Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring at last...and two awards!

Returning home from a vacation, no matter how short, is never an easy task. This time, however, a few very welcome surprises made the transition back to reality a little less difficult. We flew home from Puerto Rico Wednesday night to find the ice had gone off the lake...a sure sign that spring has finally arrived in central New York. It's so nice to see the sun sparkling on the water and to hear the ripple of the waves again!

The next surprise came Thursday morning when I turned on the computer and found Molly, from My Cozy Book Nook, had given me the very special Blog Friends Award.

“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

This award just made my day! I knew I liked Molly from the first time I read her blog, and have since come to consider her a friend. We seem to be at similar stages in life and I admire her for embarking on a new career as her children have grown. In addition to a love of books and reading, we also share a love of dogs and a tendency to get singularly focused on our interests (cooking, crafting, etc.). It brings a smile to my face to know that she considers me a blog friend, too.

Later Thursday evening, in an effort to catch up with my favorite blogs, I visited Dolce Bellezza and discovered I had been given the Sisterhood Award! Bellezza's was one of the first blogs I
stumbled upon and was instantly drawn to the inviting trattoria photo on her header (which, incidentally, has made a reappearance during my absence). When I took the plunge and started my own blog five months ago, Bellezza became my first follower. In addition to books, we share a love of being near the water, the trials of parenting teenagers, and an inability to walk normally in high heels! The Sisterhood Award allows me to nominate up to ten bloggers I consider sisters in the blogging community.

The fact that both of these awards focus on friendship and community make them all the more special to me. I am not a writer, a reviewer, or even an English major (my background is in clinical pharmacy), but I do love to read and talk about books (and life) with new friends I've made through blogging. So, thank you again Molly and Bellezza. I will bundle these two awards together and pass them on to:

These are bloggers I visit often and now consider friends.


  1. Thank you so much, JoAnne! And congratulations on receiving the awards *and* making it all the way to spring!


  2. I LOVE your new header picture!

    Welcome back home :)

  3. Welcome back! Those blog awards do put a smile on your face don't they, thank you so much for passing them onto me! There are so many talented women with so much to offer out there in blogland, it's a terrific way for us to connect during our busy day for a few minutes...or more. Enough about that. Tell me about the sunshine, fruity drinks and relaxing with a book!

  4. What a great morning...a cup of coffee and making the rounds of my favorite blogs and lovely awards. Thank you for making my day:) You know I have to say 'right back at ya'. I truly enjoy stopping by every day to see what's doing lakeside.

  5. Thank you so much for thinking of me, JoAnn. It really means a lot. And as Ellen D. says, 'right back atcha!' I don't pass along anymore, but I am very thankful.

  6. Lezlie - You are very welcome. It doesn't feel like spring today though, it's been snowing all day and the ground is covered again.

    Molly - It was such a nice day that I had to head out with the camera. I've decided that a wide angle lens may be the best way to really capture the beauty, but my camera doesn't have one.

    Darlene - Thank you! I've finally got the laundry done and I'm thinking about posting about the vacation next week.

    BookPsmith - I'm glad it made your day. I love visiting favorite blogs with my morning coffee, too.

    Nan - I didn't think you did the award thing, but did want you to know how much I enjoy reading your letters, trying your recipes, and watching the seasons change at your farm.

  7. Hope you are still reaping the benefits of your holiday. Welcome back.

  8. Wow, thank you for the award!! I'm honored. Of course, that makes me feel even more guilty for being absent from the blog world for the better part of a week! :)

  9. Lisa,
    Don't feel guilty...this is all supposed to be fun! Life gets busy and we need to take a break now and then. Hope all is well.


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