Sunday, May 26, 2024

Back in Connecticut!

Hello, friends... it's good to chat with you again. We arrived in CT a few days ago, ahead of the Memorial Day weekend travel rush. We drove as far as Georgia the first day, opting for a quick overnight in Savannah by the riverfront. (photo above)  From there we went to Chapel Hill, NC for a few days. We got to see my cousin, visit an old friend, shop at Wegmans, and finally had an opportunity to tour the Duke Gardens. Our final stop on the trip was in Harrisburg, PA.

Now we're back and unpacked, and overdue landscaping chores are the top priority. Slowly, but surely...

Recent Reading//

Sipsworth by Simon Van Booy
narrated by Christine Rendel

Over the course of a single week, a woman who is ready to die discovers an unexpected reason to live.

This novel was released to very little fanfare last month, but I happened to notice three words from Ann Patchett on the cover - "I loved it." And that was all I needed. The short novel (5 hours on audio) is both life-affirming and delightful, and I loved it, too. I may even purchase a hard copy to keep on my shelf. The audio is available for immediate download via hoopla.

Current reading//

Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin

This is a longterm nonfiction project. I've read over 150 pages now and look forward to my 30 minutes with the book each morning . Goodwin is both an excellent writer and storyteller.

Horse by Geraldine Brooks

I just started this book yesterday and was surprised to find one of the storylines takes place in Lexington, KY in the 1850s. I've spent time there with Team of Rivals, too! This is a read/listen combination and it's off to a strong start. At just over 400 pages, it's going to take some time...

The week ahead//

Even though we've just gotten comfortable here, it's back on the road again this week! We'll head up to central NY to spend a few days with my parents, then down to NYC for a long weekend where we'll get a chance to see both daughters and their partners. Should be a lot of fun!

How was your week? What have you been reading lately?

Sarah P. Duke Gardens



  1. Lots of traveling! I really liked Horse and am now going to add Sipsworth to my list.

    1. Helen - I really like Horse so far, too!

  2. My brother highly recommended Team of Rivals to me. I'm glad you are enjoying it.

    Yours is the first mention of Sipsworth I've seen. I am eager to read it now.

    1. Deb - I'm wondering why I waited so long to read Team of Rivals! Hope you can find a copy of Sipsworth.

  3. I went to Duke so it is a pleasure to see how the Gardens there are doing! I did not make it to my last reunion but my aunt, also an alumna, has retired to Chapel Hill so at least I now have a place to stay. I economized in the wrong part of town on my last trip and regretted it.

    I liked Horse the best of all Brooks' books. I hope you enjoy it!

    1. CLM - The Duke Gardens are pretty impressive! We were too late for many of the roses and azaleas, but it was still beautiful. There were so many people just enjoying the space... and even a wedding! I was also surprised at what a foodie town Chapel Hill is! We went to a delicious Korean BBQ, local beer garden, and a wonderful Greek place, too. My cousin also took us to a fun brunch spot in Carrboro. I'd definitely like to visit again!

  4. Love your travel photos!

    I love it when a time and place come together in different things that I read or watch.

    1. Joy - The trip was fun, but I'm appreciating this time at home!

  5. I'm so excited that you're reading Team of Rivals! Definitely one that is on my list in the next few years to come. I'll be so interested in what you have to say about this book by one of my all-time faves, Doris Kearns Goodwin.
    I'm currently listening to An Unfinished Love Story. I've listened to 5+ hours of the 17+ hours and I am absolutely enthralled by every minute. I think I have to buy the hardcover, to get all the notes, and to have it, to refer to. Oh my gosh! A book to savor and read again and again.
    I'm so glad you're now firmly planted at your home on the Connecticut shore.
    I'm looking forward to your posts this summer!

    1. Judith - It's good to see you again! Goodwin is such a talent... I enjoyed her book about The Kennedys and the Fitzgeralds, and also No Ordinary Time. Team of Rivals is well worth the time investment, too. An Unfinished Love Story sounds wonderful, too!

    2. Oh, yes, I literally devoured her book on The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys. I have not read No Ordinary Time, but it seems I've got it in the house somewhere....a near-future read, perhaps!

    3. Judith - I was listening to an episode of NPR's Book of the Day podcast last night where DKG talks about her new book. An Unfinished Love Story was immediately added to my tbr list!

  6. Hello. Quite a road trip. That Savannah photo is awesome! And I'm glad you let us know the Van Booy novel is on Hoopla. It sounds like a good one! I have read Horse and I liked one of the thread/timelines best -- the one of the Black jockey. That part I loved. I hope you have a great time in NY seeing your parents & daughters. Such a pretty time of year. Enjoy!

    1. Susan - I've already taken a peek at Brook's author note at the end, just to figure out which characters are real people. I really like the story of the black jockey so far, too!

  7. We will be traveling this week as well. Enjoy!

    1. Cindy - I hope you enjoy your travels, too... have a safe journey.

  8. I hope you have a wonderful time catching up with family JoAnn!

    1. Thanks, Jodie... it's been a long winter. Too long to go without seeing my parents!

  9. My book group just added Sipsworth to our reading list for a future meeting. We also read Horse last year and had a very good discussion. Welcome home!

    1. Anne - I hope your group enjoys Sipsworth! I just discovered that I have another Van Booy novel on my kindle, Everything Beautiful Began After... it's been there a very long time, lol!

  10. What a wonderful time you had on your trip back. We haven't been to Savannah since Tristan was stationed near there in the Army. It's a neat place to explore.

    The book Sipsworth is going on my list with your glowing review. I am making my list for summer reading and hoping to join in at 746 Books site. I like Geraldine Brooks so I'll have to look at that book as well.

    1. Tina - The riverfront is Savannah is a lot of fun, but I'd like to spend some time exploring the historic, too. So much to see! Sipsworth was such a surprise and I'm surprised it's not getting any attention. Save it for a time when you're in the mood for a heartwarming book.

  11. Beautiful photo. I hope you have a wonderful trip to central NY and NYC. Enjoy your books and have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Yvonne. It's going to be good to see everyone after being away all winter!

  12. JoAnn, glad to hear that you guys have settled back in the 'north'. Hope your upcoming travels are fun and then you can get back and do your summer things. Yes, summer is just about here. Well, temp-wise, it is here in Texas. Just wish the humidity would lessen. It's a little sticky this weekend. Take care!

    1. Hi Kay, happy summer! Was thinking of you recently with all the storms hitting Texas... hope you were not impacted. This is going to be a busy few months for us with a couple family weddings (including one in Santa Fe!), graduations, showers, and finally our daughter's wedding in September. Glad to be back up here closer to all the celebrations :)

  13. All the travels sound like so much fun! Sipsworth sounds good so I jumped on the wait list at the library. Love the picture of the river in Georgia. I wish the L.A. river was big enough to have ships cruising up and down it. lol

    1. Jinjer - The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind, for sure! The port of Savannah is a busy one and huge cargo ships go in and out all day/night... fascinating to watch. We had a great time in NC, too. Sipsworth is just a gem! Surprised it came in under the radar...

  14. What a great road trip - and destination. Those photos make me want to hit the road again soon. I wish...

    Glad to see you're still progressing with Team of Rivals. I found the sheer weight of that one to be intimidating, but it turned into one of the best books I read that year. Horse is one of the Geraldine Brooks books I haven't read; it just doesn't appeal to me for some unexplainable reason, so I'll be looking forward to hearing what you think of it. Might be just the push I need.

    1. Sam - I suppose we could fly back and forth, but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun as a road trip... especially since time is not longer an issue. Have a feeling Team of Rivals will end up on my 'best of' list this year.... it's pretty impressive. I haven't gotten very far in Horse yet, but was surprised to find myself in 1850s Lexington, KY in this book, too. It's off to a very strong start.

  15. You're home! Well, your northern home, that is. :)

    Aren't the Duke gardens lovely? When we were there (many years ago), it was SO hot! And humid. We just about died. We just finished watching a bunch of Duke baseball and softball (with my aunt & uncle who were out visiting from Durham). Good times!

    I'm not a huge fan of Simon Van Booy's books, but this new one sounds right up my alley. I'm going to order a copy, but may also listen to the audio since I have a few credits.

    My book group read Horse, but we were traveling so I didn't get around to it. Adding it to my list...

    I'm re-reading The Hours, and thoroughly enjoying the three threads. I've forgotten so much about the plots, so it's almost as if I'm reading it for the first time. I'm looking forward to re-watching the film later next month.

    1. Les - Yes, our northern home. It's strange, but since we bought this place we've actually spent more time here than in FL... largely due to Hurricane Ian, but still. Sanibel is a very different place these days.

      The Duke Gardens were just lovely! We got rained out last year, so glad we finally got a chance to visit. Duke baseball and softball got a lot of coverage this year... good for them!

      I'd not read SImon Van Booy before, but discovered one of his earlier novels on my kindle (Everything Beautiful Began After) and will give it a try. Sipsworth doesn't seem to be getting any coverage and I can't figure out why!

      Horse is shaping up to be a really good read and I'm not even 50 pages in yet. Think I'm going to enjoy spending some time with it over the next couple of weeks.

      I loved The Hours! It's been quite a while... that's a novel I'd love to reread. The film was great, too.

  16. Good idea on traveling before the holiday weekend! Sounds like you made wonderful stops along the way. Savannah and the gardens looks beautiful. Have a lovely week! :)

    1. Rachel - We made the mistake of traveling on Memorial Day weekend years ago... never again!

  17. So like you've had some wonderful moments on your travels. The gardens you visited are beautiful. I haven't read any of the books you mentioned but definitely curious about Horse in particular. Hope you are enjoying your time visiting with your daughters!

    1. Iliana - It seems like May has been a really long month! Our drive north was so much fun, we got unpacked and settled in, and then off to NYC and upstate NY to see family... which is wonderful! I've only managed to read the first 100 pages in Horse, but enjoying it very much. Team of Rivals is also excellent.

  18. I am glad you made it to Connecticut safely! And I hope you enjoy your visit in New York. Years ago I read a book by Simon Van Booy and loved it. I will have to check out Sipsworth. Have a great weekend, JoAnn!

    1. Wendy - It's been a whirlwind lately. We are having a wonderful time in NYC. I avoided this city for years, but the change since the 80s continues to amaze me... now I love it! I discovered another Simon Van Booy book on my kindle, and look forward to reading more.

  19. Enjoy your escape from this interminable subtropical summer climate; I can feel myself turning green with envy (from west side of the Gulf Coast). Good luck with the landscaping, too.

    We're due to travel to Florida soon for a work thing for my spouse which will involve meeting up with the folks from the shell museum on Sanibel, which made me think of you :)

    1. looloolooweez - The subtropical climate is more than I can deal with in the summer! The Shell Museum folks are such a hard-working dedicated group! The museum took an horrible hit from Ian, but they have worked untiringly to restore it - still a ways to go though. Enjoy your time in FL... hope you get a chance to visit the island!


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