Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Deep End by Julie Mulhern

June, 1974
Kansas City, Missouri
My morning swim doesn't usually involve corpses. If it did, I'd give up swimming for something less stressful, like coaxing cobras out of baskets or my mother out of bed before ten. 
Watching the sun rise over the seventh green is often the best part of my day. I dive into the pool while the water is still inky. When the light has changed from deepest indigo to lavender, I break my stroke, tread water and admire the day as it bleeds from gold to yellow to pink. It's a ritual, a metaphorical cleansing, a moment of stolen peace.

The Deep End (The Country Club Murders Book 1)
by Julie Mulhern
Henry Press, 2015
276 pages
source: purchased
goodreads summary

My thoughts:

It's been a long time since I last read a cozy mystery and, to tell you the truth, I'd forgotten how much fun they can be! Last Tuesday, within five minutes of each other,  I read reviews of Guaranteed to Bleed, Country Club Murders #2 from Katherine and Greg and knew I had to give this series a try.  If the 1970s setting wasn't enough to convince me, the Country Club aspect was. Stories about "rich people behaving badly", a genre coined by Sarah, are a particular weakness of mine.

The Deep End  brings back the seventies with Dr. Scholls, caftans, references to Watergate, popular music, and television series. The period details were just enough to provide context and interest, but not at all overdone.

The main character, Ellison Russell, is sympathetic and likable. I also developed a soft spot for "heroes" Detective Anarchy Jones and lawyer/friend/possible love interest Hunter Tafft. As usual, I wasn't able to figure out who the murderer actually was and should probably give up even trying.

The story reads like women's fiction, the murders are gentle, and I enjoyed every moment of this book - pure escapism! Did I mention how much I love the cover?

The ebook is only $2.99 right now, so it was on my kindle within minutes of reading the reviews. And talk about perfect timing... I took my mother to a doctor's appointment which involved several hours of testing later that day. The Deep End  was ideal reading material. It held my attention without requiring a great deal of concentration and was so entertaining. I can't wait to read the second book in this series.

My rating:

Every Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile by the Sea posts the opening paragraph (sometime two) of a book she decided to read based on the opening. Feel free to grab the banner and play along.


  1. Yay! So glad to see the "rich people behaving badly" label put to good use! I'm not a fan of cozy mysteries, but I really like the writing in this intro. And, of course, the whole "rich people behaving badly" thing...I'd keep reading.

    1. Sarah - That's just the best term...those books always appeal to me :)

  2. I loved Anarchy Jones and then just as I decided I wanted him to be the winner in the semi-love triangle Hunter would do something great. I'll be very curious to see what she does with those relationships. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one! Like you I enjoyed every moment of Guaranteed to Bleed and am looking forward to reading this one!

    1. Katherine - I went back and forth with those two, both have their charms. Can't wait to read Guaranteed to Bleed... maybe over Thanksgiving weekend.

  3. Okay, I'm sold! I've been ogling the cover of this one and Guaranteed to Bleed...and now I have to have them both!

    I love the idea of cobras being less stressful than dead bodies in the pool, but I have to agree. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel-Rain Snow - I love the cover of both books. This was just so much much!

  4. Replies
    1. Diane - It's been a long time since I enjoyed a cozy!

  5. Sounds like a great read. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Girl Who Reads

    1. Donna - I may need to add more cozies into the reading mix :)

  6. I really like the intro--it pulled me in right away. And I am glad to hear you enjoyed it. I read cozies now and then. They can be quite fun.

    1. Wendy - Not sure why I don't read them very often... this was so much fun!

  7. The humor in this book is evident in the first paragraph! With the 1970s time frame and the country club setting, this sounds like a story I'd enjoy. Thanks for introducing me to this author and for visiting my blog.

    1. Sandra - The seventies references kept me smiling the whole time I was reading!

  8. I like the sound of this one, and the intro made me want to read more!

    1. Monica - It was a nice change of pace for me.

  9. I like the opening and it is a while since I've read a cosy mystery so I'm in!

    1. Cleo - I won't wait that long to read another cozy :)

  10. Sounds like the start of a great new series! I also like the cover!

    1. Catherine - A pretty cover always gets my attention.

  11. Oh this one does sound good and I like the idea of the '70's nostalgia. I'm thinking that I'm moving toward a cozy period in my mystery reading in the near future. Will keep this one in mind. And thanks, JoAnn!

    1. Kay - The 70s references were such fun. There were mentions of television series I had totally forgotten about.... The Streets of San Francisco, for one. Guess this is just my speed when it comes to murder mysteries ;-)

  12. It has been a looong time since I read a cozy mystery and this one sounds like one I should try. The season is also just right for cozy mysteries.

    1. Athira - It does seem like the right season for a cozy mystery! I'm hoping to read the second one in this series next month.

  13. I haven't read a cozy for a while either. Every time I do, I wonder why I waited so long to read another one.

    1. Kathy - They're just so much fun! I need to make a point of adding them in a little more often.

  14. This book has been on my TBR list for what seems like forever now. I added this year and have yet to read it and even questioned whether I should remove it or leave it on my list - I left it on my list and am glad to see that you enjoyed it.

    1. Kathy - If you enjoy a good cozy now and then, it needs to stay on your list!

  15. I've been seeing this book around and it looks very good.

  16. Wow, another cozy to add to my list. I get caught up in them and they are so fun. Thanks again for the intro.

    1. Grammajudyb - They really are fun, aren't they? The 70s element makes it irresistible :)

  17. Hi JoAnn, I read your post this morning, loved the idea of this book so much that I went off immediately and order the two books. Then I forgot to come back! Sorry about that. I love the sound and especially the setting for the books. We lived most of our married life in the Kansas City area so I think this series should be fun to follow. Thanks for bringing them to my attention.

    1. Margot - Oh, I'm so glad! If you lived in KC, then I think you will appreciate it even more. And then there's the seventies... What's not to love? :)

  18. Vicki - My feelings exactly! So much fun... why don't I read them more often? Looking forward to the second in the series.

  19. I have this saved because I really want to read these!

    1. Patty - Hope you enjoy it... love the 70s stuff!!


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