Thursday, November 19, 2015

Book Brief: Between the World and Me

Between the World and Me
by Ta-Nehisi Coates
narrated by the author
Random House Audio, 2015
3 hours and 35 minutes


One sentence summary:
The author shares his perspective on race and what is means to be a black man in America today in a letter to his teenage son.

Brief thoughts:
Stop whatever you are doing right now and read this book! Better yet, listen.

There is no way I, a white woman from a small village in upstate New York, can ever understand what it means to be a black man in America today. But listening to Coates eloquent, crystal clear, and moving letter to his son, gives me a far more realistic framework for my thoughts. The book is mesmerizing and deeply affecting, especially on audio. It should be required for every citizen of this country.

Want to know more? I'll refer you to Thomas's post - he convinced me to read the book.

My rating:


  1. I know I need to read this book but I was thinking of waiting until the holidays are over so I can really focus on it as I read it.

  2. I have not heard about this book, but I will definitely give it a listen.

    1. Monica - This book just won the National Book Award last night. The author has given quite a few interviews lately... I especially liked one on NPR last week.

  3. This is on my TBR list, now to just get it in my hands!

    1. Becca - I have a feeling this will end up on some high school reading lists very soon!

  4. I did the audio version on your recommendation. It was very enlightening and eye opening. Thanks!

    1. Debbie - So glad you listened, too! The author's reading was so compelling.

  5. I just put this on my Audible wish list. While I would like to read the book, I have a feeling it will have more of an impact in an audio format. Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. Sharon - I was astonished by the audio's impact, but would also like to get a print copy to reread.

  6. I have to look for the audio. It sounds very eye opening.

  7. I was reading about this book yesterday. It is really something that I want to read.

    I have the opportunity to be part of diversity conversations a few times every year. Listening to folks of different backgrounds who have had very different experiences is a valuable thing to do.

    1. Brian Joseph - You are so fortunate to have that opportunity. My community, for the most past, is very insular and I have to work to seek out those experiences.

  8. You've definitely raised my curiosity about this book. I'm going to see if my library has an audio copy. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Lisa - I really believe everyone should listen to this book! I fully expect it to be on many high school reading lists and curriculums in the near future.

  9. Vicki - The audio is totally mesmerizing and will give you so much to think about.

  10. I've seen so many "must read" comments about this book and wondered if it was the hype that preceded its release or if it could really be that great. I'm guessing that its that great, and it's certainly had my interest since before its release, but I'm not sure I'll have the time to read it. I guess I should find the time, huh?

    1. Kathy - Yes, try and find time... at least listen to part of it and see if you want to continue!

  11. I'm with you on this one! I also felt as though I couldn't say too much about this given who I am, but I definitely think it's a worthwhile read. I'd really like to revisit it as an audiobook.

    1. Doing Dewey - And I plan to revisit in print! I'm so glad Coates wrote this book/letter.

  12. I bet that the audiobook is pretty powerful. I read it on my ereader which meant I was highlighting passages constantly. His writing is so incisive. I am not sure what I'll be writing in my review of it - might end of being a variation of yours - simply, this is a must-read.

    1. Christy - I'll definitely need to buy a print copy of this book... so many passages I want to go back and reread! It's a hard book to review, but it's one everyone should read.

  13. I need to get back to this one. My copy had to go back to the library a little prematurely so I am hoping to pick it up again. I loved the few passages I read from this book - very thoughtfully written.

    1. Athira - There were so many quotable passages. I need to get hold of a print copy for a reread.

  14. Thanks for the recommendation! I just put in a request at my library for the audio book. I may take a peek at the print copy (at work) while I listen, since you've mentioned that there are so many quotable passages. Oh, how I need a good book to pull me in. I'm really struggling with The Martian (audio). Sigh. Major slump right now!

    1. Les - The audio pulled me in right away - so compelling! I know you'll want to look at the print copy, too, for the quotes. I may end up buying a copy to keep.

      I've read so many wonderful reviews of The Martin, but still keep avoiding it. Mostly because the subject doesn't interest me...

  15. Okay I'm on it. Thanks for recommending it


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