Monday, August 29, 2016

It's Monday, and I'm not reading

... but wanted to say hello and give you a quick update.

Mom had her hip replacement two weeks ago, was discharged on Wednesday morning, but ended up an another hospital Wednesday evening. She had a cardiac cath (with two stents placed) on Friday, and was discharged again on Saturday the 20th. Both of my parents have been staying with us since then. Mom is doing great. Her mobility is better every day and she's looking forward to having the staples removed later today.

Needless to say, my reading time has evaporated and I haven't even thought about blogging. I'm trying hard to convince them to stay another week... and think they're starting to relent.

I'll be back after Labor Day. As you can see, fall is already on the way.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope her health continues to improve. Happy Labor Day!

  2. Glad to hear your Mom is doing better. Hip replacement recover is really amazing. I can definitely understand why you're not getting much reading done though!

  3. Hip replacement surgery is really something, isn't it? I am always amazed at how quickly they get them up and around. Physical therapy can be draining but I hope your mom continues to heal and that you are able to catch your breath soon.

  4. I can see why you're not reading! Hope your Mom continues to recover well.

  5. Oh, my, you've (both) been through a lot! I'm glad your mom is recovering and am thinking of you!

  6. Wow, look at that tree! That about says it all. Fall is not far. Glad your Mom is doing well, between the hip replacement and the cardiac stuff she's had her hands full! Best wishes and prayers going forward. Have a great Labor Day!! :)

  7. Take care of yourself and family. We will see you when things settle down.

  8. Take care of yourself and family. We will see you when things settle down.

  9. Oh, goodness!! How scary about your mom's cardiac episode! I'm glad she (and your dad) were with you and is doing well. Hope she continues to improve and that it's smooth sailing from here on out. Don't worry about blogging. We'll be here when you return. Enjoy your time with your folks. Take care and remember to breathe. xo

  10. I totally know what you are going through. Take care!

  11. Hopefully your mom will recover quickly if she rests and takes it easy. We'll be here when you return! By the way, I bought Mothering Sunday since you liked it so well, will let you know when I start it. Take care!

  12. I'm glad to hear your mom is doing better and hope she continues with her recovery! Take care of yourself too!

  13. Wishing you and your mom and dad the very best! I hope you have plenty of comfort books at hand for those few minutes before you fall asleep.

  14. Thank you all! Mom continues to improve every day... the PT is helping a lot! Hope to be back to blogging sometime next week.

  15. Hoping your Mom is still on the mend and they decide to stay another week!

  16. Scary that she had to go right back to a hospital. Was it a complete surprise? I'm so happy she is doing better.

    1. Nan - It was! No previous hint of coronary artery disease. I think the hip surgery put just enough stress on her heart to let us know there was a problem, yet not so much to precipitate a more serious event. She was very lucky.

  17. Thanks for the update--I was wondering how your mom was doing. Sounds like the complications are under control. Priorities shift as needed and your reading time will return :)

  18. My goodness! What a lot your mom's been through. But thank heavens they caught the heart issue and you've been able to have her with you as she heals up!

  19. You are a trooper, and so good to your family. I pass along best wishes for your mom's recovery. It's not easy I know. Take a breather.

  20. Oh wow, I hope your mother continues to do well.

  21. Hope all is well and you get a little time to read!


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