Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Oh, Deer!

The deer are so pretty, but you wouldn't believe the mess they're leaving in the yard this year!


  1. They are preety to look at though.

  2. But they're so cute and they still have their spots!! But yes, they can be very destructive!!

  3. Awwwww! They really are beautiful creatures, but I've heard they can be quite destructive to gardens. And cars!

  4. They are so beautiful, but yes I know that they leave messes and can totally destroy landscaping. Hard to imagine when you look at those sweet, innocent little faces!

  5. I so miss not have deer in my backyard anymore. So cute, but yes messy like geese. Love these adorable photos.

  6. Pretty to look at in someone else's yard. They wreak havoc on plantings.

  7. I don't see deer too often in the big city but the other day driving to work, I came across one at a park as I drove by. It was really early but I was surprised to see it. Your photos are lovely.

  8. So cute! Though, I can imagine the mess!

  9. Better your lawn than the front bumper of my car! The deer around here have quite the talent for jumping in front of moving vehicles. :-(


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