Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Sunday Salon: June 5, 2016

It's Sunday and summer is here. The docks are in, the boat is ready for cruising around the lake, and I'm almost done with the flowerpots. My plan was to finish them on Friday, but I ended up reading instead...

Finished this week//

The Children by Ann Leary
If you're craving some dysfunctional family drama this summer, look no further! I'll have a mini-review up soon.

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah
The first half was slow, but I raced through the rest of this book. It was much better and more enjoyable than expected. I'll post a review of this one, too.

Note to self: sign up for Andi's Reviewathon!

Current reading//

Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler

"A lush, raw, thrilling novel of the senses about a year in the life of a uniquely beguiling young woman, set in the wild, alluring world of a famous downtown New York restaurant." 
I was just going to sample this last night, but ended up reading seventy-five pages. Can't wait to pick it up again tonight!

On audio//

Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell

It's time to start another audiobook and I'm craving a classic. Thomas recently mentioned Prunella Scales as a favorite narrator, so I sampled her reading of Cranford and decided to go for it. It's also on my Classics Club list, which has been completely neglected in recent months. I loved North and South and have enjoyed Gaskell's short stories, plus this book is under seven hours!

On the blog//
There was definitely more reading than blogging last week. I only posted once:
My Summer Reading List

In the kitchen//
I needed a quick and easy dinner Wednesday night, so tried a Chicken and Green Beans Stir-Fry from The Lemon Bowl. It's a keeper. I'll change up the vegetables and make it again soon... maybe water chestnuts, sliced carrots, and broccoli next time.

Today I'm going to bake Marcella’s Butter Almond Cake from Sweet Amandine for our family dinner... with a side of fresh berries.

Later today//
First, another cup of coffee and the New York Times. Later, I'll bake that almond cake, get more flowers at the nursery, and then we'll all have dinner at my sister's. I do love Sundays!

What have you been reading this week?

This post will link to It's Monday, What Are You Reading? hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Jessica Fechtor (of Sweet Amandine)'s book Stir was wonderful - I think you'd enjoy it. I made that cake from the book, and I hope she starts blogging again. (PS Did you see the BBC(?) version of Cranford when it was on PBS? Definitely worth watching.)

    1. Audrey - I borrowed Stir from the library shortly after you posted about it and thought the first chapter was wonderful! Unfortunately there were other holds so no renewals. I've been meaning to check it out again ever since.

      I didn't watch Cranford when it was on because I wanted to read it first. The first two chapters are delightful!

  2. I'd pick reading over flowerpots any day. I loved The Children and look forward to your thoughts.

    1. Kathy - The flowerpots are still waiting. Maybe tomorrow...

  3. That cake looks delicious...and the green bean stir fry sounds wonderful.

    I also loved The Children...and I've been wanting to get Sweetbitter. Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - The cake was delicious and only a sliver left over. I sent my father home with that :) Sweetbitter seems to be an addictive read.

  4. I've heard so many good things about Sweetbitter. Obviously I will be putting it on hold! :--)

    1. Jill - Sweetbitter is very good so far. I always love reading about familiar places!

  5. I finally broke down and bought Sweetbitter recently because so many others were loving it. I have NO idea when I'll actually get to it, but it's there when I'm ready for it.

    1. Kathy - I do that, too! Sometimes it seems like the best way to insure I won't read a book any time soon is to buy it ;-)

  6. YES!! I'm so glad you got swept up in Sweetbitter! And I'm going to keep The Children in mind for some dysfunctional family drama..I'm generally frequently in the mood for that!

    1. Sarah - I finished the rest of "Summer"last night and don't dare start "Autumn" until the kitchen is cleaned after dinner... otherwise there may be no dinner!

  7. Replies
    1. Ti - It was amazing. A little heavier than I was expecting, but so so good!

  8. Replies
    1. Deb - That recipe is going in the 'keeper' file.

  9. Sundays are nice for relaxing... and today was a great day here. Sunny but not hot, just awesome. Glad to hear the docks are in, I always liked relaxing on a boat ride.

    1. Greg - There is nothing like a summer weekend! Yesterday ended up being a total washout, but I enjoyed the coffee, newspapers, and time with the family.

  10. Reading "The Baroness: The Search for Nica, the Rebellious Rothschild" by Hannah Rothschild. Very interesting inside-in depth view of the family Rothschild without having to read a big huge biography. I had seen a good review when it came out in 2012, and after reading "The Improbability of Love" by same author, I'm glad I decided to read The Baroness. Quite an eccentric family, to say the least. Will be interested in hearing if HR wins the big Women's Writer prize to be announced tomorrow (formerly known as the Orange Prize).
    I'll bet your cake was delish. Wonder what it would taste like made with pecans instead of almonds?

    1. JudyMac - I've got The Improbability of Love on my list... haven't seen the winner announced yet, but I'll keep checking. The cake was wonderful! It would make a good butter cake with pecan topping, too... would leave out the almond extract in that case.

  11. Ooooo. That looks delicious. I made a new recipe last night from called Greek Turkey Burgers. They were very yummy. I need a few good ground turkey recipes. My husband even ate them and took one in his lunch today. Score!

    Gotta love some Gaskell. I've been neglecting my classics list too. Just a few days ago I was looking over my list and counting my selections. mmmm Anyway, I'm starting Robinson Crusoe for my bookclub. That will be one I can cross off!

    1. Heidi - I just looked up the turkey burger recipe and they sound delicious! Will give them a try here...Wegmans recipes never disappoint me.

      Read the first two chapters of Cranford today and think it's going to be a delight. I've been curious about Robinson Crusoe since reading The Moonstone. The main character in that book made several references to it.

  12. You have been busy! How many visits to Wegman's have you made since you have been home?

    1. Oh, Patty... I am at Wegmans at least twice a week. My husband says if I ever go more than 10 days, Wegmans will surely send out a search party!

  13. Omg that cake!! I love almond anything.

    Sweetbitter sounds really interesting!!

    1. Erin - I'll definitely betaking that cake again, but only when there are a lot of people to share it with. Too dangerous to have in the house with just three of us here!

  14. Looks like some good books.

    ENJOY your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

    1. Elizabeth - I've been selecting some good books lately... let's hope that continues!

  15. I've heard a lot of great things about Sweetbitter. I hope you enjoy it!

    1. Melinda - It sure is off to a great start!

  16. Vicki - Yes, reading over flowerpots was an easy decision. I'll get them done this week without fail! My family gets together for dinner every Sunday - my parents, and then any siblings that can make it. My sisters andI rotate hostess duties!

  17. Both The Children and Sweetbitter are on my want to read this summer list. What a delicious looking cake.

    1. Nise' - I'll be posting a 'book brief' on The Children tomorrow and am still enjoying Sweetbitter.

  18. That Almond cake looks too good! I have to try it too! I've seen Sweetbitter around but I still don't know if it's something for me. So I am definitely looking for your review. It's good to know that it pulled you in right away!

    1. Athira - The cake was a big hit at dinner yesterday... only a tiny sliver left over. I'm probably a third done with Sweetbitter now and still enjoying it!

  19. I like the sound of Prunella Scales reading Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell - I recently read this on my own Classics Club list and found it utterly charming. I have now recorded the BBC's TV adaptation of it, starring Judi Dench, which I am really looking forward to watching.

    In the last week, I have been reading The Gospel of Loki by Joanne Harris and the children's classic The Story of Amulet by Edith Nesbit.

    1. Jessicabookworm - Charming is the perfect word to describe Cranford! Already know I'll be watching the BBC adaptation when I'm done... what a delight.

  20. Wow that almond cake looks fantastic. Right now I'm reading Before the Fall. Enjoy those days by the Lake!

    1. Susan - The cake was delicious...a little more dense than expected. Before the Fall is getting a lot of press this week.Will be curious to hear what you think of it.


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