Hello, friends. How in the world did it get to be mid-September? We're savoring the final days of summer along the Connecticut coast, just as we did when we lived here thirty years ago. We've loved having our daughters here (still working remotely), eaten our fill of lobster rolls, and enjoyed long walks (me) and bike rides (my husband). Unfortunately, my walks came to an abrupt end last weekend when I twisted my ankle in a pothole. The sprain is a bad one and there's a small chip fracture, too. I'm staying off of it as much as possible, and using a friend's golf club as a cane when I do need to move around. Hopefully, I'll be ready to walk on the beach by the time we get back to Florida.
Recent reading//
Sorry I'm Late, I Didn't Want to Come: An Introvert's Year of Living Dangerously by Jessica Pan
This book was mentioned last month by Deb at Readerbuzz and the concept intrigued me. Jessica Pan spends a year trying to overcome her introversion by living as an extrovert. I loved the first several chapters where she talks about moving beyond small talk, networking tips, and her experience using an ap to find a new BFF. My mind started to wander when she got to trying improv and stand up comedy. I can't even begin to fathom that! The "final exam" involved cooking a Thanksgiving dinner (in London) for the many new people in her life at the end of the year. Overall, I enjoyed the book... it sure gave this introvert something to thing about.
The Guest List by Lucy Foley
This was the first mystery I've read in ages and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The wildly atmospheric story of a wedding, complete with a murder, on an island off the coast of Ireland is told from multiple points-of view: the bride, the groom, the best man, the plus one, the wedding planner, and the bridesmaid. Each character is fascinating and comes with plenty of figurative baggage. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough! Now I need to explore Foley's earlier novels.
The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher
I loved this book when I first read it in the late 80s/early 90s and have considered it a favorite ever since. I'm happy to report that The Shell Seekers stood the test of time and was every bit as enjoyable the second time around... a perfect comfort read!
Recent listening//
I've gravitated toward nonfiction audio over the past few weeks... mostly shorter memoirs and essays. All have been in the 3.5 to 4.5 star range. My favorite of the bunch was I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown. A couple of the essay's in Zadie Smith's short collection were also excellent.
This is Happiness by Niall Williams
Beautiful writing, strong sense of place (small Irish village), but light on plot. I've been reading a chapter or two whenever the mood strikes... progressing slowly, but steadily.
So that's it on the reading front.
After another COVID test on Monday, we'll visit my parents in NY again. Depending on the weather (hurricane situation), we'll head back to Florida in early October.
I hope you're managing with all the craziness that is our world today. Let me know how you're doing and what you've been reading. I'll check in again soon. Take good care, friends.