
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday- July 29

That chipmunk really wanted my apple!


  1. OMG! I'm absolutely melting right now and am promptly going to steal that photo for my album JoAnn!

  2. Oh - that is priceless! How did you happen to have your camera ready at just the right moment?!

  3. Love it! That one made me smile :)

  4. Very cute; that apple is almost as big as him :)

  5. Did he intend to roll it away? It looks bigger than him. He must have thought he hit the jackpot. Too cute:)

  6. That is soooo cute!!!One of those priceless moments you manage to catch on camera!

  7. I wonder what it feels like to find a piece of food that's bigger than you. He clearly thinks he can manage it but how does he get it home. lol
    Great shot.

  8. Thanks for the comments everyone! I actually had my camera out to upload photos when this little guy decided to make a play for the apple. Talk about perfect timing! He was on the patio, so I used the zoom setting and began shooting from the step outside the kitchen door. It was so comical - at one point, the apple rolled over with him on top!

    I kept thinking that would be like me trying to bite a piece off the top of a 250 pound chocolate bar!

  9. HAHA! I have an award for you so stop by some time!! This is SO funny!

  10. Perfect timing is right! I like your analogy to a 250-pound chocolate bar ... hmmm, chocolate!


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