Thursday, September 10, 2015

Comment Frustration

Another week and yet another friend is having trouble commenting on my blog... I am so frustrated!

My setting is currently "Registered User - includes OpenID" and my understanding is that it should allow anyone to comment, except anonymous users. Obviously, that is not the case. WordPress users, in particular, are having problems.

My solution: 

I have had problems with anonymous comments in the past, but will change my setting to "Anyone - includes Anonymous Users" and see if that helps. However, to prevent spam, I will moderate all comments. There will be NO word verification.

Please let me know if this helps.

** Update: I will moderate comments after 3 days... that should make it even easier. Fingers crossed the spammers don't find out.


  1. Excellent image! That looks more like losing a just written post than a comment. Let's see if this will work. ;)

  2. So. This is Care while already signed into Google (because I have to get my mail online from the gmail website - I do not get my mail downloaded to this PC....) And I would prefer NOT to sign out cuz that is a true pain. Here goes.

  3. Works! not inconvenient, just not able to slap head when I instantly realize that I didn't edit my comments and left a typo in at PUBLISH. ;)

  4. JoAnn, I had a couple of people tell me this a few weeks ago. My settings are exactly the same as your previous ones. Eventually, both seemed to be able to comment. I had the same reservations - don't want to mess with anonymous and don't want to have to moderate. Sigh. Why can't things just work? LOL

    1. Kay - That would make things SO much easier, wouldn't it? Issues here didn't seem to be resolving, so I hope this will be a viable solution.

      ... and now I've spent all my time on blog fixes and not writing posts or reading. Sigh.

  5. I'm so sorry - tech issues are the worst!! I'm having my own ever since updating to the latest version of RSS Feed is spotty. Works sometimes and doesn't work others....GRR! Glad you found a solution at least.

    1. Sarah - These tech issues just drive me crazy!! I can deal with the most basic things, but struggle beyond that. Wish everything would just work the ways it's supposed to...

  6. I have Blogger and use the same setting as you are doing now. It works pretty well for me. I don't want to use word verification-- nor moderation-- since I only check my blog email/comments in the morning. But that's just my style. Good luck.

    1. Rita - I just changed it again and will only moderate comments on older posts. Hope this works, but if I get too much spam I'll go back to moderating all posts.

  7. Am breathing deeply on your behalf. As a Wordpress user I always comment using by Google ID now as it never works properly any other way. Good luck!

    1. Emma - Thanks! I sure hope it's all solved now.

  8. I've got my comments set to open and anonymous and all that and haven't had problems YET but I like the idea of using moderation instead of verification if it becomes an issue. Hopefully this will fix the problems. Very little annoys me as much as tech issues.

    1. Katherine - Oh, I agree... tech issues are the worst!! I've decided to moderate comments after a few days. I think that will be easier for all of us. Fingers crossed that spam doesn't come flooding in!

  9. That picture looks like how I feel sometimes when I try to comment on a few other blogs' posts. Yours have never been a problem for me, though. I hope it gets straightened out for you soon. :)

    1. Kathy - Unfortunately, I can relate to that image, too. Glad commenting here hasn't been a problem for you!

  10. I am a WP user but I log in with Google. I've never had a problem commenting. Don't you hate these kinds of issues though? It's impossible to know the cause, really.

    1. Ti - Google users don't seem to have a problem commenting on blogger, but it's such a hassle for others. Wish I had a better understanding of how various platforms interact, but it's beyond me!

  11. I am so sorry! I don't have a problem but I always think I am missing a post...

    1. Patty - I feel like I'm missing posts, too... mostly because blogluvin' has been marking posts as read when I haven't even looked at them yet. Why can't everything just work the right way??

  12. I noticed that u use Blogger like me, my setting is "Registered Users includes Open ID", and I haven't had any issues from WP posters that I'm aware of.

    1. Diane - Most blogger users aren't having problems. Wish I could figure out why I'm one of the lucky few ;-)

  13. I think this is the one case it's helped me to keep my Blogger profile after switching to WP. I know you're not alone in the frustration, so I hope your current settings work out (it does seem most spam goes for older posts).

    1. Shannon - Yes, definitely easier if you're trying to comment with a Blogger ID. Haven't heard from anyone that the new settings aren't working... hope this is a permanent fix.

  14. That IS frustrating. I use Disqus because I found this same problem. Particularly it was people who didn't have a blog if I remember correctly.

    1. Becca - I've looked at Disqus at least a couple of times. I'm mostly afraid to try it because I'm so bad at dealing with technical problems when they do occur. Have you heard that saying about the devil you know? ;-)

  15. Good luck! Since we bought a new computer I've had issues commenting just about every where!

    1. Stacy - Oh, noooo! Glad you got through here.

  16. I have had similar problems. I found that allowing anonymous users to comment solved them.

    In turn I have also had issues with spam. I went to comment moderation for a while also. When the spam disappeared I was able to tun moderation off, thus far it has not returned.

    Good luck!

    1. Brian Joseph - That's encouraging! No spam so far... we'll see,

  17. I just realized that I still use my Google account to comment on blogger blogs. Guess it's just easier than switching back and forth? Y'all know where to find me, right? ;) Good luck...those commenting issues can be such a pain and moderating comments is even more a pain!

    1. Trish - Yup, we know where to find you ;-)
      Moderation for older posts doesn't seem too bad yet.

  18. Vicki - It does! Haven't heard of any problems yet :)

  19. Hope this solves the issues for you. I cannot comment on blogs that use Disqus, not sure why, even worked with Disqus to figure it out to no solution.

    1. Nise' - I hate when commenting is such a hassle! Disqus gave me problems, too.


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! Be sure to check back, I always respond. Due to a recent increase in spam, all comments are moderated.


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