! I'm always trying to find ways to make fish more palatable for my husband, who leans heavily towards quadriped protein. :)

    1. Amy - The swordfish has to be one of the best meals I've ever prepared!

  4. That baked tomato sauce looks amazing. I will definitely be trying that recipe

  5. I'm a big fan of swordfish and that BLT twist looks amazing. I'm printing it out right now!

    1. Susie - Swordfish is one of my favorites and that BLT twist is brilliant!

  6. I think you have just returned the favor with that chicken. I haven't had all that much luck yet in loving the things I've made in my slow cooker, but I haven't experimented enough (and I know you would never steer me wrong, so I'm one step ahead... :) )

    1. Audrey - I'm glad! The pineapple and teriyaki really complement each other. I even sprinkled some sesame seeds on at the end.

  7. I would love to eat more fish other than salmon. The Swordfish BLT sounds like a perfect alternative. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I will pin for future reference :)

    1. Molly - We eat a lot of salmon, too. I'm always looking for new ways to prepare seafood.

  8. The sword fish looks absolutely wonderful. Now that chicken dish with the pineapple is something I’m going to have to try.

    1. Tina - Let me know how you like it. My daughter is already wondering if we can have it again this week :)

  9. All those dishes look fab! Cheers from cArole's chatter

  10. I just put swordfish on my shopping list! That recipe sounds amazing. I'm also going to try the Pineapple Teriyaki Chicken. Do you really notice the difference between regular and low-sodium soy sauce? I never have and now that I'm cooking for my mom, as well as my husband and myself, I'm trying to go easy on the sodium. Either way, I'm making this one, too!

    Tomorrow, I'm posting a simple chicken recipe that I found in a Tyler Florence cookbook several years ago. It's super easy and a big hit in with my family.

    1. Les - Usually I can't tell much difference between regular and low sodium soy sauce. This recipe just called for soy sauce and I used low sodium. I thought the final product needed a little more of something and attributed it to using low sodium soy. Will use regular next time and see if that's it...

      On my way over to check out your chicken recipe :)

  11. Vicki - Let me know what you think!

  12. uh disappearing comment again! I should just learn to write one word...let it disappear and write my real comment! The new thing I made this week was Korean Beef Lettuce wraps...they were amazing! Simple easy and the garnishes were awesome, too! I will post them on my blog this week! I love looking at beautiful foods!

    1. Patty - Oooh, those do sounds delicious! I'll be looking for that one :)

  13. It looks like you have had a very successful and tasty week! ;-)

    1. Deb - Yes, a very tasty week! I'm walking extra mies this week ;-)

  14. JoAnn, great to hear you've had three successes in the kitchen over the last week. I love the sound of the Swordfish BLT! Recently I tried a new recipe for a Summer Veg Pilaf - a rich, spicy one-pan rice dish, which was perfect, in the current heat here in the UK, served with crunchy salad leaves.

    1. Jessicabookworm - It was a very successful week... can't wait to make the swordfish again! A veg pilaf sounds amazing!

  15. Three new recipes! And from three sites I totally trust! I may have to try that swordfish next time Wegman's has it. The other two dishes sound great too. (I was out of town so I'm late to respond.)

    1. Beth F - Those recipe sources never let me down! The swordfish, especially, was amazing.


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