
Monday, April 1, 2013

It's All Over...

...the TBR Double Dog Dare, I mean. Three months of reading from my shelves met with mixed success this year.

Success #1:  I did not 'stock up' on new books in December.

Failure #1:  Fall of Giants  by Ken Follett
Discovered on the bookshelf in our Florida condo last January. Hey, that's somebody's TBR shelf, right? Besides, the 1,000 page novel was already on my wish list. I ended up purchasing the e-book to finish on the way home... a perfect vacation read.

Success #2:  Mudbound  by Hillary Jordan
My book club selected a book from my TBR pile. Mudbound  is my favorite novel so far this year, and my only 5-star read. Our discussion, originally scheduled for February, was postponed until last week. I'll post a few final thoughts soon.

Failure #2:  A Glass of Blessings  by Barbara Pym
Another slip occurred in February when I received an email from Open Road Media asking if I'd be interested in reviewing a new electronic edition of a Barbara Pym novel. How could I refuse? Of course, that meant joining NetGalley and subjecting myself to a whole new form of temptation, the e-galley! I'm not apologizing though, the novel was excellent.

Success #3: Vanity Fair  by William Makepeace Thackery
With encouragement from my read-along buddies, I was able to remove this 800 page classic from the 'to be read'  shelf. There were ups and downs, but I ended up enjoying it quite bit.

Failure #3: High Rising  by Angela Thirkell
Thirkell has been on my radar for quite some time, but I finally made the purchase after reading Audrey's irresistible review. By last Friday evening, I could resist no longer and had to start reading. The TBR Double Dog Dare came to an end a few days early.

I could go on like this for a couple more rounds, but these highlights certainly give you the general idea. Successes and failures aside, my third year participating in the TBR Dare has proved every bit as challenging and rewarding as the previous two. Thanks again, James.


  1. Congratulations on finishing! I'm very glad I took the Dare this year, and I'm very glad it's over :)

  2. When I first saw this post I thought you were saying that Barbara Pym was a failure. Phew. I realize now, that isn't the case.

    1. Thomas - Pym a failure? Never! Can't wait until Pym week :-)

  3. I started doing this challenge a couple of years ago, and basically have stuck with it since. Once in awhile I do read a new book, but as a rule I try to read what I have. And for some reason the pile never goes down! How does that work?

    1. Sandy - No matter how many books I read from that TBR pile (and it wasn't as many this year), it NEVER gets any smaller! *sigh*

  4. Excellent job! For every failure you did have a success!!!! I wanted to do this one but I knew I would fail!

    1. Staci - Thanks. Even though it wasn't a complete success, I had a lot of fun.

  5. You've done well JoAnn, and definitely better than I could ever do. The most imprtant thing is that you read the best books, and you've definitely done that.

    1. Fleurfisher - I agree... not all from my tbr pile, but I've read some wonderful books!

  6. After I do my yearly book wall of shame post (yesterday) I am always so good for a few months! I just took the photo last Friday and already 3 new books have entered my house (none purchaed by me). HELP!! It's always nice when you can get a big, fat one read :) I have Vanity Fair on my shelves but knew I had no hope of joining the read-a-thon.

    1. Stacybuckeye - I've gotta say, you have one impressive book wall of shame! ;-)

  7. I consider any reading from my TBR shelf to be a success--I know I bought the books because I wanted to read them, but I get distracted by new titles, authors, and when the library says my turn is now, I have to drop everything and comply. :)

    Good job with the challenge.

    1. JaneGS - Very true! I've added quite a few books to my library hold list already this month.


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