Sunday, April 17, 2016

Sanibel Sunday: April 17, 2016

Everglades, "river of grass"

Sunday again... and just two weeks left in Florida. Highlights this week included a day trip to Shark Valley in the Everglades and exploring coastal communities to our north. A couple of home improvement projects/repairs were completed, too, and we've scheduled two exterior jobs for after we leave. Time is winding down, but signs of spring are finally starting to appear at home.

It was a good week in reading, too.

Finished this week//

by Elena Ferrante, narrated by Hillary Huber 
My sixth Ferrante novel since reading My Brilliant Friend  last March, I may be suffering from burnout. Mini review this week.

It's been a while since I last read a short story collection... this one was a little uneven. Mini review this week.

Current reading//

The Nest by Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney
I was surprised to find this ebook available on the library's website. They must have added it just before I clicked over. Started reading last night and love it!

by Erik Sherman, narrated by Darrel J. Caneiro
I'll bet you didn't know I was a Mets fanatic in the late 80s and early 90s. That's a story for another time, but I am absolutely loving this book! It's both a trip down memory lane (with fresh insight) and a profile of the players' lives in the thirty years since that historic season.

On the blog//

Review: Miller's Valley by Anna Quindlen
Nonfiction Book Briefs: Missoula and The Residence

The week ahead//

Today will be a typical Sanibel Sunday - farmers market, long beach walk, and dinner with my FIL. We have a couple more 'exploring excursions' on tap this week and plans for the trip home are starting to take shape. Twin A and her boyfriend will return this week. They'll drive one car (and Zelda) back home for us. We'll linger an additional week, then my husband, Twin B, and I will hit the road, too. I can't believe we been here since January... it doesn't seem like it's been that long.

How was your week? What are you reading today?

This post will link to It's Monday What Are You Reading? hosted by Kathryn at Book Date.


  1. Your typical Sanibel Sunday sounds heavenly.

    1. Kathy- They have been! I almost don't want to go home...

  2. I love the sound of your Sunday there...very relaxing.

    I also loved The Nest...and Miller's Valley.

    Curious about American Housewife, although I don't usually like short story collections. Might have to make an exception, as that cover really made me grin.


    1. Laurel-Rain Snow- I seem to be reading (and loving) all the books you and Patty recommend lately! Hope to get a mini review of American Housewife up towards the end of the week.

  3. Continuing my interest with Sylvia Townsend Warner, I'm reading "The Music at Long Verney," which is a compilation of 20 of her short stories. In my forays around town this week, I actually snagged a HB copy of "Hamilton" by Ron Chernow. At 818 pages, it's a whopper, but the last 80 or so are Notes and Bibliography. Doubt that I will read it all, but maybe portions here and there. I understand they have now decided not to take Hamilton off the $10 bill, partly due, I'm sure, to a resurgence in his popularity by way of the Broadway play, which would be more to my liking than the book. 😊

    1. JudyMac - I go back and forth on Hamilton. I would never sit and read the entire book, yet it might be one I would listen to. It's in the running for the audiobook we choose for our drive home... although in reality we never actually listen to the chosen book. Just end up talking instead ;-)

  4. I agree about American Housewife...hits and misses. And I'm glad The Nest is working for you! I thought it was a great light read!

    1. Sarah - I'm only 25% through The Nest, but am loving it. Have a feeling it will end up being my beach read recommendation of the summer.

  5. It does feel like your stay this time went by so quick! I love reading about your excursions! When we were in Miami a few years ago, we spent a day in Everglades. That's one beautiful place to visit.

    1. Athira - I really wanted to ride on an air boat while we were there, but we ran out of time. Another reason to visit next year ;-)

  6. You certainly do make the most of your time in Florida!

    1. Lisa - My husband hates sitting around a pool or relaxing at the beach... so we try to compromise with an excursion or two every week.

  7. I've always been fascinated by the Everglades, love that pic! River of grass indeed. Looks like some fun day trips. It does go by fast, enjoy the next two weeks!

    1. Greg - I didn't realize there were so many different ports of entry to the Everglades. We still have so much more to explore next year!

  8. Enjoy your last weeks in Florida! I'm currently reading Framley Parsonage by Anthony Trollope (have you read that one yet?) and also A Handful of Dust by Evelyn Waugh. Both books are delicious.

    1. Patience_Crabstick - Yes, I read all six Barsetshire novels last year. What an amazing reading experience! Framley Parsonage was not one a favorite, but it was still a very good read. I'm considering reading the Pallisers next year.

  9. I agree that American Housewife was uneven, but I really enjoyed all of the stories. I'm happy to hear you loved The Nest.

    1. Kathy - There were some great stories in American Housewife for sure! The Nest is great so far.

  10. I am really am looking forward to your thoughts on The Nest. I'm hoping that I can pick that up at the library. A lot of people have loved it, but I'm not sure that it's in my wheelhouse.

    I'm going to eventually get to American Housewife in audio. We'll see. The good thing about short story collections is that you don't have to listen to them straight through, just a story at a time. Have a great week!

    1. Literate Housewife - The Nest seems like a classic "rich people behaving badly" story... and I love that kind of thing. Starting to wonder whether I would have enjoyed American Housewife more on audio.

  11. Jealous of your Sanibel Sunday! The Nest is a critics' darling and I can't wait to read it. I am looking forward to your review. Co Cubs!

    1. Heather - Sunday have been a pretty special day down here this winter. Reading the book about the Mets has me thinking about ditching the Yankees and heading back to Queens, lol!

  12. I loved The surprised me!

    1. Patty - It seems like I have been reading all the books that you and Laurel-Rain love lately!

  13. Also...I love your Florida Sunday's...they sound so relaxing!

    1. ... and Sundays are just about perfect down here! :)

  14. Last week was a good but very busy week - I am hoping this week will be a little more quiet. I recently finished reading Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell. While I am still enjoying The Martian by Andy Weir and a history of Henry IV.

    I hope you enjoy your penultimate week :-)

    1. Jessicabookworm - I still need to read Cranford! It has been on my shelf for years and I absolutely loved North and South. The Martian seems a little outside my normal reading, but my husband enjoyed the movie and says I should give it a try.

  15. Glad you are enjoying your last few weeks in FL! So much to see there and do!

    I was also a Mets fanatic but starting in the '60s when my parents took us to Shea Stadium (we lived in Brooklyn then Queens). My parents were such fans that my brother put Mets-color flowers on their coffins when they passed and bought them a brick in the new stadium's walkway with their names on it. Such memories!

    I do want to get to a Ferrante book sometime. Glad you enjoy all of hers. Have a great week ahead.

    1. Rita - You definitely have a history with the Mets! The book is wonderful so far. I've been a casual Yankees fan all my life, but somehow became a Mets fanatic for nearly a decade... it was so much fun. When we lived in Fairfield County, CT I went to a few Mets games with coworkers and still treasure those memories. I haven't been to the new stadium, but am hoping to catch a game there sometime this summer. I'm sure your parents would be happy to know they are part of the walkway.

  16. Miller's Valley will be next Audible. Just finished Fates and Furies. Enjoyed that.

    You enjoy those last two weeks.

    1. Midlife Roadtripper - I had to check... Miller's Valley has very high ratings on audible. Makes me want to reread with my ears! Still trying to decide whether to read or listen to Fates and Furies.

  17. Your Sanibel Sunday sounds wonderful! I love the cover of The Nest and I have Elena Ferrante on my list. Thought I'd start with My Brilliant Friend like everyone else :) Happy reading!

    1. Bina - My Brilliant Friend is the perfect place to start. I wasn't totally hooked by the end and waited several months before reading The Story of A New Name, but after that there was no turning back!

  18. It seems like you're in a wonderful, stimulating environment right now. Lucky you. The Everglades looks like a cool place to explore. I'm hoping my husband will take me to Florida this summer while our babes are tanning and stuffing themselves silly with shaved ice and SPAM on Oahu.

    1. Wooly Cakes and Wooden Spoons - LOL! I think I might never leave Oahu if I ever got there ;-)

  19. I would love to hear your baseball story sometime. I am a fan of baseball as a whole--I love the history of it. I love the sound of it in a neighborhood park. I want to watch every movie about baseball there ever was, but... that's not going so well, as we don't watch that much TV. Are you anxious to come home?

    1. Debbie - When I finish the book, I will have to include that story in the review. Surprisingly, I am not excited about going home. I miss my parents, siblings, and friends, but don't really want to leave here...

  20. Sounds like you're having such a nice time in Florida! I'm curious about the Ferrante and American Housewife. I have heard it's uneven so I've been back and forth on it. The book on the Mets sounds really fun!

    1. Katherine - The book on the Mets is great. Each player has his own chapter and I'm loving that format so far.

  21. Vicki - Sarasota is a beautiful area, and it sounds like it has special meaning for you!

  22. Your posts make me miss that area so badly! Lol. We used to go to Captiva every spring - I had such a great time there. :) Looking forward to your review of American Housewife!

    1. Erin - We get up to Captiva at least once a week... such a beautiful place, I just love it! When the girls were young we went to South Seas almost every year. My in-laws were in Sanibel, so that was perfect.

  23. That is a lovely pic of the 'river of grass". My grandmother lived in Sanibel but I think I have only visited once since her death many years ago.
    I've seen other good comments about The Nest.
    Have another lovely Florida week.

    1. Martha - I've loved being here this winter. Seems like the perfect place to read The Nest ;-)

  24. Oh no Ferrante burnout -- from her no. 1 fan? I like Shark Valley -- you make me miss being in Naples. I think it's been since 2013. I'm impressed you're a Mets fan. I root for the Blue Jays. Perhaps this year! Enjoy your last weeks in Sanibel

    1. Susan - Yes, I'm afraid so. Just published the review and now I am taking a break from Ferrante. I haven't followed baseball as closely for the last 20 years. Once I had kids, there was no longer time to watch a game, but I still have fond memories of the Mets of the 1980s.


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